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Pain was the only word she could say to explain her whole situation, mess, ordeal.

She opened her eyes trying to get a sense of where she was until the cold ocean waves hits half of her body.

She quickly stood up and rubbed her head where it was having a massive headache. Her body hurts all over and the girl was desperate to go home.

It took her a while to realize that she was sitting on sand, and a lot of debris was wasted there, many were plane parts and people's belongings and some random cargo that was useless now.

Soyeon shook her head and attempted to stand up before screaming in pain, realizing one of her legs was broken. She was literally paralyzed to the ground.

"No.." She mumbled and checked on her badly injured leg.

She sobbed as the pain hit her again, until she quickly got herself together. The day was already getting darker than Soyeon knew, she didn't know how long she was here, without food nor water and she was already struggling to keep herself awake.

She pondered there in the deep sand, looking into the empty sea desperately waiting for rescue to come and just pick her up. If she didn't make it, how are the others going to react? She has to be strong for each one of them, like the leader she is.

Rain started to pour and things couldn't get any worse, Soyeon quickly dragged herself near the trees for some shelter before she felt something sharp hitting her hands. She quickly grabbed it and identified it, it was a chunk of glass that was probably broken from the plane.

She examined the chunk of glass before thinking twice on what she's going to do, she had this idea in mind when she wasn't with Miyeon. But she still kept on thinking twice about executing this idea since everything was on the line for her.

She rested her back on the nearby tree and feeling hopeless when light rain changed into a storm. Until she saw something in the distance, a light. She saw a light.

She quickly acted fast and tried to draw attention to the moving light in the ocean, it could be a rescue boat she had been waiting for so long.  Since she didn't have any light to draw attention all she could do was scream for help.

Scream, trying to get her voice louder and louder every scream. But all of the effort just went away when the boat's light started to fade away and go on another way.

"Wait no..! Come back..!!" Soyeon tried to draw attention once again until she fell to the wet sand.

She cried, the only chance of her getting back was gone now, all gone. 

'I think it's better if I just end this right now rather than having to endure more suffering, I've already had enough' Soyeon thought and smiled.

She grabbed the chunk of glass that was in the sand, and started to pierce the sharp glass toward her chest. A bright light appeared, until she blacked out.

𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐬 - 𝐜.𝐦𝐲 𝐱 𝐣.𝐬𝐲 ✔Where stories live. Discover now