Chapter 24

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"Here are the outfits you all will be wearing up on stage," the stylist pulled out a racket full of clothes. "Here is Fei's." She pulled off a pair of clothes and handed them over to Fei. She began to do it with everyone else as they all began to change.

I was wearing a silk-like jumper. It was actually a short jumper. It was black with white at the end of the sleeve. To go along with it, I wore black heels.

Everyone had on almost the same thing. The outfits were a little bit different and the shoes were the same concept, but still black.

"Now it is off you all to go get your makeup and hair done. The first people can be ACE, Venus, and Star to get makeup while the other four of you can go get your hair done," our manager said.

I went off with Soyou, Fei, and Mika. I sat down in the chair as the stylist began to move my hair around to style it nicely.

"You actually have really pretty hair. Next time you should consider growing it out," The stylist said.

"I was at first, but I felt it was too much to handle so I kept it medium length. I most likely will next comeback though. Just to give it a shot."

"I would consider it."

She finished up on my hair and I made way over to my makeup. Lucky Venus just finished up so I slid into the chair. I sat there as she began to apply makeup on my face.

After everyone was all ready we piled up backstage. I now heard the scream and cheers of our fans. They were chanting our names. We began to put our microphones on. Our manager then pushed us all up on stage. It was pitch black.

They must have known we went on stage because their screams became louder. The lights flashed on and 'Bing Bing' began to play. Our bodies danced to the music. Each of us sang when it was our parts.

Being up on stage again felt really good. After not being up here for months, it felt good. To see all the fans cheering singing to the song even though it came out like two hours ago.

The song soon finished and the fans cheered and clapped. The staff pulled out chairs for us all to sit in.

Star was the first to speak. "Hello everyone." We all began to wave. "1, 2, 3..."

"We light your path. Hello, we are Moonlight," We all said together.

"We are so happy that we got a chance to comeback and see all of our fans again," Star said. "We all have Min to thank. She has been working very hard on making these songs for you all."

"I did this all for you guys. I wanted to bring back something better than before. I wanted to make my comeback strong."

"How does it feel to be back on stage?" Venus said.

"Honestly, I feel so happy. I realized today that I missed performing. After everything that happened earlier this year, I thought I would never be able to perform again. My leg was so bad that I could hardly walk. With the help of everybody, my members, you guys, and all the wonderful people that I meet, I thank you all so much. I'm so grateful."

"Since Min won't say anything, then I will," ACE said. "Min was very badly hurt. We looked high and low for her. We didn't know where she went. Then we got a call saying that Min is in the hospital after being in a car wreck we were so scared. Min pushed through all of this pain. She could have given up but she didn't. We are so glad you are all better and please be more careful in the future." I nodded and smiled at her.

"Now moving on. We came out with a new album called 'Hesitate'. Did you all listen to it earlier?" Mika asked. Everyone shouted yes. "As you all heard, 'Bing Bing' is the title track, but unlike last time we now have some b-sides for you to listen to. There are three, 'Temptation', 'Just the Two of Us', and 'Three Out'. If we have time maybe we can perform one for you all." They began screaming.

"Why don't we say some behind the scenes info?" Soyou suggested. Everyone agreed.

"Well, while filming the music video. It took a lot longer to do so because Venus wouldn't stop making us laugh," Mika said as we all began to laugh.

"Oh, Fei also remembered the choreography in a day. Now that is a true dancer or a good memory," Venus said.

Everyone began to tell stories of different moments throughout the making of the music video or practicing. Time really flew by fast. It was now time for us to perform one other song before it was time to leave.

"Okay, now I know the time has really passed and it is almost time to go, but before we do, we want to perform one last song from our album. We want to let you all decide which one you want us to perform," Venus said.

"All you have to do is cheer the loudest for the songs. I'll shout them out, okay?" ACE said. The audience yelled out yes. "Let's hear it for 'Just the Two of Us." They began to scream. "What about 'Three Out'". They still scream out. "And lastly, 'Temptation'." Now it was louder than before. "It looks like we have a winner. Now just wait for a second and we'll be ready to perform."

The lights dimmed as we walked back and got our hair and makeup fixed really quick before heading back out onto the stage. As soon as the lights came back on the music began to play and we began to perform. The audience cheered. Some people have brought banners and light sticks, even though we don't have one of our own yet. There were so many people. I felt happy again after a long time.

The song soon ended and we said our goodbyes. We made our way down the stairs off the stage. Everyone began to congratulate us. This is one of the best moments of my life.

The picture at the top is their album cover. The songs are AOA b-side so you can go and listen to them if you're curious.

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