A bullet is the Key

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I waited for him to reply when I didn’t get one right away I made my way toward the main doors so I could go to the car and wait. As I made my way towards my Volvo, the snow had stopped falling.

“Emma!” a voice screeched, I turned around to see Mike running at me a look on his face, I watched in amusement as he tried not to fall.


“You need to go now, where is Ryder?” he asked me in a panic, I saw fear in his eyes; this caused me to worry even more.

“Mike what is going on?”

“I can’t tell you Emma, if I did something will happen.” He looked shaken and scared of what could be told, he grabbed my shoulders and spun me around and shoved me towards my car.

“Get in your car, I’ll go get Ryder.”

“Mike!” I yelled after his retreating figure, fear swelled in my chest, with hurried steps I unlocked the car and slid in. I sat there with worry etched onto my face, my hands started to shake as my nerves kicked in. Placing the key in the ignition I turned the car on to let the heat seep and melt the cold away as I waited. Relief filled me as I saw Ryder’s figure coming towards me, a quick pace to his steps.


Mike: They know you went into the hall Emma.

Me: I saw Tori but no one else.

Mike: Jace told you who to trust and stick with that list, please.

Bang! With a jump I turned to see Ryder in the car and the door shut behind him.

“Drive Bells” he said his voice harsh. Putting the car into reverse and moving out of the spot before shifting it into drive and heading toward the hospital, as I rounded the corner I noticed a black sedan fallowing me.

“Ry…” “Don’t look behind you Bell, just drive!” He told me, cutting off my sentence in the process. The silence was around us like a suffocating blanket, I kept my hands firmly on the steering wheel to keep the car on the road. The road still had ice on it so the tires could slip at any moment if you were not careful enough. I saw the sedan speed up behind me; the windows tinted a deep black making it hard for you to see who was driving it. Panic filled my chest as I stayed on the road, slowly I pressed on the gas pedal harder making the car go faster.

“Almost there Bells.” At his statement I saw the turn off for the hospital stating it the next right, I knew I was speeding but I had to get away from the sedan. The ice and snow made it hard to drive as the surface was treacherous and deadly to be speeding on- though it was already dangerous to be speeding period. Small white dots of snow soon began to fall onto the car sending the wipers into a frenzy to keep the window clean and my view open to everything around me.

“Bells!” Ryder yelled I looked at him then behind me my eyes wide with fear the Sedan was gaining on us. With a sharp right turn I squealed into the parking lot of the hospital, I heard the screech of tires behind me as the barely made the turn causing them to slide across the icy street where they narrowly missed a light pole before they regained control over the car. Without thinking and paying the car behind me anymore attention I found a spot and parked, putting the car in park and shutting it off we jumped out. I locked the car behind me as we ran as fast as we could into the hospital, I didn’t look behind me. The front desk people looked up at us with a confused look on their faces, before I could say anything Ryder did.

“There was a car fallowing us, send us to Dr. Nelson’s room please,” he said his voice almost demanding. The receptionist nodded her head, obviously she knew Ryder from his many visits to Dr. Nelson. I felt Ryder latch onto my hand and pull me with him down the hallway and into the second door on the left. Shutting it behind me, he pulled me to his chest and just held me, slowly breathing in my body spray to calm him down. His body was shaking in either rage or fear I was unsure because I couldn’t see anything past his chest meaning his face was hidden.

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