Power & Storms

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Jason's heart beat, as he felt around and found himself trapped in some kind of enclosed space. I've got to get out of here, he thought to himself as he pushed against the solid object in front of him. Jason was surprised to hear the crunch of metal, as the top of the thing was ripped off it's hinges. It cluttered to the ground and Jason sat up on the edge.

It was pitch dark, he could see anything and let out a sigh as he slipped on to the cold floor. Jason put his hands out and began to search the area. His hands bumped a table and he searched the top of it. His hand wrapped around a circular metal handle and his thumb brushed against a button.

Jason pressed on the button and the room lit up in the beam of light. He played the light around the room, until the beam landed on another table. He walked over to the table and picked up what looked like a jumpsuit. It was all black with silver accent's and on the chest was a silver emblem of a fist. Cool, Jason thought as he slipped on the jumpsuit and zipped it up.

Jason grabbed the backpack next to the table and found two full container's of water on each side of the backpack. Slipping the backpack over his shoulder, Jason looked for a way out. He saw a caved in spot that must have led to the exit. Jason grabbed hold of a slab of concrete and to his surprise lifted it with ease.

This is going to be easy, Jason thought as he started to clear the blockage. It didn't take long for Jason cleared it all and found a staircase under it, that lead to the surface. Jason climbed the stairs and emerged in the warm evening air. The sun was setting and it gave enough light for him to see. What is going on, Jason thought as he looked around at the crumbling buildings in the area.

What is going on...who am I... I have extrodnary strength... I can smash things.... I'll call myself Crash, Jason thought as a smile formed on his face. I better find some food, Crash thought as he headed towards a building that was still partially standing. A partial sign on the ground read B r a s Ma ket and the front doors were torn apart. Borgan's Market glad it was around, Crash thought as he carefully stepped into the place.

Things were scattered around, some busted open and others crushed and mangled. Crash grabbed a bunch of jerky, peanuts and some cans of Spam. Puting them in his pack Crash left the place and headed down what was once a road for vehicles.

Meanwhile Ben struggled to free himself and soon managed to sit up. This is crazy where am I... who am I, Ben thought as he slid to the floor. The floor was cold to his feet and he felt around for a second before his hand brushed a table. He felt around and soon his hand found what he was searching for. He pressed a button and with a click a beam of light lit up part of the room he was in.

Ok, now were cooking, he thought as he moved the light around the room. It stopped on a table with something on it and Ben walked over to look at it. It's a jumpsuit, he thought as he picked it up. It was black with white accent's and an emblem of a cloud adorned the chest. Well that isn't too impressive, he thought as he put it on.

I'll call myself Typhoon, maybe they won't focus on the fluffy white cloud, he thought as he looked around some more. The light lit the caved in exit from the room and Typhoon let out a sigh of defeat. This will take a year, he thought as he began to remove the rubble.

I wish I had some water, Typhoon thought as he worked on the rubble. The image of falling water entered his mind and he smiled. Above Typhoon a cloud was forming and he didn't see it happening. Typhoon dropped what he was doing when he felt the first drop of water. He looked up to see a rain cloud hovering above him.

How is that even be possible...if it keeps raining I'll drown, Typhoon thought and as the image of falling water left his mind, the cloud faded away. Typhoon thought about water again and he watched as the cloud formed above him. That's incredible, I can control the weather, he thought as the cloud faded once again.

Typhoon set to work again and after a long grueling hour he broke through to the outside world. He pulled himself free and looked around, only to find a broken world. What happened here...this can't be right, he thought as he saw the destruction all around him. Typhoon sat down on a broken wall and shook his head at the sight.

A frow creeped across his face as he saw what his world had become. Typhoon looked up as he saw a figure approaching from the left. The sun was setting and he had no idea what to do about it. "Hello," he said as he got closer.

"Hi, are you friend or for," Typhoon asked as he stood up and got ready.

"Hopefully a friend," Crash said as he stopped in front of Typhoon and held his hand out to him. Typhoon looked him up and down, as he shook Crash's hand.

"Strong grip," Typhoon said as they finished shaking their hands.

"Watch this," Crash said as he walked over and punched the wall on the building. The wall crumbled to the ground and in no time Crash had made a bench out of the rubble.

"Your strong, but I have a little trick as well," Typhoon said as he imagined a storm in his mind. Crash watched in surprise as the sky got cloudy.

"Now if you can make it rain in one spot then I can fill the water bottles," Crash said as he held them up. Typhoon imagined a smaller rain cloud and it started to rain. Crash held the bottles under the cloud and filled them up. "That will come in handy, by the way my name is Crash," he said.

"I'm called Typhoon," he said as they both sat down again. Crash handed Typhoon some jerky and they ate as they watched the sun set.

"I have no idea what happened here, but I think the world was like this already," Typhoon said as he looked around himself at the ruins.

"Well I recognize you and I know everyone can't have the same dream," Crash said with a look of confusion.

"Do you think there are others that had the same dream?" Typhoon asked as he looked over at Crash.

"If there are then we will have to look for them." Crash said as he stood up. "Let's gather some wood to start a fire." He said to Typhoon. Crash moved some rubble in a nearby building and found a broken table in what remained of someone's nice kitchen. They returned to there spot and while Crash broke the table into small pieces Typhoon made the fire.

Soon they had a warm fire to sit by and they talked as they watched the sun disappear from sight. "Well we better get some sleep, tomorrow will be a long day." Crash said as he lay down near the fire.

"Ok, but do we know where to go?" Typhoon asked as he lay down as well.

"No, well just have to pick a direction." Crash replied as he closed his eyes. This isn't going to be easy, I hope whatever is out there won't attack us, Crash thought as he lay there with his eyes closed. It wasn't long after the thought that Crash fell to sleep.

I hope we can find others like us, what if they are mean...or evil... what do we do then? Typhoon thought as he lay there next to the fire. This really isn't going to be easy, there's an entire world out there to search and there is only two of us, he thought as he closed his eyes. We'll just have to keep our guard up and hope for the best, Typhoon thought as he began to drift off into a fitful slumber.

Crash gave a yawn as he sat up to see the sun rising and Typhoon did the same as he sat up. "Ready for our day to start?" Crash asked with a smile.

"Not until I had my breakfast." Typhoon replied as he looked over at Crash. They both burst into laughter and Crash pulled out some Spam. He warmed it by the fire and opened the can. He pulled out a tin plate to put the Spam on and a buck knife to cut it. There day had began and the search for other life was now their goal.

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