Chapter 11

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"Ok, Min. You should be ready to go home now. Just remember to be careful. No dancing or going on long walks. You will still be sore, but I've given you some pain pills to ease some of it. Just be sure to get lots of rest and don't eat really big meals or you might upset your stomach."

"Thank you for helping me." I bowed to him and gave him a big smile. I turned Jackson, who came to help me get back to the dorms since the rest of my members are out doing their schedule. "Are you ready?"

He nodded his head and offered for me to hold onto him for support. We made our way out to the car. I gave him a big smile.

"I'm glad that I don't have to stay there anymore. It got really boring watching TV all day. I think I've gained some weight," I said as I poked my stomach.

"I think you look perfectly fine. No matter if you've gained weight or not." He looked over at me and gave me a cheeky smile. I punched his arm. "Hey! What was that for?" I started to laugh.

We made our way down the streets until we reached the dorm. Jackson helped me in. I sat down on the couch. It was quiet. Way to quiet in here. Even with Jackson here, it felt like I was alone.

I looked over to the kitchen, where Jackson was. He walked in with two cups in his hands. He had a big smile on his face. He handed me one and then sat next to me.

"What's with the big smile?" I asked him.

"I am happy that you're okay and that you're back here. We can spend time together again."

"Well, I have to rest now, so it won't be the exact same as before. I wish it could though."

"You'll be better soon. You've healed so fast now. I'm sure you will continue this rate until you're all healed then we can spend time together like old times."

I nodded and grabbed the TV remote and handed it to Jackson. "What do you want to watch?"

He took it and began scrolling through the channels. He soon found one and clicked on it. Got7 appeared on the screen. They were performing their song "Fly". "Figured you might want to watch this."

"I guess this song was a hit."

"That is because you wrote it. It couldn't have been any better."

"That is enough praise now. It is my turn. You did very well with the rap. I love your tone whenever you rap."

"You're too nice." I punched his arm.

"I'm telling you the truth though. When I knew I was going to work with Got7, I sat and listened to your songs. You grasped my attention."

"I should thank you, but you never thank me, so just keep wishing." I shook my head.

We sat and watched TV until Jackson's manager called him asking where he was. He frowned before leaving saying that he would pop by tomorrow once he had free time. Now it was only me in the dorm. Alone. I turned off the TV and grabbed my phone. I started scrolling through the news.

Got7 hits top charts with their new song Fly. Got7's new song Fly is winning so many awards. It was composed by an artist from JYP's new girl group, Moonlight. Min was known as Spade, the ghostwriter, composed their songs. JYP then offered her to join JYP Entertainment. She accepted and only trained a few months before joining JYP's new girl group, Moonlight. She composed their debut song, Good Luck, which is also hitting top charts. We wish the best for Got7 and Moonlight. We hope they will grow and become great artists.

I guess I was kind of popular when I was a ghostwriter. I produced many hit songs for big groups. It kind of got Moonlight's name out there as well as being apart of the big three. I don't just want all the fame though. My members have also worked hard to debut while I just joined and was already put in a group.

My phone started to ring. I looked at the caller's ID. It was Baekhyun. I answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hi, Min. We all heard you were getting out of the hospital. How are you settling in?"

"Yeah, I'm out now. I'm back at the dorms now. They said I need a lot of rest. I'm alone right now. Everyone is doing their schedules."

"It seems like you need some company. Hang on let me video call you." It then showed to accept Baekhyun's video call. His bright face appeared on the screen. He smiles and waves at me. He then moved the screen to show all of the EXO members.

"Hi, Min," They all start shouting. They all had smiles on their faces.

"Are you feeling better now?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yes, I feel better. I just have to rest for a few weeks. Hopefully, I can see you all again soon. I've almost finished the song. I'm just fixing up some pieces. I show it to you soon."

"Don't work now. You just left the hospital. We don't expect to finish it soon," Suho said.

"I promise I will rest too."

"Just be sure to take care of yourself," Xiumin called out behind Sehun.

"I promise." I smiled at them.

"I'm glad you're smiling again," Kai said. "You must have been in some unbearable pain."

"Nothing can knock me down," I cheered and raised my fist in the air.

They all began to laugh. "I can't wait to see you again. We miss your smiling face," Lay said.

"I'll get better fast then so we can hang out again." They all nod.

A door was heard in the background as all their heads turned over to the side.

"Hey, Haechan come to say hello to Min," Baekhyun called to the younger. Then a familiar face appeared on the screen.

"Hello, I don't think you remember me from last time. I'm Haechan from NCT."

"Oh, I remember you. It is nice to see you again."

"How are you feeling?"

"A bit sore."

"I hope you feel better soon. I have to get back to training. I planning on bragging to the others that I got to talk to you."

I began to laugh. "Ok, go on ahead and tell them. See you soon." He waved before handing the phone back and ran off.

"If you haven't guessed, he really looks up to you. You're like his idol," Baekhyun said.

"Bye Min. We have to go now. We'll hopefully see you soon," D.O said waving before grabbing Baekhyun's phone and turning it off.

I sighed from boredom. I limped over to my room and flopping down on my bed. I threw a blanket over me and closed my eyes to get some sleep.

Sorry for the long update. I just forget about it. I'll be sure to update regularly again.

Did you all hear about Chen? I'm so happy for him and he deserved it. He will be a wonderful father.

I also will be able to go to an ATEEZ concert in April. I can't hide my excitement!

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