Chapter 7

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It was a droopy day. The rain was pouring outside. This left us to stay inside the building. I decided to go and visit Got7. It got dressed in a plain black shirt with a pair of ripped jeans. I tucked in my shirt and topped it with a small dark brown belt.

I headed out of our dorm. I went and knocked on their door. It took a bit before Yugyeom came and answered it.

"Do you really have to knock?" he asked, moving to let me in.

"Well, I could just burst into your dorm and expect to see things that might not be the best," I smirked at him.


We walked over to the living room, which was a complete mess. There were chip bags, bottles, cups, plates, you name it, it was there. BamBam and Mark were sitting on the couch.

"Is this what you always do on your day off?" I asked grabbing empty bags and wrappers.

"Pretty much," Mark replied and ate a chip that was in his hand. I shook my head in disappointment.

"Why don't we all clean up this mess, so you can actually see the floors. I can't even remember what they looked like anymore."

BamBam looked over at me before turning his head back to the TV. I walked over and pulled him off the couch, along with Mark. "We are cleaning, whether you like it or not. I'm going to get the others."

"Let me handle that," Yugyeom said. "Last time, I heard the shower running."

The youngest member walked off. I went to go find the trash bags. I entered the kitchen. Nothing. I checked all of the cabinets. I sighed and asked them if they had any. Surprisingly they did. It was on top of the refrigerator. I pulled one off and tossed it over to Mark.

"Now put all trash in here. If there even is anything in there, then put it back in the kitchen, I'll then move to the bedrooms." The two boys nodded.

Yugyeom returned with JB, Youngjae, and Jinyoung. They all walked up to me to ask what they were going to do.

"JB you will stay here to clean the kitchen. Jinyoung you will join the others in the living room. Youngjae and Yugyeom will handle the bathroom."

They nodded and I heard a sigh from Yugyeom, but never complained and walked off to the bathroom with Youngjae at his side. Jackson came in after they left.

"I was getting dressed," he said guessing I was going to ask him. "What do I do?"

"Stay here and help JB. You two are sorting out the kitchen. You gather all the remaining food from the living room. We'll put it in an organized order." He nodded and went to help JB.

I walked off to the first room. On the door, it read, BamBam and Yugyeom. I opened the door. The room was somewhat clean, but there were still things scattered around the place. I started picking up the dirty clothes off the floor.

I did have a small laugh when I picked up their underwear. I threw it over in a basket that I found. It was filled with dirty clothes. I picked up their trash and put it in the trash bag I bought in the room with me. I then made their beds.

It was time for me to move onto the next room, but I stopped by in the living room to check on them. It was somewhat cleaner than when I walked in here.

"Wow, I forgot what the color of the floor was, till now," BamBam said sounding shocked.

I chuckled and turned back to the bedrooms. The next one was Jinyoung, Youngjae, and JB's. I opened the door. It had a bunk bed with a single bed off to the side. This room was much cleaner than BamBam and Yugyeom room. I threw their few dirty clothes that were piled in a small pile in the corner of the room, and placed them in the same basket that I used in BamBam and Yugyeom.

There wasn't any trash so I left the room and headed to Jackson's and Mark's. There was so much stuff everywhere. Clothes, food, surprisingly books, and a whole giant stack of shoes. How could two men have so many shoes?!

The basket was overflowing after I got done cleaning up the clothes. The trash bag was three times fuller as well. I was picking up the books. I didn't even know that Mark and Jackson even read. I saw they had a shelf and placed all the books and fan letters upon it.

It was time for the shoes. Now that was the scary part. I first had to find the matching pair. Second, I had to find a nice place to keep all these shoes. Third, I had to organize them to all fit in the same place.

It took about forty minutes to finish cleaning the room. I flopped down on who I thought was Jackson's bed. My arm was hurting from the millions of clothes, shoes, books, and trash I had picked up. My legs were tired from carrying it all.

After five minutes, I decided to go into the living room with the basket full of clothes and the trash bag that was mostly full. I dropped them. All of the boys looked at me.

"This is all your dirty clothes that were scattered around on the floor and trash you had thrown onto the floor," I said and the boys started to look embarrassed that I invaded their rooms. "I'm surprised by how the living room looks. I can see the floor again."

"If you really want to see a pile of clothes, I suggest heading over to the washer and dryer," Mark commented.

"If you need me, I guess I'll be doing laundry." I marched off over to the washer and dryer with the basket of dirty clothes. I was about to collapse when I saw the giant stack of clothes. I couldn't even walk over to the machines.

I crawled over the clothes and threw I nice big handful into the washer. I loaded it was detergent and softener. I started it and waited till it was done to do the same thing, but threw the wet clothes over into the dryer threw in a dryer sheet.

I had to do so much laundry, that they ran out of softener, detergent, and dryer sheets. I walked out to the living room. "Who wants to go to the store with me?" Their head flashed over to me.

Jackson, BamBam, and Jinyoung ended up coming with me. I lead them down the aisle. I scrolled to find the same things that they used to wash their clothes. Jackson pushed the cart. When I turned around, I saw BamBam sitting in the cart while Jinyoung was helping Jackson push.

"BamBam, what are you doing in the cart! You're not a child!" I turned back. I soon found the items and placed them in the cart. BamBam just hopped out before I could see him in there again.

As we made our way to the cashier, I noticed someone in a black long coat. He wore sunglasses and a black mask over his face. I didn't take that much notice and continued walking.

Jackson then ran up by my side. There was a big smile on his face. "Min and we go and look at the food. We want a snack."

"You have plenty of snacks at the dorm."

"Please." He started to pout. I agreed as we turned around and walked over to the snack aisle.

I waited by the cart as the three searched for something to snack on. I pulled out my phone to check the time. Right before I could put it back, someone wrapped his arms around me. His hand placed right over my mouth. He dragged me away from the boys before I could escape

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