Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Two weeks later; Monday February 28

I stared at the school before me, the snow falling down in a white glittering veil around me one of our last snows hopefully before spring came since the older snow was melting as we speak. Wrapped tightly in warm clothes I wore, I made my way toward the double doors before me, looking left and right I slipped into the abandoned senior hallway. The doors squeaked open as I pressed on them, slipping inside I made sure no one saw me enter the hallway. My boots echoed on the tile, the faint smell of cleaner clung to the stale air around me; stepping forward I made my way to my old locker. Locker 18 stared back at me in shiny dented metal, tilting my head to the side I made a curious face as to why there was a dent when supposedly no one was near my locker. Reaching forward I twisted the familiar number combination into the dial 5, 10, 15, I know how original. The locker clicked open, the sound echoing off the walls around me. Pulling slowly afraid to see what may lie on the other side of the locker, the moment I pulled it wide open, my eyes opened wide as well.

All my books and supplies sat in the locker, dust covered them but there were also a substance on some of the upper books and wall. Looking closely at the still linger books it made me wonder if what everyone had been saying was true because it seemed it was not because here my books were. Holding the door open I felt something hard and unusual under my thumb that held the door open, looking from my books to the locker door my eyes went even wider. Because clinging to the vent thing in the locker door was a note but that wasn't what made my eyes go wide, it was the dried blood that seeped into the locker and clung to the letter. Reaching hesitantly outwards I grabbed the note and pulled it from the blood. How did that get there? I thought no one was by my locker when the shots were fired but someone must have been here... and that's when my thoughts stopped.

Because in that moment I knew how the blood would of gotten there and the thought was not a pleasant one, because for the blood to somehow manage to get into the vent of the locker only meant one thing. Someone would have had to have been leaning against my locker with their head down and facing the doors of the school, and that person would have to have a head would. The blood that lay on the note was none other than Ryder Jameston. I guess he could have been facing away from the doors but after seeing the scar I knew that he had been facing the doors not away.

It finally clicked why Ryder was inside the school; he was waiting at my locker. With shaky hands I tucked the note into my jacket pocket and shut my locker door and gave the lock a quick twist before I turned away from the locker. Just as I turned to head back to the main door I saw something strange at the end of the hall where the green house was, there was a light shining from under the door. With slow steps I made my way toward it, the dark hallway leaving no imagination to what could happen to me at this moment. I thought this hall way closed? The darkness was sliced by thin lines of light that came in from the windows, reflecting the snow falling on the ground outside. My footsteps echoed in the hallway, the eerie feeling crept up my spin and made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. The moment I almost reached the room the main doors opened and a figure walked in, a hood over their head.


Unknown number 1: get out of there now!

I looked at the figure in front of me and saw they didn't have a phone out, then who had sent me this warning, as I made my way toward the main door the figure threw off their hood to reveal...

Tori Kingsley? Why was Richards's stepsister standing before me in the hallway that was only for seniors seeing as she was only in her second year of college here?

"Tori" I said slowly a confused tone to my voice, I must have startled her because she jumped with fright a nervous look passed across her face before she smiled at me. Her smile was weird though it almost looked sinister and evil, though her eyes gave nothing away.

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