Chapter 10

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    A few days have passed. I was starting to feel a bit better than before. I have been eating very little. The doctors say that it will take a while before I can be released from the hospital.

    Everyone has been coming and hanging out with me anytime they can get. Jae and Jackson have been the two who've been coming to check on me the most. They kept bugging me saying that I should eat more, but whenever I do, my stomach doesn't want any more food, so I end up throwing it all back up.

    I was sitting up in the hospital bed. I was scrolling through my phone. I was checking the recent news that has been happening. I stopped when I saw an article about me. I clicked on it.

    Min, from JYP's newest girl group, is being hospitalized. They haven't said much about her condition yet, but it was stated by Jackson Wang from Got7, said she was in a car accident. We are waiting for more information from JYP, but let's wish the best recovery and hope Min gets well soon.

    So my accident was announced to the public, I thought. I then went to the Moonlight Instagram account that we all share together. I scrolled through the comments.   

    I hope Min gets well soon. Please pay attention to your health. We wish you the best recovery.

    I'm just finding out about this! Be care Min! We want you to stay healthy all the time!

    Please tell us if she is alive! I'm so scared. I started crying once I saw the news.

    Never forget that we always love you Min. Recover fast and eat well. #Recoverquickly.

    I felt touched by all the comments. I wanted to let them know that I'm okay. I wondered if I should post something. Would JYP be mad?

    I got rid of the thought and decided to let them know that I'm at least alive. I switched my phone to camera mode. I took a picture of my feet on the hospital bed. I add a caption, Thank you, everyone. I hope to recover fast and see you all again. I miss you all.    

This is Min's photo she took.

     I posted the photo

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     I posted the photo. I immediately got a bunch of comments.


    She is alive! I was so scared. Please time your time to recover. Your health is more important than us.

    We love you so much, Min. Please get well soon.

    Yay! Thank god you're okay. You go through so much pain that you never deserved.

    There was one comment that caught my eyes. It was GD's, I'm glad your feeling better. I need to make time to see you again.

    BigBang hasn't had much time to come and see me. They are busy with releasing their album. I know that they must focus on that. It is more important than visiting me.

    I continued to read all the comments. Everyone is also talking about GD now. They now realize that we are friends. Daesung and I haven't released that we are actually cousins, yet. I was planning to soon to let the netizens not suspect anything.

    I set my phone down when the door open. Jongil walked in with a couple of police officers.

    "Hello," I greeted.

    "Hello, Min. We wanted to ask you some questions about you're kidnapping. That is if you want to talk about it."

    "Oh, sure I can tell you anything you want me to."

    "Great. What exactly happened while you were there?"

    "Well, I was knocked out on the way there. Once I woke up I had a blindfold on. I was in a very cold room with my hands tied behind my back. I couldn't see anything. They were talking about using me to produce songs and sell them for money. I wasn't fed and I rarely got water. After a few days, they took me and threw me into a car. I finally got to breathe clean air. I soon passed out from exhaustion. I woke up to Jongil. He shook me awake and took off my blindfold. He gave me food and water, till he had to go. He continued to visit me and gave me food and water. Till one day he didn't come. I was worried that he was caught. That same day I was taken back into the car with another blindfold on. That was the same day I was in a car accident. The last thing I remember that day was Jongil waiting outside the ambulance looking very worried."

    "You gave more information than what we expected. Thank you for the corporation. We will tell you more about the case once we can talk to him."

    With that they left, leaving me and Jongil together. I looked over at the boy. He was staring off into space.

    "I'm so sorry. I should have recused you sooner. We could have avoided all of this."

    "Stop blaming yourself. We can't change the past. We can change the future, so stopping beating yourself up." I gave Jongil a smile as he did the same. I never blamed him. I owe him my life.

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