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"Why do all of you look so pale?"

The member's eyes widen, all of them were speechless. Miyeon quickly whipped out her phone and searched for the news.

While the others are still in shock, Yuqi took initiative and explained to Minnie what is going on.

Minnie, Yuqi, Soojin, and Shuhua were discussing about this until they looked at Miyeon who's frantically typing really fast. Until she reached a website.

"Miyeoni.." Minnie called, Miyeon didn't even bother to answer her.

Soon enough sobs were to be heard from the elder. She sobbed as she dropped her phone on the floor. And the members started to form a circle around her and comforted her.

Yuqi picked up Miyeon's phone and checked. There it was the crashed plane's passenger list, 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot, 9 crew members, 179 passengers, and 1 name that stood out, Jeon Soyeon.

"I.. don't believe this.." Yuqi blurted as her hands clenched into a fist.

"I need to go to Singapore. They're carrying the victim bodies there!" Miyeon said

"Unnie, I'm coming with you." Soojin shouted.

"We are too." Yuqi joined in along with Shuhua and Minnie.

"No, you guys just stay here." Soojin interrupted. "You have to plan the performance while me and Miyeon are away. Please we have to atleast perform this if Soyeon.."

The others shot a worried nod understanding Soojin, except for Yuqi.

"Unnie, as much as I respect your decision. I have to go there, but Soyeon is my best friend. I have to go-" Yuqi refused but Soojin didn't agree.

"Yuqi, please. I know you've done enough for Soyeon and I really thank you for that, but now it's my turn. And it's your responsibility to plan the performance while we're away to save time. Please, do it for Soyeon." 

As much as Yuqi didn't want to listen, she shot up a disbelief look before nodding in defeat. Soojin smiled and hugged the younger.

"Don't worry unnie we have your back." Shuhua said trying to comfort Yuqi.

"We'll do our best, you guys will be okay on your own?" Minnie asked.

"Don't worry I know her sister's contact. We'll be okay." Soojin said reassuring.

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