Chapter 19

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     Days have gone by since we started filming the variety show. It was now time to go back to the company. Jackson had left the set after the games. I really don't want to face him right now. Those words kept ringing in my head.

    The whole way back, I didn't say anything. The members were asking if I was okay, but I just nodded my head. It took them a while before they quit. I watched as we pulled into the parking lot. We all hopped out of the van before making our way to the dorms.

    We began to unpack everything. I scheduled a meeting with JYP so I quickly threw all my stuff away before fixing myself up a bit and grabbed my laptop before heading out the door.

    As soon as I shut the door, another one opened. I turned around saw Jackson standing behind me. I was a bit awkward since we have spoken to each other since that day.


    "I have to go," I whispered and fast-walked my way down the hall not looking back. I continued to do so until I reached the front desk.

    "I have a meeting with JYP," I told the lady sitting at the desk. I glanced around to see if Jackson had followed me. No one.

    "I'll give him a call to know you're here. Go ahead on up." I thanked her before walking to the elevator.

    "MIN!" someone called I looked over to see Jackson running after me. I quickly pushed the button wished the door would open quickly. I was lucky today because the open almost immediately opened. I went into the elevator and pushed the close door button. The doors began to close.

    Right before the doors shut a hand slipped in between them. They opened again and Jackson walked into the elevator. I looked away from him.

    "Min, why are you avoiding me?" He asked. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to face him. My cheeks heated up. He lifted my chin with his finger. I didn't answer. This was going to be a long elevator ride. "Answer me."

    I shook my head. I reached out to push the button that went up to JYP's office. Jackson stopped me before I could. "It this because of what I said to you that day?" I just looked at him. "Do you not love me back?"

    "Jackson... have you forgotten."


    "I'm on a dating ban." It was silent after that. He pulled my chin closer to him and kissed me.

    "I will wait forever for you. I promise after you are allowed to date I will be waiting for you. Just please tell me now, do you love me?"

    "Yes... yes, I do, Jackson."

    "That is all I wanted to hear. Will you be mine once the ban is over?" He grabbed my hands. I nodded my head. He pulled me into a hug before opening the elevator. He blew me a kiss before the doors closed. I pushed the button for the floor. I felt the elevator go up as the thoughts of Jackson kept running through my mind.


    "Come on in, Min," JYP called me in and I sat in the chair in front of his desk. "Why have you requested a meeting with me?"

    " I have all the songs done for our first comeback." I opened up my laptop and began to play all the songs for him to listen.

    "You have worked very hard on all these songs. I promise to start getting someone to help you arrange the lines and someone to make a choreography. Actually, I'll give someone a call now."

    "Really! Thank you. We won't disappoint you." I bowed to him before closing my laptop.

    "Oh make sure to send my those files." I nodded my head and left the room.
    This has been a very interesting day. I will go tell my members that we are gearing up for a comeback.


    I open the door to the dorm. Everyone was relaxing on the couch. They were all watching TV. I walked over and paused the TV.

    "Hey move out of the way!" ACE complained. She waved her hand for me to move.

    "I have something very important to tell you all." They all began to pout and yelled at me to move. "I visited JYP earlier." That is what got their attention.

    "Well, what are you doing just standing there, tell us!" Venus said.

    "I showed him the files of the songs I've been working on and he agreed that we are going to prepare for our first comeback!" They all began to cheer.

    "Are you serious?!" Venus said grabbing onto my shoulders. I nodded my head. We Mall cheered for a bit more. I could tell everyone was very happy to comeback.

Who is ready for Got7's comeback? JB long hair is killing me right now. He just looks so good.

Soft Melody Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon