Shining Beacon (Part Two)

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Your POV:
Me, Ruby, and Juan has finally found the auditorium which was bursting with people. "Finally." I said as I then heard "Ruby! (Y/N)! Over here! I saved you a spot!" I turned to see Yang Waving at us. "Oh! Hey, W-we gotta go! We'll see you after the ceremony!" Ruby told Juan as she then grabbed my arm and zoomed towards Yang. We finally stopped where Yang was at. "Don't... do that..." I said "Sorry!" She said as she then looks at Yang with her arms cross. "How's your first day going, little sister?" Yang asked her. "You mean since you ditched us and (Y/N) nearly had a fight a crabby girl?" Ruby asked sarcastically. "I'm sure the fight wouldn't be that bad." Yang said "Not bad? I had to step in so it wouldn't get worse." Ruby said "Relax Ruby. I could've taken her if things did get bad." I told her. "It didn't look like it." Ruby said "Trust me, she wouldn't stand a chance against me." I said as I then heard "Hardly!" Which spooked me. "Ahh!" I yelled as I turned to se Weiss. "Where did you come form?!" I asked "That's none of your concern and your just lucky that you didn't blow us off the cliff side when you tripped!" She said "It was a accident and she was pushing me away from falling onto your suitcases." Ruby told her "either way. Here!" Weiss said as she hands me a slip of paper. "What's this?" I asked her as I grabbed the paper. "I checked for the damages and that is the bill of what is damaged and you should be lucky that it is small." She said "great..." I said "Look, uh, it sounds like you two just got off on the wrong foot. Why don't you start over and try to be friends, okay?" Yang said as to us. "Yeah! Great idea, sis!" Ruby said "Yeah! Hi! My name is (Y/N) Poole. These two are Ruby and Yang. What's yours?" I asked hoping to be on Weiss's good side. "Weiss Schnee, and... I'm not exactly looking for friends right now. Sorry." She said as she leaves. "Well, if you change your mind you know who we are!" I yelled out to her. I then turn to Ruby and Yang. "That went well." I said . "Forget her, you still have us." Ruby said "And that blond girl that I saw you two with." Yang said. "Yeah, so don't worry about her." Ruby said as we heard a tap from the microphone which was Ozpin trying to get everyones attention. "I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction." Ozpin said as the students start to whisper and he adds. "You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." As he finishes he leaves and Glynda takes over. "You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed." She said. "He seemed kind of... off." Yang said "It's almost like he wasn't even there." Ruby adds. "I'm sure he just has a lot on his mind right now." I said "He is the headmaster of Beacon so he might had a lot to do before this." Ruby said. "Probably, but I can't wait to head to the ballroom and see what the guys and girls are wearing." Yang said as she and Ruby were leaving. "A lot on his mind..." I thought.
Time skip
"What a day..." I said as I walked out of the restrooms in my PJ's.

(These are your pajamas

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(These are your pajamas. The bow is optional)
"Now! Where to sleep?" I asked myself as I walked around trying to find any open spots in the ballroom and most of the open spots were around some guys which I didn't like the idea of sleeping near some guys. I then found a open spot at the at the wall, but it was next to Blake Belladonna and we never met yet and I'm not sure if she would like the idea of me sleeping where she is reading. But I had no choice so I walked over and I asked. "Uh... is this spot taken or..." I saw her how twitch. "No. But... I don't like noise." She says "Don't worry, I'll be quiet and it'll be like I am not here." I told her. "Well... alright, but don't disturb me while I'm reading and when I go to bed." She told me. "Got it." I said as I saluted and I set up my sleeping bag and I was getting ready to sleep until. "Hel-looooo!" I looked to see Yang dragging Ruby over this way which confused me since Blake never came up to us back where she was supposed to appear. "Can I help you?" Blake asked them. "Sorry! My sister wanted me to meet no people and she saw you with (Y/N) so she thought that you two know each other." Ruby said "No, this is our first meeting." Blake said "Yeah, I just came here to find a place to sleep." I said "Nonetheless, you guys should get to know each other." Yang said. "Uh... What's your name?" Ruby asked her. "Blake." She said as she goes back to her book hoping that they will leave. "So... how are you guys?" I asked them. "Good and I like your pajamas." Yang said "Thanks." I said "Yang, I think we should leave them be since (Y/N) looks like she is going to sleep." Ruby said to Yang. "Fine." Yang said "Good Night (Y/n)." Yang said "Night, (Y/n)." Ruby adds as they leave to their sleeping bags. "Night!" I said to them. "I better get to sleep two. Because tomorrow is gonna be....Ah man! We're gonna be launched tomorrow! I had nightmares about that part and now it's gonna be a reality! Well... I better enjoy the night while I can because tomorrow is gonna be one crazy day." I thought as I went to sleep dreading about initiation tomorrow.

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