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(Y/N) POV:
It was a typical Saturday this morning as I woke up from bed and was getting ready to head to my boring part time job at the local pizza place in town. I had just finished eating my breakfast alone since my parents would usually be working at this time of 6:30 while mine was at 8:00. I got my work clothes on and I was on my way to the bus stop where I would wait for the bus to take me to my stop. As I was waiting for the bus I decided to check my phone for any updates for any superhero move that would be coming out soon and I saw that a "Black Adam" movie would be coming out in 2021 in Dec which was good that there would be another antihero movie but bad that it would be two years to wait. I saw the bus pull up and I got on and I was off to work.
Time skip:
It was 5:57 and my shift would soon end and I will be able to head home and watch the second episode and "the Mandalorian" that I didn't watch yesterday. I was finishing up cleaning a table when my boss came in and said. "Hey Ms Poole I need you to deliver this Pizza to this address." He said as he hands me the pizza box with the pizza inside. "How come Jason can't do it?" I asked him. "He called and said that he was going to be late, so could you deliver this?" He said "Alrighty then, I'll deliver this Pizza in no time!" I said "Good." He said as I walked out to deliver this pizza.
Time skip
I had just arrived to the building that the address was addressed to and it lead me to a laboratory inside a dark room. "Hello?" I yelled out as I looked at the address paper to call out for the person I was supposed to deliver it to and I called out. "Is there a person named... UR. Re. Tarded... Oh come on!" I yelled in realization of anger as I figured out that it was a prank call. "Just my luck! I was sent on a prank delivery! This feels like a total "Futurama" moment right now!" I yelled as I placed the pizza box down and I leaned on the table. "At least this place isn't a cryogenic room." I said as decided to look around. "What is this place anyway?" I asked myself as I looked at a machine that looked straight out of a comic book. "That is one strange looking machine." I said as saw a control panel on the side which I walked over to it. "This stuff looks so Sci fy." I said in amazement as I touched a button which the machine turns on which surprised me. "Maybe I should leave this alone before I would do something that would be disastrous." I said as I walked away from the panel but I then tripped on some wires which I fell down on the middle of the machine and I saw a glass tube come down. "Oh No!" I yelled in panic as I got up and started pounding on the glass hoping to break free but I was unsuccessful as I saw I light appear from above me and everything turned to a bright flash of white and it was then black.

Remnant's Gwenpool: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now