Getting Started

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(Y/N) POV:
I had entered the shopping district of the city which is a huge place. I was lucky that I don't have a place Wait or else I could be lost. "Ok... what should I do first?" I asked myself as I was looking at the stores. "If I'm gonna be here I'm gonna to need weapons, a place to stay temporarily, and a disguise so that no one can recognize what I look like and that I can stay hidden at all times." I thought as I stumbled upon a "Tailor Shop." "Perfect!" I said as I walked in. I saw so many styles of outfits that I couldn't believe that I never saw before in the show, then again it would be out of place to see a shopping scene for clothes in the show. "Hello, how may I help you?" The girl at the receptionist desk asked me. "Hi! I was wondering if I could have like a superhero suit in my size?" I asked her as she looked at me like I was a kid. "Uhhh.... ok... how much do you have?" She asked me as I looked at the Lien that have which is a total of 250 Lien. I gave her a hundred Lien. "Would this do?" I asked as she picks it up and shrugs "Ok... I'll see what I can do." She said as she walked to the back and came out to take my measurements and went back to the back. I waited for thirty minutes until she came out and handed me a box that contains my suit. "Here you go." She said "Thank you!" I said "Now I should let you know that you didn't had enough to afford to have the outfit to have pants and that I ran out of pink fabric so I hope you understand." She told me. "Got it! Thanks!" I said as I grabbed the box and I left the store.
Time skip
I went to a weapon shop and I got two pistols and a katana which cost me another hundred Lien and then I got myself a Scroll.... a used one to be exact and old which had its problems but it was the only one that cost 25 Lien and I had to use the rest for a hotel room. I was in my hotel room looking through my own Scroll.

(This was the best Scroll that I could find that didn't look new)I was going through a APP that was called "Mercenary scroll" which was hard to find since I had to look it up at the Tower page which is like Google and Bing

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(This was the best Scroll that I could find that didn't look new)
I was going through a APP that was called "Mercenary scroll" which was hard to find since I had to look it up at the Tower page which is like Google and Bing. "Boy... there are sure a lot of jobs that only go after good people." I said as I was looking at the bio of one target which says that he was a local Chef that failed to pay a parking ticket and was on the list as bring to police: Reward is 35 Lien. "Is there at least one job that is what I'm looking for?!" I said in frustration as I was looking at more targets until I stopped at one. "helllooo! What's this." I said as I smiled at one target. "Wanted: Small time Crime boss. Four bank heists, three untraced Murders and known anti Faunus rights. Reward is 2000 Lien." It read as I pressed accept and I saw that he was near. "Only 23 blocks away! Looks like today is my lucky day!" I said as I picked up my phone that was in my pocket when I was transported to this world. "Ok... my job says he will be there for two weeks which leaves tomorrow to start. Now all in need to do is to look at a YouTube video on how to use a katana and how to use twin pistols." I said I pulled up Youtube and found a video but it started to buffer. "Or the video will buffer since h there is no WiFi... that's right... Buffer!" I said as it continues to buffer.

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