A Bullet is the Key

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"Bell wake up" His voice whispered as he pressed a soft kiss to my lips earning a slow reaction from me resulting in a moan leaving Ryder's lips.

Opening my eyes I was met with his that were closed, pulling back slowly his eyes napped open and he looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Hello beautiful, you must get up and get ready for our date. I have everything set and ready to go for tonight so dress semi-formal if you can." He got off the bed and walked to the door as I opened my mouth he bet me to it "I packed you a few dresses I like on you". He left the room with his laughter filling the air around me as I just sat there with my mouth open; the sound of the door shutting brought me back to the present. That sly devil I thought as I got out of the bed and stretched, the shirt riding up my stomach as I moved my arms high over my head. Slight pain trailed up my side but it was bearable nothing like my stitches that is for sure. I made my way into Ryder's bathroom to get dressed for the date, reaching in I turned the nozzle of the shower the warm water cascading out of the shower head and pounded against the bottom of the shower floor. With the water running in the shower, I made my way back into the bedroom and to one of the two duffle bags searching for undergarments and a dress. The person duffle bag had my shower stuff so I took those out as well as the blow-dryer and roller brush. Unzipping the second bag I saw all my clothes pretty much, I pulled out a white strapless bra and pale pink hipster panties to wear. Moving my hand inside I came to a familiar material and gave it a soft tug pulling out one of my favorite dresses, I cannot believe he actually grabbed this one.

A light pink satin dress appeared in my hand from the depths of the duffle bag a smile on my face. Standing up I grabbed my needed items and made my way back into the bathroom shutting and locking the door behind me in precaution. Stripping from my clothes and I unwrapped the bandage form around my waist, I stepped into the shower the warm water raining over me in a soothing manner. A sigh left my lips as the water cascaded down my body relaxing my tense muscles in the process, the warm water running through my hair. Once it was wet enough I lathered up my hands and began to rub them through my long locks creating bubbles in my air before rinsing it out and applying conditioner. Taking the loofah I covered it with my favorite strawberry coconut body wash and began to wash my body, grabbing the razor I brought in here and began to shave my legs. Suds filled the tub as the water washed away my body wash leaving me squeaky clean, standing up I rinsed out my conditioner making sure I got all of it out before turning the water off. Grabbing the towel on the wall I wrapped it securely around my body before I stepped from the shower and stood before the fog covered mirror the warm heat surrounding me in a soothing cocoon.

I took the small washcloth from the counter and whipped it across the mirror creating a clean fog free spot so where I could see myself in the mirror. With the towel secured around me I plugged the blow dryer in and continued to dry my hair curling the brush in different angles to create the waves I wanted.

My smile was huge as I starred at my reflection in the mirror.


Turning towards the door I unlocked it before coming face to face with a red cheeked Ryder as he stood before me, he ran a hand through his hair meaning he was nervous.

"Yes Ry?" I asked as I kept the closed though it was only open enough for me to stick my head out of.

"I need my razor" Was his reply and that was when I noticed the dark hairs sprouting on his face, with a laugh I shut the door in his face and went to the cabinet to grab his electric razor.

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