>> Chapter 32 <<

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Oikawa Tooru, at that moment, allowed his walls and his façade to crumble as he clutched on his shirt, tears pouring out of his eyes. He thanked whatever Gods up there for giving him a chance to fall for this person.


Naoya breathed out a sigh of relief when Tooru's breathing finally calmed down. He was absolutely worried and scared to death today and now, his heart can't help but be filled with so much adoration towards Tooru who had bypassed his own walls to show his own weakness to him.

"This isn't a dream, right?"

 Naoya let out a soft chuckle, causing his chest to vibrate, and Tooru purred in content. Naoya knew that Tooru still couldn't believe that he was here. His fingers stopped caressing the messy dark chocolate brown hair and instead settled on just cradling Tooru's head, nuzzling on his disorganized yet still fluffy crown.

"It isn't a dream, my sweet. I had originally wanted to surprise you today and planned to arrive around the second set of your game but the travel took longer than I estimated and I somehow felt uneasy during the car ride. The moment I was outside the gym, I took my things and ran to find you...." Naoya paused, meeting the glassy eyes of his lover and he expressed a helpless smile.

"I don't know what happened but I was in the dreamscape during the car ride and it was.... Shattering, falling apart. I was so worried that something must've happened to you, love. I was scared shitless. I though...If I couldn't find you today, and with the dreamscape shattering, I couldn't have any contact with you. I couldn't see you. And that is enough for me to die of worry."

Naoya may be exaggerating when he spoke the last part but it was necessary to make Tooru understand just how much wrapped up Naoya is on his pretty fingers. He was truly scared and numerous what-ifs were running in his head. If he wasn't able to meet Tooru anymore in their shared dream, just what would Naoya do?

Looking at the pictures he collected from the internet wasn't enough for him anymore and the videos uploaded by his fans couldn't even satiate the need to physically see and touch Tooru. Naoya was too far gone inside the never ending abyss called Love to climb up and run away from it.

Tooru, alert and wide eyed, stared at Naoya in worry.

 "The dreamscape shattered? What? Then..Then, does that mean that we cant see each other anymore? I cant... no.. I cant take that. No way... was it because of me? Naoya always has this calm mind and only I was in such turmoil... did I cause it to fall? " Naoya sensed the Tooru wasn't calm anymore and that his speech reduced to stuttering, that wasn't a good sign. Guilt and self-blame flooded Tooru and he was biting his lower lip while escaping the hold of his lover by sitting up and his hands gripping his hair, pulling on the strands that caused a dull ache to his scalp.

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