Chapter 18

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    "Min it is time to start filming again," My manager called. I glanced at Jackson one more time before walking off to the living room again. Jackson didn't directly follow me but came a minute after.

    I sat down next to ACE and Mika. I didn't say anything for the time being. My thoughts were clouded with Jackson's confession. It was first Jongil and now Jackson. I was still a new idol. I have a dating ban right now. Doesn't Jackson know about that already?

    "Hey, are you feeling alright?" ACE asked tapping on my shoulder to get my attention. I broke out of my thoughts and nodded my head.

    "Just have things on my mind right now. Nothing to worry about," I replied. She replied with an okay before focusing back on the cameras that were getting ready for filming.

    "We begin filming in five, four, three, two, one." I quickly began to smile trying not to space out.

    "Alright let me get the first song ready," Jackson said scrolling on the laptop that the staff had set up. The first song that played was Got7's new song "Fly".

    Immediately jumped off the couch. I normally try to learn the dances to the songs that I produce. It is harder to learn now that I'm an Idol. Every now and then I'll find some free time to learn them.

    I wasn't the only one that danced to the song. Fei and Venus also jumped up and joined me.

    Once it was over we sat back down on the couch. "I feel so happy right now," Jackson said as we sat down. He pretended to wipe tears from his eyes.

    We laughed at him before he searched for the next song. The next one was "Good-Bye Baby" by Miss A. I also knew this dance and jumped off of the couch. Everybody knew this dance and we all danced together.

     The next song was our predebut dance that Venus, ACE, Mika, and I did together. All four of us jumped up and began to dance to the song. I was surprised to see Fei jump up and join us.

    "Why did you join them, Fei?" Jackson asked once it was over. He repeated the question in Chinese to make sure she understood.

    "Um... I learned the dance in my free time because I think the whole dance is so good. This was my time to show it off to everyone," She said as Jackson and I helped with some of the words she didn't know.

    Jackson then began to play the songs that we posted predebut as well. First was the dance that Soyou and ACE did. Fei and I also joined because we choreographed the dances. Next was Star and I's dance, then Venus', then Mika's, and lastly Fei's dance.

    We did a few more songs before we tallied up the points. The winners were Fei and I because we choreographed most of those dances that the other members posted.

    Us both picked out the dishes we wanted the most while the other members followed after us. We began to eat. Even though we picked out the dishes we wanted Fei and I made the other members do things in order to have some of our food.

    After eating we decided to hold a Q&A session. Jackson would be the one asking us the questions since he was already here. Why not get the best of him?

    "The first question is for Fei. How much better have you gotten in your Korean?"

    "Well, since I'm been here for a bit now and with the help of Min, I've improved a lot. I can communicate with my members better now. It was hard in the past. I rarely said anything because I just didn't know how." I sat there surprised. Fei said all of that in Korean without any help. She really must be improving faster than I thought.

    "The second question is for Star. What was it like being the last member to be in the group, but becoming the leader when Min held up that responsibility?"

    "Well, I had to get all the other members' trust. It took a bit since they trusted Min before me. Soon enough they saw me as their leader and I became very close to everyone."

    "The next question is for Min. Since you've worked for many idols, are you friends with any of them?"

    "Yes, actually. I try to become friends with them while I'm working with them to get to know them and understand what parts could be good for them. Some groups I'm close with are BTS, Got7, EXO, BigBang, WINNER, Seventeen."

    "Ah, here is a question for the foreigners. You've all come from many different countries, can you please say hello to all the international fans in your own language?"

    ACE went first to speak in Thai. We all sat there and nodded our heads to show that we agreed to what she was saying even if we don't. Next was Mika in Japanese. I let Fei do it in Chinese.

    "Hello everyone. I'm Fei from Moonlight. I'm happy you all love us and I hope you will continue to support us in the future," Fei said in Chinese.

    "And we hope to bring you new content in the near future, but I can't say too much," I quickly added.

    I also did it in English along with Star since she can speak English as well.

     We answered a few more questions before we got a break to do whatever we wanted to. I went and worked on more songs on my laptop. A few times the others would come up and help out a bit or just watch me

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