The Rise of Gwenpool

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At a mansion of a small time crime boss four guardsmen were patrolling the back of the yard in the middle of the night when a figure drops towards the bushes. "What the!?" One guy said as he walks to the bushes where the others around. He looks at the spot until the figure grabs him and pulls him to the bushes. Some muffled sounds and struggles were made from the bush until it stops and the figure darts to another bush. "Ugh. I can't believe that it took a while to silence him. Ezio wouldn't have that problem in Assassins Creed." The figure frustratedly whispered to herself as she darts to the wall to reveal that it is (Y/N) in her suit. "Although... he had a hidden blade on his wrist and I had my fist and sword so..." she whispered as she spots two guards standing by the pool. "Ok... I took that first guards silencer and it has.... 6 shots..." She said as She readied my silencer. "Alright, Years of playing first person shooters don't fail me now." She whispered as She fired at the first guy at the head and She quickly fired at the second guy which missed. She panics as she fires two more times which one hits his shoulder and the other hits the heart and he falls into the pool where the other guy had fallen.
(Y/N) POV:
I watched as the guy falls into the pool which attracted the last guard to head this way I made sure to aim as I waited for him to get closer and when he got closer I fired which hit him in the head and that was all of the guards in this place. "I-I guess.... that I am gonna need more training then one day.... and those were all the ammo that the gun had..." I said as I tossed the gun down. "Ok... I better try to sneak in silently and without anyone noticing." I said as I walked up to the window and I quietly checked to see if there is anyone in the room, but I saw none. I tried to open it but it didn't budge. I then walked to another window and luckily this one was opened. "It seems that luck is on my side." I whispered as I crawled in. It took me a few good moments of trying to find the room that he was in and I had to silently passed a lot of guards around here and it wasn't easy. I finally found the room that he was in and I saw my target standing by the fire. I smiled and I silently walked up to him. "Alright. What are my options? I could stab him, I could use my gun, or..." I then pushed him into the fireplace which he screamed in pain until he finally died. I then took a picture so that I could show my employer that the job is done now all I had to do was get out without anyone finding. I then heard people were heading this way so I quickly dashed through the window and I ran till I was away from the mansion.
Time skip
It had taken me a few hours until I had lost the guards and found the place where my employer was at which was at a familiar building. I entered the place and it was loud and I saw people dancing. "Huh... this place is very active... now who was I supposed to look for?" I said as I checked the scroll which said that he would be working at the bar. I looked until I saw the bar which I walked over until I saw two familiar sights. I saw Junior and Torchwick talking which means that I must be... Uh Oh... "this is were the Yellow Trailer is fixing to happen and Yang is going to be here and I won't be able to get my money!" I thought as I saw Junior walked up to me and say. "Are you the one that took the job of killing a crime boss?" "Uh... Yeah! See!" I said as I showed him the pic. "Huh... seems a bit extreme but ay to kill a target but I'm not gonna complain since you did complete the job." He said as he motioned a guy to come over and he had a briefcase. "Here is your pay." He said the case opened and I saw the Lien. "Thank you!" I said as I grabbed the Lien and put them into my pouch. "Pleasure doing business." He said as I was about to leave but I heard him add. "Oh! By the way, what is your name?" "Crap... I can't tell him my real name... maybe I should tell him a fake name that no one can link to and besides... the people around here are named on colors so..." "My name is Gwen Poole." I told him since people would call me Gwen at home because my middle name is Gwendolyn and I doubt anyone in Remnant has the last name Poole. "Gwenpool... what a... unique name." He said as I walked off until I bumped into someone. "Sorry! I wasn't paying attention." I told the person when I heard the familiar voice. "It's no problem, although I do have to say that I never seen a suit like yours before." I heard the familiar voice which I looked up to see that it was Yang! I quickly tried to play it cool. "Oh... M-my outfit... w-well, you see... I couldn't afford to have the suit to have pants and that they didn't had any pink fabric." I told her. "Well it looks good on you." She said "right... Uh... great talking to you bye, Yang!" I said as I walked off not wanting to stay and make things awkward because of my talking.
Yang POV:
I watched the girl walk off as I then realized. "Did she just say my name? How did... forget it, I have important things to talk about and I can go back to that later." I said as I saw Junior and I walked up to him.

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