Chapter 15

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    I waited for my members to get back from their schedules so I could tell them the good news. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces. I probably had a similar face when JYP told me.

    Right now I'm actually working on a few songs for our next mini-album. I think that the title song will be my favorite song out of the album which is Bing Bing. I think this song will be different than our other song. I excited to show already. It has a more sexy kind of feel to it.

    As I was finishing a few touches to the song, I heard the door open. Footsteps soon followed.

    "Min, we're home," I hear Soyou yell. She walked over to the room and opened the door. "How are you feeling?"

    "It's getting better."

    "What are you doing? Why are the lights off? You know you can hurt your eyes by doing that."

    "I was working on some songs for our next mini-album. I have only one fully completed, but the others are a work in progress. I was thinking of four tracks on the album."

    "Well, I'm glad you're not slacking around here while we are out." Soyou smiled and came and sat on the bed next to me. She looked over at my laptop screen.

    "Are these possible lyrics?" I nodded and wrote a few more that popped inside my head. "You're working hard. I'm proud of you."

    "Oh, I have an announcement for everyone." I closed my laptop and stood up, grabbing Soyou's hand on the way. I pulled her out into the living room.

    "Woah, someone is hyper," Star said as I flew past her.

    "I have some exciting news for everyone."

    "Well, don't just stand there, spilling the tea," ACE said smiling as she grabbed her cup of tea.

    "Today I had to go in and talk to JYP about my injury. As I was there he told me since I was already there, that next week we will be filming a variety show!" Their eyes became big and jaws dropped open.

    "Really?!" Mika said. She had a big smile on her face.

    "Will you be better by then? I mean you still have a limp in your leg," Fei said. She has a really soft voice.

    "I should be. I told JYP that I would participate. I don't want to miss our very first variety show."

    "Your health is more important, Min. There will always be shows later."

    "But, this is our very first one. I've missed most of the schedules already. I hate being here all alone. I sit here some of the time. I go out and visit others when I get really bored. I came back from meeting Seventeen earlier."

    "You should be resting," Star spoke now.

    "I have been resting."

    "Apparently not. You are going out in public. You have to realize that you are an idol now. You can't just walk around doing whatever you want."

    "You just don't understand. I was so excited to debut and become someone more. I then get injured in a car accident and I'm unable to perform now or go to any schedules. I want to see my fans and show them that I'm okay. For the time I have been resting, I've been working on songs so that when I'm fully healed, we can comeback."

    The room was quiet. It wasn't usual that I spill out all my feelings. I normally keep most of them myself.

    "I know that this is hard right now, but the more you rest the faster you will heal and the faster you heal the faster you will see our fans."

    I sighed and nodded. I hung my head low. I didn't want to see their faces. They all came around me and started a big group hug. We stayed there for about five minutes. None of us moving.


    "Okay, guys are you ready to go?" Our manager asked. We all shout yes as we load up into the car.

    "I wonder where we will go?" Mika said jumped around in the car.

    "I hope it will be somewhere fun. Maybe like the ocean or an arcade," ACE replied.

    "We will have to see when we get there," Fei said. I have been working hard with Fei lately. She really wants to communicate with the members more.

    We are actually on our way to where we will be staying for our variety show. The filming is starting right now. It has been a week since Star and I's little fight. We made up after the group hug.

    A day after the fight I announced on why I was injured. I wrote it in an Instagram post. Here is what I wrote-

    Hello everyone. I know you are all wondering why I am resting in the dorms and why I was in the hospital. I was actually in a car accident after being taken to make music for it to sell. I was starved for days. I made friends with someone who secretly brought me food and water. I owe him my life for he risked his life to save mine. When the police found them, they gathered me up and drove off to hide me somewhere else. We came to a sharp stop since a police car was in front of us. The car began to flip over and I flew out of the window. The ambulance was quickly rushed to save me. A few days ago I was discharged from the hospital and I am now recovering. I have been resting a lot. I promise I will be back when Moonlight comes back. Don't worry about me for I have made lots of progress already. I love you all. And thanks to Jongil who saved my life.

    Me posting this cause my story to rise all over the news. I become one of the top trending stories and many hashtags about me also began to trend all around the world. Many people were trying to find Jongil and ask questions about why he decided to save me. There are also trying to see if Jongil and I have some kind of relationship.

     I have been trying to get ahold of Jongil ever since his confession. He hasn't been replying to any of them. He hasn't been picking up my calls. I'm very worried about him. I miss him. We are close to one another and after he confessed, I began to feel guilty because he isn't the one I love.

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