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Blaze opened his eyes, as he heard noise nearby and set up to look around. The sun was rising but there was nothing in sight and that worried him. "Get up Ice," He said urgently as he stood up.

"What?" Ice groaned as she opened her eyes and sat up. She jumped to her feet as she heard the rattling and foot falls that alerted Blaze that some-one was approaching the area.

"Run," Blaze told Ice, as he scooped up the back-pack and slug it over his shoulder, as he and Ice ran from whoever was approaching.

"Who is it?" Ice asked as they sprinted around the corner.

"Could be those creatures that we fought, he said it wasn't over," Blaze replied as they zig zagged through the ruined town. Blaze slid to a stop, as he saw creatures in front of them.

"Hay!" Ice exclaimed as she ran into him and look up to see the creatures in front of them. "Not again," Ice groaned at the sight.

They turned around but before they could run, more creatures appeared from around corner. "Looks like we're surrounded," Blaze said as he looked around the area.

Meanwhile not far from there Typhoon open his eyes and sat up, as he heard the ruckus not far away. "Hey...wake up," He said as he shook Crash's shoulder. Crash, sat up and looked at Typhoon with a raised brow. "Do you hear that?" Typhoon said.

"Girls get up we have trouble," Crash said as the boys stood up. Raven and Ivy jumped out of bed, walking over to the boys near the entrance.

"That sounds like trouble," Raven said as the girls heard the ruckus too. They all rushed out the doorway and into the street, looking around to find where the noise was coming from. No more then a few blocks away stood two people surrounded by creatures and they we're out-numbered 10 to 1.

"Looks like they need help," Raven said with a frown.

"Let's go," Ivy said and they all ran towards the ruckus. As they approached a few creatures turn towards them, Raven used her power to knock them aside and they joined the two people that stood in the middle.

"We thought you to could use some help," Raven said as they formed a circle with their backs towards each other.

"Yeah, we sure do," Ice whimpered as she looked around nervously.

"No time for any introductions, here they come," Blaze said as he got ready. Raven levitated a few rocks as the first wave closed in. Raven shot the rocks in their direction and with a whimper two Fang's fell to the ground.

Ice froze a Creeper and Blaze shot of fireball at it, causing the Creeper to explode into small fragments. Ivy touched the ground and Vines shut up out of the ground and wrapped around a Creeper.

The Vines squeezed the Creeper and you could hear the crunch as the shell collapsed. The Creeper fell to the ground lifeless and Ivy concentrated on the next target.

A Fang leaped towards Crash, who reached out and caught the Fang by the throat. It snapped and clawed at Crash, has he choked the Fang. It struggled for freedom but soon went limp as a life drained out of the creature.

Typhoon stood concentrating and soon clouds begin to form. Clouds darkened and it begin to rain. Thunder crackle as lightning flashed and gust a wind blew through. A bolt of lightning shot out of the sky and hit a Creeper before it could pounce on him. The Creeper lay smoking on the ground with a black mark where it was hit.

Raven levitated another Creeper, sending it flying towards a ruined building and heard a crunch as a barb impaled it. A Fang leaped towards Raven it's teeth bared. Blaze sent a fire ball at it and Raven jumped back as the burning creature shot past her. Ice shot ice shards at another Fang as it leaped at her. It whimpered as the shards tore through it's body and it landed at Ice's feet.

"Eew'" Ice whimpered at the sight of the Fang. Ivy's vines snared another Creeper and crushed it as well. Typhoon struck down a Fang that was racing towards him and it skidded to a stop in front of him.

Raven levitated another large rock and sent it speeding towards another Fang, squishing it like a bug. Ice froze another Creeper and Blaze shot a fire ball at it, causing it to explode into fragments.

Typhoon struck down another Creeper that was advancing towards him and fried it with a lightning bolt. Raven dropped a will on another Creeper crushing it.

Blaze set another Fang on fire with his fire balls and it howled in agony as it burnt. Ice sent shards at another Fang piercing it's body. The Fang flopped over with blood oozing out of the holes in it's body.

Ivy snagged the last two Fangs with her vines and squeezed them to death. Raven made a wall fall on one of the last Creepers, smashing it like a pancake. Typhoon struck down the last Creeper with a lightning bolt and was glad that it was over.

They all were glad that it was over and turned towards one another to talk but before anyone could say a word, the ground beneath them shook. They all turned their heads and saw a large element like creature with a wolf's head slowly moving towards them.

"This can't be good," Crash said as the creature came closer.

"It's the white faced guy," Blaze said as he pointed out the person on the creatures back. "He told us it wasn't over and it looks like he brought a friend with him," he said with a glare.

"Not again Raven!" Ivy cried out as Raven levitated the entire wall of a building. The wall shot towards the creature and was smashed to rubble by the creatures head.

Raven fell to the ground and lay motionless with her eyes closed. Ivy knelt down next to her and rummaged through the backpack for the medicine and the canteen of water. "Is she ok?" Blaze asked as he looked at Raven.

"She just over exerted herself," Ivy replied as she made Raven take the medicine. Ice was shooting ice shards at it, but only managed to make the creature bleed a little.

Crash didn't know how they were going to stop the creature, as it was as strong as him. Ivy touched the ground and Vines shot out of the ground and wrapped around the legs of the creature.

That however didn't work, the Vines snapped as the creature continued to advance. Typhoon shot a lightning bolt at it and Scar screeched as the Morlok behind him fell to the ground in a smoking heap. Scar nudged the Hamrock to get it to turn around.

Just as he did, Blaze let loose a volley of fire balls, Ice shot shards at it and Ivy used her vines. The Hamrock stumbled at the onslot of the attack and with a growl the Hamrock fell to the ground.

Scar was thrown from it's back and rolled to a stop nearby. Another lightning bolt hit the creature and it cried out in pain. Smoke billowed from a hole in it's side that the lightning made.

"The massster won't like thisss," Scar hissed as he turned and ran away from the scene. "Well I suppose introductions are called for," Blaze said with a smile. "I'm Blaze and this is Ice," He said as he pointed at her.

"I'm Typhoon and this is Crash," Typhoon said as he pointed to Crash.

"I'm Ivy and this is Raven," Ivy said as she watched Raven.

"We will need to make a make shift stretcher to carry her on," Crash said to them.

"I will not break a nail just to make something for someone to lay on," Ice said as she folded her arms.

"Don't mind her, she is a bit particular about her looks," Blaze said. The boys found an old cot and removed it's legs. They used them to make the frame sturdy and brought it to where Raven lay on the ground.

"We will be able to move out of the area with this," Typhoon said as him and Crash put Raven on the stretcher.

Crash picked up one end while Typhoon took the other end. They began their trek through the ruins in search of shelter and people. While they walked Blaze told them about Scar and the first time they had run into him.

"Guess you are lucky we were around," Crash said as they went.

"Yeah and I think we should thank you Ivy," Blaze said.

"Why would you do that for?" Ivy replied with a raised brow.

"I take it that you are the one who grew those fruit trees," Blaze replied with a smile. It was going to be a hard road ahead, but together they would survive.

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