Chapter 1

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I stood on the stage. We just finished our debut stage. Everyone was clapping for us. I felt very happy. We soon waved and walked off the stage. I followed ACE down the stairs.

"You all did very well," Seoyeon told us. "I'm very proud. I couldn't have seen a better performance."

"Thank you," Star said.

I turned around and started to walk down the hall. I soon reached the door. I knocked before a friendly face opened it up.

"Oh... hello Min. Come on in." It was Jinyoung from Got7. I followed him into the Got7 waiting room.

"Congratulations, Min. You did so well," Mark said hugging me.

"Thank you."

BamBam stood up from the couch and hugged me. "Now you're a full idol. I'm very happy for you."

"I'm happy too."

"We were watching the whole thing. I wished I could have seen you on the stage instead of watching from back here," Jackson said.

BamBam gave Jackson a wary look before putting his focus back on me.

"I'm so excited that we could debut. I have been waiting for forever now. It feels good to have everyone see my true self," I said.

"Look here. There are already articles about you," Youngjae said handing me his phone.

"Already making a great start," JB said from the couch on the other side of the room. He was getting his hair fixed. They are going to go out and perform 'Fly' in a bit.

"I've been so excited, that I've started to make more songs. This day gave me a lot of inspiration."

"They'll surely be as great as 'Good Luck," Jinyoung said. I felt a small bit of embarrassment.

"Get ready everyone. Your performing in just a few minutes," Got7 manager called.

"Well, I'll watch your performance in our waiting room. Good luck," I joked.

I then walked out of their room and down the hall to Moonlight's waiting room. I opened the door and saw everyone hanging out and talking. Venus was up bouncing around from excitement.

I then sat in the closest chair to the TV screen and watching as Got7 was getting into their spots.

The music soon started to play and JB's voice rang through the room. I smiled as I watched them perform.


"Hello everyone. We are here with JYP's new girl group, Moonlight."
"1, 2, 3. We light your path. We are Moonlight," we all said together. In the end, we all bowed down.

"So you guys just got done with your debut stage not too long ago, how does it feel to actually be out there?"

"Well, it is a huge relief. We finally get to show more of ourselves to the world," Star answered.

"From what I have seen, you all are from a bunch of different countries?"

"Yes, I'm half American and half Korean, Mika is Japanese, Fei is Chinese, and ACE is Thai," I replied.

"That is a lot of different languages to meet all of your international fans. So who can speak what language?"

"Well, some of our members speak more than one. Min can speak English, Korean, and Chinese," Soyou said.

"So is Min the only one who can speak English?"

"No actually two others can as well," Mika said pointing over to Star and ACE.

"You guys are the first group that I've seen that had people from about everywhere. Now have you met the other artists in JYP?"

"Well, one of our members is really close with Got7. She helped them make their new album," Star said looking over at me.

"Yes, I've known them for a while now. I hope they will have a good world tour coming up." I said as I looked at the camera and gave a thumbs up.

"What are your goals for the future? What can we expect from Moonlight?"

"In the future, we hope to make a trip to Hong Kong. Min and Fei have been there a lot," Star said.

"Why were you in China so much, Min?"

"Well, my mother always loved China. About three times a year we would travel down there. China is like my third home."

"You must have been happy to travel so much. So I heard that Min made 'Good Luck' by herself?"

"Yes, she did. As everyone knows by now that Min is Spade. She was the famous ghostwriter," Venus said with a smile planted across her face.

"Ah... yes. Why did you keep yourself hidden?"

"At first I was trying to not let my parents know. They wanted me and my brother to run their business after them. I soon realized that I didn't want to be stopped every second for a picture or something. Even my closest friends never knew."

"I guess fame can come with consequences sometimes. Now since you all come from around the world, can you please say something to the fans around the world?"

Mika was the one who started to speak first. We all sat and waited for her to finish before ACE started saying something in Thai.

It was finally my turn as I started to speak English. "Thank you for all the English fans out there. I hope you enjoy our debut song 'Good Luck'."

Star then started to add on, "Yes, please give Moonlight lots of love and we hope to release more to you all soon." She finished her sentence in English.

Fei was the last one to speak before we all got to go back to the dorm and rest for the rest of the day.


"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hi, Min. Are you free? We just saw you all on TV and we wanted to see if you can come over?"

"Yeah, I'm free. I guess I can start making my way over there. Just give me a few minutes. I should be over soon." With that, I hung up and grabbed my shoes and slipped them on before heading out. I saw Seoyeon in the hall. I told her I was leaving and would be back soon.

"Okay, just be back before eight."

I nodded before walking out of the building, slipping my mask on and hopping on my motorcycle and rode out.

Soft Melody Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora