Chapter 26

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    Life has been going well. We've finished promotions and well on many shows. I hope we can come comeback soon, but for now I really do just want to rest.

      Things with Jongil have been resolved and we've hung out a few times. I've invited him to watch some shows that we did. It feels like nothing happens anymore.

     Jackson and I have been more closer now. There are still boundaries because I'm still on a dating ban, but it doesn't affect me to spend some time with him. Well go down the café and had some small talk.

     It is the beginning of a new year. Though nothing interesting has happened. I've spent most of my time with my friends. EXO had their successful comeback the same week as we did. Got7 had a full album for their next comeback late in the year. They are going on a tour soon. I'll miss them all, but hopefully time will fly and they'll be back again.

     NCT U will actually be debuting soon. I've met them a few times whenever I went over to SM. I'm excited to see what they have in store.

Joshua and I have been hanging out more often. Sometimes he'll bring a few of his members and brag another our friendship together.

     BTS have been getting even more popular around the world and are rising to be the biggest K-Pop group. But that means they are more busy and it is hard for us to hangout. But we do FaceTime each other on our breaks.

     Bigbang getting ready to enlist in the military. It is sad to know that they'll be gone. It is going to be hard not having my cousin around. He has been around and helped me through many things.

     Jae will also enlist as well this year. He said he didn't want to put it off any longer. It was the best choice for him to do it now before it will be too late. I think he will enlist in March. I'll visit them all whenever I can.

     More and more offers are being put up for Moonlight. We are invited to more shows. We've done many fan meets and fan signings. We constantly go live and chat with our fans. We've announced our fandom name. They are called Starlight. We also released our lightstick. It is a moon with a bowtie on it.

     We've all have been going our own things while we're waiting to comeback. Venus is a MC on a show now. Mika has been doing some Japanese shows. ACE is rising to be very popular in Thailand. She is becoming like BamBam. Fei has been on dancing shows recently. She is improving a lot in speaking. Star is trying to learn to produce songs so I've been helping her a lot and been teaching her some new things. Soyou has been in a lot of magazine photoshoots. She has been on the cover of many magazines.

     Lastly there is me. I've been producing more songs. Spending time with everyone is inspired me on many of my songs. I've often wrote songs with them to have their input on it. I've even walked around the city to get inspiration. Some fans will see me and ask to take pictures and have my autograph. I love meeting them all. Just knowing that we've got to this place because of them. I love giving back to them for what they gave to us.

     JYP actually debuted two other groups. One is a band called Day6 and the other is a girl group called Twice. They have a different concept then us, but I can tell that they will go far. It is hard for me to talk to them sometimes because we can before be a bit busy.

     But with the debut of new groups, there will be disbandments of others. Wonder girls just announced that they will be disbanding. It is sad to see them go but they knew it was time.
     I've meet a trainee that has been here for awhile. His name is Chan. He apparently came from Australia. He has been here since 2010. He is very good at producing songs. I hope to work with him in the future. He is in a group called 3Racha. He works with two other trainees. I believed their names are Changbin and Jisung. I've met them a couple of times. Their stage names are CB97, SpearB, and J.One. JYP said that he was planning something for them, but would never tell me.

     JYP is growing fast. I hope that everything that happens will be good for the company. I'm glad I joined this one. I really do feel at home here.

     This is only the start to a new beginning. One that I hope will be filled with joy. These decisions are some of the best ones that I have ever made.

This is the end. It is sad to see this story go after working on it for so long. I might write a special chapter that is in the future talking about Min and Jackson's relationship, but I'll have to see. I'be been working on others behind the scenes, but they are different from this one. We'll see whenever I start uploading.

It is time to close out. Bye 👋🏻

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