Chapter 21

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    I knocked on the door. Nobody opened it for a bit. I thought nobody was home so I began to turn away. Right then I heard the door open. I saw V standing there.

    "MIN!" He yelled. He ran over to me and pulled me into a bear hug.

    "Hey, I missed you too, but that doesn't mean you can squeeze me to death," I said as he backed away from me and mumbled sorry. Jin then appeared at the door.

    "I was wondering what he was yelling about. It is nice to have you back. Come on in." He waved his hand for me to follow. I followed them and took my shoes off.

    Most of them were on the couch playing on their phones. Their eyes all quickly glanced up to see who had come in. Their expressions quickly changed as they all leapt off the couch and ran towards me. They all now gave me a big group hug.

    "We've missed you so much," Jimin said.

    "I've missed you too. I have been busy a bit lately so today I thought I could stop by since I got some free time."

    "How about we watch a movie then," J-Hope said. We all agreed as RM went into the kitchen to make some popcorn. Suga followed him to make sure he wouldn't burn the dorm down.

    Meanwhile, we all found a spot on the couch. I sat on the edge next to Jungkook. He seemed to be very happy that I came over. I put my chin on his shoulder. He looked down at me.

    "I've missed you," I told him. He smiled and hugged me.

    "Where have you been. You've hardly texted me," He pouted.

    "I had to film a show and I couldn't walk that much because of my injury at that time. Now we are gearing up for our first comeback."

    "You never tell me anything anymore. I used to be one of the first people to know."

    "I know. How about after this movie I will let you hear one song. Only one. The rest is a surprise."

    "You're mean to me, but hey one is better than nothing."

    Suga and RM came back with a giant bowl of popcorn for us all to share. I don't know what movie they decided on.

    "We had to remake the first bag as dumbo put it in there for way too long. Remind me to never let him make popcorn again. You're lucky he didn't pour it into the bowl," Suga said flopping down on the couch.

    "Then what is this burnt piece of popcorn," V said holding an all black piece of popcorn.

    "Um... okay, maybe I did accidentally put it in the bowl. It was an accident. I promise."

    Everyone began to groan and became upset. So we kept a spare bowl next to the original so we can throw the burnt pieces in there.

    We finally all got settled on the couch. We turned off most of the lights and began watching the movie. Everyone was enjoying the movie. The burnt popcorn bowl was getting bigger every second now. It didn't take us that long to finish the popcorn. Especially with seven men and a woman.

    Recently I've been getting less sleep trying to practice lines, talking with JYP, starting my diet, and making sure my leg was strong and wouldn't give out during promotions.
    I laid my head on Jungkook's shoulder. He looked down and smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He pulled a blanket from the back of the couch and laid it on top of me.

    My eyes started to fill heavy as I started to blink in and out. My head also started to move down as I pulled it up. After a bit more of doing that, Jungkook pulled my head up higher on his shoulder. I quietly thanked him as I finally fell asleep.


        I blinked open my eyes. I lifted my head up. I was fully spread out on the couch. The blanket that Jungkook gave my was halfway on the ground. Nobody was around. I scooted my feet off the couch and sat up. I rubbed my eyes. I stood up and walked off to the bathroom. I quickly did my business before washing my hands.

    "Hello? Is anybody home?" I called. I then heard footsteps from down the hall. It was Suga.

    "Oh, you're up. Everybody decides to leave you alone after the movie. They are all in their rooms if you want to see them."

    I checked the time. "I have a little bit more time left. I told Jungkook I would let him hear one of our new songs. You're free to join if you want."

    "Why would I pass an opportunity to hear one of the Great Spade's songs?" He joked. He smiled and lead me down the hall. We stopped in front of the room RM and Jungkook share. Suga knocked on the door before opening the door.

    "What is it? Is Min awake?" Jungkook asked. I stepped out from behind the wall.

    "I promised you could hear one of the new songs. I have to leave soon so I have to make it quick." I pulled up all of the files on my phone. The others joined in knowing that they could hear one of the songs. "There are four songs. There is 'Bing Bing', 'Temptation', 'Just the Two of Us', and 'Three Out'."

    They then voted on what song they wanted to hear. 'Temptation' ended up being the one that was chosen. I clicked on the file as the song began to play.

    "As usual, this song sounds amazing," J-hope praised. I thanked him as the song continued to play.

    Once the song was over, they all started to praise me. I started to feel shy and thanked them all.

    "So is this the title track?" Jimin asked.

    "No, 'Bing Bing' will be the title track."

    "This is a b-side and it still sounds amazing!" V said.

    "You really do make wonderful songs," Jin said.

    "You guys are praising me too much," I told them.

    "But what we say are true," RM said.

    We all soon said our goodbyes for I had to practice for the comeback. Tomorrow we get to start recording. I've kind of helped split the lines since some of them are geared towards a particular member. Soon after that, we will begin to learn our choreography.

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