Chapter 14

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I peeked around the corner. I saw all of Seventeen members looked shocked. Some even had their mouths open. I walked next to Joshua. I smiled and waved at them.

"Hello, I'm Min, It is nice to meet you all," I said as I gave a small bow.
"It is really you!" One of the members shouted. I believe his name is Seungkwan.

"It's really nice to meet you. My name is Woozi. I write and compose songs for Seventeen. I really up to you and all of your work."

"Wow, thank you. I'm flattered." Woozi was pretty small. He was shorter than me, but he also had this sort of cuteness to him.

Another person walked over to me. "Hello, I'm S.Coups or Seungcheol, I'm the leader of Seventeen. I am really surprised you ran into Joshua. None of us believed him because he loves to pull pranks on us a lot."

"Oh, no problem. I've known him for a few days and he has been a handful. I can handle him. I have a bunch of other people that I know that are similar to him."

"If he becomes too much just say you won't talk to him. He loves to talk to people."

"I'll take the advice." I smiled at him.

"We are all excited to meet you. We hoped we would see you around one time, but Joshua beat us to it. He brought you sooner than we expected. Let me introduce the members. As you know, Woozi, Joshua and I, the rest are Jeonghan, Seungkwan, Hoshi, Jun, The8, DK, Vernon, Wonwoo, Mingyu, and Dino." He pointed to each one of the members as they smiled and waved at me. I did the same thing back to them.

My phone buzzed, I looked down at it but ignored it to not seem rude.

"Oh, you're fine," Seungcheol said as he pointed to my phone.

I looked down at my phone. I received a text message. "I know I only just got here but I must leave now. I promise soon we can all hang out together. Joshua has my number so call me anytime." We all said our goodbyes and Joshua followed me out.

"Why must you go now?"

"JYP wants to speak with me. It is probably about my injury. Call me at any time." I hugged him and we parted ways. I made my way down the stairs of the dorm. Once I reached my motorcycle, Iooked back up at Seventeen's dorm. All the boys were standing out there waving goodbye to me. I put on my helmet and waved back at them. I turned the motorcycle on and backed out of the parking space. I gave them one last waved before taking off down the road to JYP Entertainment.


I walked into JYP and said hello to the front desk. "Is JYP in his office?" I asked.

"Hang on, one minute." She called the office. It took her before she put the phone down. "Yes, he is there waiting for you."

"Thank you." I walked towards the elevator. I waited for the elevator to open when someone came and stood beside me. I looked over and saw Sunmi from Wonder Girls. Wonder Girls was a senior group to us. They debuted back in 2007. They were the first girl group here at JYP. The second is Miss A who is also our senior. Moonlight is the third.

"Hello." I bowed my head to her. It is a sign of respect since she is older than me and has been in the music industry longer. She looked at me and smiled.

"Are you Min from Moonlight?" I nodded. "You really surprise me. From just being a rookie you actually are quite talented. You must have learned to compose from someone, who is it?"

"I learned composing from my ex, G-Dragon."

She stared down at me wide-eyed. "You dated G-Dragon?" I nodded. "Wow, that is actually really cool. I wish I knew how to compose my own songs. Right now I'm practicing writing lyrics."

"I can help you if you wanted me too."

"You mean that?" I nodded again. "Thank you, Min."

"No problem. You find me whenever."

The elevator arrived and we both got on. She got off on the floor below me. I made my way to JYP's office. I knocked on the door once I arrived. He called me in. He was sitting in his chair. He waved for me to come in and sit down. I follow his gesture and sat down in the chair in front of him.

"I'm sure you know why I have called you in today." I nodded. "I wanted to check on you. How is the injury? Are you feeling okay?"

"Sometimes if I walk on it too long it can hurt a bit, but otherwise it is fine. The doctor just wants me to stop dancing on it for a bit."

"That is fine. Promotions are almost over so they'll be fine without you. Now the next thing is I keep getting bombed with so many questions on why you were in the hospital and why you were missing. Would you like to tell them the truth or just forget about it altogether? This one is on you."

"I feel they should know. I tell them tomorrow."

"Remember that all of this can affect your future."

"I know."

"One last thing to share since you are already here. I have been discussing with the company and we decided to give you all a variety show. Shooting starts next week, so rest up for the week. If you feel like you shouldn't participate just tell me."

"I'm sure I'll be better by then. I'll share this with my members. Thank you, JYP." I bowed my head and stood up. I thanked him one more time before walking out of the room. I let out a breath that I was holding in. I then started to smile really big. I began to walk to the dorms.

I can't believe we get to have a variety show!

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