A minor Hiccup

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In the dorm of Team Rwby. The team and their friends were all ready to start their mission. "I thought that class would never end." Blake said as she jumped off the bunk bed. "I can't believe (Y/n) had to miss this." Ruby said. "She said that she was seeing a old friend." Ilia told her as she got her weapon ready. "Kinda convenient for her friend to visit on the day of the mission." Coco said "I had the same thought, but she told me that we'll be alright with how many people would be involved today." Weiss said. "The important thing is that we work together to figure out what's going on." Yang said "We'll crush these guys!" Nora said. "Yeah! My first mission with my new friends." Penny said. "It was nice you guys to invite us to this mission." Mercury said. "When Ilia said that you had some experience in the streets we knew that could help us on gathering info on White Fang, AIM, and this Gwenpool girl." Yang said. "Everyone know the plan?" Blake asked. "Ruby and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem." Weiss said. "Me and my team will ask everyone on the north side of Vale if they know anything on these people." Juan said "Me and my team will hit the docks and the shopping districts and ask any questions." Coco said "We will ask the around the bad parts of Vale and see if there are any word on AIM and Gwenpool." Emerald said "The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If me and Ilia can get in, We can hopefully find out what they're planning." Blake said "I will provide lookout for them Incase if trouble happens." May said "I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard for me and Neon... and I know that Gwenpool goes to him two so finding info on her shouldn't be to hard." Yang said "Good, once we got all the info we need we'll met back at the courtyard and exchange information." Blake said as everyone agreed and they went out to go to the places they were assigned to go.
(Y/n) POV:
I was outside in a disguise so that no one will recognize me when I follow Blak. Once I saw her and she was joined with Ilia and May. "I knew I should've listen to their plan." I thought as I start following them at a distance.
Weiss POV:
Me and Ruby had arrived to the crossroads that will lead to the CCT. "Woooow! I forget how big the Transmit tower looks up close!" Ruby said in amazement. "You should see the one in Atlas!" "That was the first one, right?" "Correct." I said we turned to the path to the tower. "Atlas developed the Cross Continental Transmit System to allow the four kingdoms to communicate with one another. It was their gift to the world after the Great War." I told her. "Oooh, look at me! My name's Weiss! I know facts! I'm rich!" Ruby said in a fake rich accent which I frowned. "Don't be a pest! Besides, the only reason we're here is because you like the tower so much! We could have just as easily made a call from the library!" I said "I know, but it's so coool! Ooh, I'm going to take a picture!" She said as she pulls out her scroll and takes a picture. "Come on! Let's get this call over with." I said as we continued our walk to the tower.
Nora POV:
Me and my teammates were on the flight to the north side of Vale. "So where are we gonna start?" I asked my fearless leader. "I think we should spread out a bit to cover more ground but we stay with a partner so that we don't get lost." Juan told me. "Me and Nora will ask around the housing district." Rena said "And me and Juan will ask around the buildings that are next to the park." Pyrrha said. "Sounds like a plan." Is said as we wait till we land.
Ruby POV:
Me and Weiss arrived to the CCT and we entered the elevator. "Hello. Welcome to the CCT. How may I help you?" A AI asked us. "We'd like to go to the communications room, please." Weiss asked. "Absolutely. Could you please place your Scroll's on the terminal to verify your identity?" She asked us as we placed our scroll's for her to identify us. "Perfect! Thank you, Miss Schnee and Miss Rose." She said as we were waiting in the elevator which was going up. The door opens and we walk to the desk. "Welcome to the Beacon Cross Continental Transmit center. How may I help you?" The AI asked us. "I need to make a call to Schnee Company World Headquarters in Atlas." Weiss told her. "Absolutely. And you Miss Rose?" She asked me. "I'm with her." I told her. "Got it. If you could head over to Terminal 3, I'll patch you through." She told us we walked to the terminal and saying thank you. We got to the terminal and a woman appears on the screen. "Thank you for calling the Atlas- Oh! Miss Schnee! Good afternoon! Would you like me to patch you through to your father? I think your sister Winter might be here as well." The operator said and when the Name Winter was mentioned Weiss had a pleasant expression on her face. "No, thank you! I was actually wondering if you could find some files for me. I've compiled a short list." She said as she placed her scroll on the slot to the keyboard. "I see. If you don't mind... what may I ask is this for?" "School project." Weiss said as I saw the operator gets nervous. "Um... There are some sensitive documents on this list, ma'am." "Well, then, I'll be sure to treat them with care." Weiss told her. "Right... Very well. ..... The data is being transferred to your Scroll now." She said "Wonderful! That will be all, then." "Are you sure you wouldn't like me to patch you through to your father before you go?" The operator asked Weiss which I saw her smile disappeared for a split second before coming back. "Yes, I'm sure." "Well, then... Have a nice day!" The operator said as she ends the call and Weiss's smile drops. "Are.... are you ok?" I asked her. "Yeah.... I'm fine." She told me. "Are you sure? Because I saw-" "Drop it, Ruby!" She told me. "S-Sorry." I said as I heard her sigh. "No, I'm sorry. Look, I don't want to talk about it right now ok?" She asked me. "Ok." I said as we got up to leave the CCT.
Neo POV:
Me and the rest of the team had entered the bad parts of Vale which most of the buildings were broken down or abandoned. "This place.... looks creepy." Penny said. "That's why it's called the bad part of Vale." Emerald said. "Don't worry, as long as your with us no one will hurt you." Mercury told her. "If they do try to then they will meet the sharp end of my sword." I signed to her. "Thanks guys." She said. "So where do we start?" I asked. "I read that there is a small gang around here. That'll be a good place to start." Emerald said as we followed her to the place that she heard they would be at.

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