Chapter 17

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    "I'll be in charge of the grill. The rest of you can cook inside," Soyou said. We just got back from the store and we all began to set out the food. I'll be making Kimchi stew. I got all of my ingredients out. I had written out my brother's recipe. I continued to follow it adding everything when it is needed.

    Everyone was working on something. Mika, A.C.E, and Fei helped out as assistants. They handed us the ingredients or read out the recipe. It took a while before it was all done. We set it all up on the table. Venus went around pouring everyone's drinks.

    "Okay, we have finished cooking," Star said as everyone began to cheer. "Are you ready to eat?" We shouted yes and began to dig into the food.

    I tried not to eat too much, so I can look good and not overweight. I could tell that the other members were thinking that too. Everyone was being cautious about everything that they ate.

    It wasn't long until everyone was done eating. A pile of dishes sat in front of us.

    "Rock, paper, scissors to see who will clean up the dishes," I said holding out my fist. They all agreed as they put their own fists out.

    It took a bit before we could eliminate someone. The first two were Star and A.C.E. It then went to Venus and Soyou, leaving Fei and I. We kept throwing out the same thing until Fei and I threw out rock and Mika threw out scissors.

    I hugged Fei and cheered because I didn't want to do the dishes. Mika began to pout, but eventually stood up and began to clean up the table.

    I went off to my room. I had brought my laptop to work on more songs. I placed the camera on the bed next to me.

    "I decided to bring my laptop to work on more songs. I want to make sure we can see you all again soon," I began to talk to the camera. "This time I will perform in front of you all." I smiled and focused on the laptop as I began to create one of our newest songs, "Temptation".


    This one one of the first times I have ever slept this much. Some days it would be hard to fall asleep and then I would wake up again early. I have gotten pretty used to it now. But today was different. I went to bed early and woke up late. I might sleep more if the noise that began to go off in the house.

    Everyone had trouble getting up. Our hair was a mess. Our faces were bare. We also looked half-sleep. Why did the staff decide to wake us up?

    We eventually made our way out into the living room. The staff and cameras were all set up there. We all huddled in on the couch.

    "Good morning. I hoped you all slept well. You must be wondering why we woke you guys up." We nodded. "Well, today you will all have a special guest today. You all might be familiar with him."

    I turned my head to the door. It opened and a familiar face walked in. It was Jackson. He smiled and waved at us.

    "Good morning. If you don't know me, I'm Jackson Wang from Got7. I'm pleased to be invited here with Moonlight."

    We bowed to him and greeted him. He smiled at us again before turning back to the camera.

    "I'm here to give you all something to eat. As always I can't just give it to you. So here we will play a game. It is called random dance. A song will play and if you know the dance to it you will come out and dance to it. Each time you come out and complete the dance you will get a dish. Are you all ready?"

    "YEAH!" We all shouted. We took a quick break to get our makeup and hair done. We also changed out of our pajamas. This gave me time to talk to Jackson.

    "I didn't know you would come on the show." I walked up to him as he finished getting his hair touched up.

    "I wanted it to be a surprise. It wouldn't ld be a surprise if I told you about it beforehand."

    "It is nice seeing you again."

    "Ah~ did you miss me that much."

    "Hey! I didn't say anything about that." I began to pout. He smiled at me before grabbing my arm and pulled me away from everyone.

    "Jackson~!" I began to shout, but he quickly put his hand over my mouth.

    "Shh... be quiet. I have something I need to tell you. I need to tell you this before it is too late."

    "Spit it out, Jackson."

    "Okay... Min... I..."

    "What is it? Filming is going to start again soon. I can just leave if you don't say anything or just stutter."

    "No, please hear me out. It is just hard to actually say to you for real than talking to myself in the mirror."

    "Okay, just be straight forward."

    "Min, I like you. Actually, I... love you."

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