Twin Hearts

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Ivy was the first to wake up, she blinked her eyes and sat up, noticing that the others were still asleep. The clouds were dissolving and ray's of sunshine played across th entrance. She's stretched has she let out a yawn and got to her feet.

Ivy stepped outside into the sunlight and inhaled the odor of fresh falling rain. Inside Crash opened his eyes, stretched and let out a yawn. He sat up, looked around and noticed that Ivy was already up.

Ivy looked back as you heard footsteps behind her and turning her head she saw crash walk up to her. "Good morning " crash said has he stopped next to her. "Looks like a good day " he said.

"We still have to wait until Raven is well enough to travel " Ivy said with a questioning look.

"Hopefully she will be better today, we still have a ways to go." Crash said with a sigh, as he folded his arms.

"Yeah, she needs to conserve her energy for when we get there " Ivy said as she looked up at crash. He's not all that bad a person, he really cares what happens to Raven, Ivy thought with a grin.

Meanwhile inside Blaze stretched and let out a yawn, as he opened his eyes. He sat up and looked around, noticing that Crash and Ivy where already awake. He stood up and made his way to the door, as Ice stretched and let out a yawn. Ice set up and looked around, noticing the others we're awake. She stood up and followed Blaze outside.

Typhoon was the next to wake up and he sat up, noticing the others weren't there. He turned over and came face- to-face with Raven. She looks so cute when she's asleep, Typhoon thought cuz he watched her sleeping.

Typhoon was a bit startled as Raven opened her eyes and he hoped that she wasn't going to be mad at him. Instead Raven had a surprised look on her face and it began to turn red as she saw him. "Good morning." Raven said in a low and nervous tone of voice.

"Good morning." Typhoon replied as a smile spread across his face. They both sat up, Typhoon helping Raven as she did.

"You didn't kiss me when I was asleep did you?" Raven asked as her face turned redder then before.

"Not yet." Typhoon said as he leaned in and kissed her. Raven's eyes went wide and her heart beat rapidity, as a strange feeling wash over her. Typhoon pulled away and look down at Raven, noticing that she had her arms crossed over her chest and was looking down at the ground.

Raven felt a shiver as Typhoon put his arm around her. "You don't need to be embarrassed, I really love you Raven." Typhoon said as he held her close.

"I...I don't know...what that means." Raven said with a worried look on her face.

"It's okay, you must have had a pretty bad life and I can understand that." Typhoon replied as he rubbed her back.

"Nobody ever liked me before, they thought I was strange." Raven said in a low voice.

Typhoon reached down, gently held her chin and turned her face towards him. "You will be okay, just follow your heart." Typhoon said with a smile. Raven let out a sigh and leaned her head against Typhoon's shoulder.

They set their, Typhoon's arm around her waist and enjoyed the time alone. "Do you feel better now?" Typhoon asked as he held her.

Raven looked up at him with a calm look on her face. "Yes, much better." Raven replied with a smile.

"Well well what do we have here?" Blaze said with a surprised look on his face.

"Leave them alone Blaze." Ivy said shaking her finger at him. "How are you feeling Raven?" She asked with the raised brow.

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