Chapter 16

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    "Today we will be staying in a cabin," Our manager began to say. It was the beginning of the film making. We just arrived about ten minutes ago. "Your first tasks are assigning roommates." We began to cheer. "But, it won't be you who will be picking them. This will call for our first game. The first game will be the telepathy game."

    "What's that?" Mika asked as she raised her hand.

    "You will be broken into teams of two and one group of three. We will give you a word and you will do a gesture that matches it. It must be the same. The team with the most points will play rock paper scissors and will pick the room they want first."

    "Do we pick the teams?" Soyou asked. The staff shook their heads.

    "You will draw from the cup." They held out a cup full of blue folded paper. "You will be on the same team if you have matching letters."

    We began to go up one by one to pick from the cup. On the count to three we all opened our paper. I had the letter 'B'. I looked and saw A.C.E also had the letter 'B'. I smiled and walked to join her. Mika, Venus, and Fei were all on a team that left Soyou and Star together.

    Team 'A' went first. It would be harder for them because they have three members unlike the rest of us.

    "Your time starts... now!" The first word appeared. It was a 'moon'. The staff counted to three as they threw up a moon sign. Venus and Fei put their arms over their heads to make a circle while Mika did a half-moon with her hands.

    The next word was 'Soyou'. They threw the same sign once the time was over. It was a sign that Soyou does all the time on stage. They cheered and high fived before going on to the next word. It was 'Miss A'. They thought before they all pull out different signs. Fei made an 'A' with her hands while Mika did a dance from 'Hush' and Venus did a dance to 'Bad Girl, Good Girl'. They didn't complete the last one correctly either.

    It was now our turn. Our first word was 'Good Luck'. We did the same dance move which was the butt shake, as Venus likes to call it, where we are turned around and walk backward shaking our bottoms. We didn't do too well until the last one which was 'Got7'. We both did the 7 symbol with our hands.

    It was now Star and Soyou's turn. They rocked all of them. They ended up getting them all correct.

    "That's not fair. They are roommates. Of course, they are going to be close," Venus complained stomping her foot on the ground and began to pout.

    "You only got one with your group, Venus," A.C.E teased her. Venus stuck out her tongue at her.

    Soyou and Star did rock paper scissors and they drew two times before Star threw out scissors and Soyou threw out the paper. Star was the only one happy while the rest of us pouted behind her.

    "You can now go in and explore the cabin and be the first to pick your room."

    Star thanked them before walking inside. We all waited outside until the called for Soyou to go in next. A.C.E and I played to see who was going to pick third. A.C.E beat me and soon followed the others into the cabin.

    It was soon my turn as I walked into the cabin. I looked at the three bedrooms before walking fully into one.

    I looked around to see if anybody was in here. I didn't see anyone until Star popped out of nowhere and scared me as I fell back on the bed. I began to laugh and Star grabbed my hand and pulled me back into her hiding place.

    We waited for a bit before hearing footsteps walk into the room.

    "Hello? Is anybody in here?" I recognized Fei's voice. We waited a few more seconds before popping out and scaring her. She screamed and fell on the floor. We all began to laugh as I helped her up. The other girls ran in here to see what happened.

    "Who screamed?" Soyou questioned us. We pointed over to Fei who frowned. "What did you do to her?"

    "We scared her when she came in," Star replied with a smile on her face.

    "They mean." Fei now began to pout. She turned away and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

    I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. I laid my head on her shoulder.

    "Hey, no need to be mad," I told her in chinese so she would understand me.

    "But I didn't like it." She tried to push me away but was unsuccessful.

    "Nobody likes to be scared but it will happen anyway."

    "That doesn't make it right."

    "Stop being a baby." I teased her.


    I smiled and removed my arms from around her as the staff called us back. We all made our way outside again.

    "You all must be hungry," They began once we were all lined up. We all shouted yes. "We will be handing out money for you all, but only the winners of the last game will receive it. We will be going to the store and they will pick out today's dinner."

    "What should we have," Star asked us all. We all began to shout out things, but we couldn't pick one so we all hopped in the car to pick out something for everyone.

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