Forever Fall

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(Y/n) POV:
It had been five full days of not being able to help Juan with Cardin. It had been the most stressful days of my life and the itch to help was growing. The only reason I haven't snap is because there were to many witnesses wherever Cardin is at, so I couldn't do anything. Luckily when that time that I at the cafeteria is when Cardin got in trouble for nearly fixing to do something when he picked me up and everyone said that he started it and that I was defending myself so he got two days of detention while I only had a lecture from Glynda on hitting his little Cardin's... That was not a good hour for me but it was still worth it. Today was the field trip to forever falls and I can finally sigh in relief that it was the day that Juan will stand up for herself. I was in the locker room getting my weapons since the forest will have Grimm but I wasn't worried. "Hey!" I heard someone say which I turned to Coco walking towards me. "Coco? What does she want with me?" I thought as she stops. "So your the girl that helped Velvet five days ago?" She asked me. "Uh... Yeah?" I said "Good, I wanted to thank you for that." She said "Oh! Well, your welcome." I said "Yeah, I wish I was in the same lunch schedule as hers so I would've teach those boys a lesson, but luckily you showed him a lesson." "He made the move first, everyone saw it." I said "Sure... he made the first move and he wasn't provoked into attacking." She said as she gave me a wink.... I think? I can't tell with those sunglasses. "....Right! I should probably get going so I don't miss the field trip to forever falls" I said as I closed my locker. "Alright, I'll see you later and Velvet also sends her thanks." She said as she leaves. "Sigh.... I feel like I fixing to be on everyone's radar." "I better start trying to be on a low profile or else people will start drawing comparison to me and Gwenpool and that will ruin my days as Gwenpool." I thought as I walked out of the locker room. As I walked out of the room I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh! Sorry about that." I said as I looked up to see that it was Fox Alistair. "Not a problem. We were both walking through the door at the same time so it's fine." He told me. "O-ok. And again sorry about that. I'll see you later." I said as walked out of the room. "That was Fox?! His semblances is Telepathy! What if he read my mind on the.... part that I said? No, he wouldn't do that. I'm sure he didn't do that to another student.... Right? I should probably leave before I think of anything else." I thought as I quickly went to where everyone else will be.
Time skip
""Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so."" Glynda said as we were walking through the forest. I was walking with my team trying to ignore the jars that Juan was carrying and not hitting Cardin right here and now. ""Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun!"" She said which I chuckled a bit on the "Have fun" part. ""Come on, buddy - let's go!"" I heard Cardin day to Juan which I growled silently and I quickly followed my team before I would do something that Cardin will be unable to feel in the morning.
Juan POV:
I had just filled all six jars of red sap and I was walking back to Cardin and his friends. I reached to where they at and I placed the jars down and then collapse down on the ground face down. "Hey, great work, Arcy girl! Now that wasn't too hard, was it?" I heard Cardin say as I tried to get up. ""I think I'm allergic to this stuff..."" I said ""Greeeeat, great, great. So, Juan, I bet you're asking yourself, 'Why did my buddy Cardin ask me to collect six jars of tree sap when there's only five of us?'"" He said as I nodded and said ""That is one of the many questions I have asked myself today, yes."" I then sit up as Cardin was saying. ""Well, come with me, and you'll find out."" He said as gulped in worry of what was fixing to happen.
Time skip
Me and team Crdl were at a hilltop looking over at all my friends who were minding their own business collecting tree sap. ""Cardin, wh-what's going on?"" I Asked him trying to figure what he is planning. ""Payback."" He said plainly as figured out what was the extra jar was for. ""Pyrrha...?"" I said "No... the little brat." Cardin said as he pounds his fist on the ground. "(Y/n)!" I said in surprise. "Correct, the little girl who called me a animal and kicked me in the privates." He said "I thought she called you a savage?" I asked in confusion. "It basically means the same thing." He said as he holds up a box filled with Rapier wasps. ""Last night, old Juan here managed to round up an entire box of Rapier Wasps, and now, we're gonna put him to work."" He said as I felt Russel put his hand on my shoulder. I laughed nervously as I can only imagine what is going to happen when it happens. " "Now, according to one of the essays you wrote for me last week, these nasty things loooove sweets."" He said as I saw (Y/n) who was finishing up getting red sap. ""I'm thinking it's time we teach her a thing or two."" He said as then hands me the jar. ""And you're gonna do it."" He told me as I said ""Do what?"" ""Hit her with the sap!"" He then leans to my face and says ""Either that, or I'll have a chat with Goodwitch, and you'll be on the first airship out of Beacon."" I looked at the jar and I then looked at the four who were grinning waiting for me to throw the jar. I then looked at (Y/n) who had just finished filling the jar and with a happy smile oblivious of what was going on. I was shaking my hand but I couldn't do throw the jar. I decided to do something stupid. "No." ""What did you say?"" He asked me as I firmly held the jar. ""I said... NO!"" I then threw the jar at him which hits him at the chest. He then looks at me and darkly laughs. " "Oh, you've done it now..."" he told me. "Welp... I died doing the right thing." I thought as I raised my hand to defend myself but I felt two hands on my shoulder.
Time skip
I fell to the ground from the punch that Cardin did. He then picks me up and does it again. ""You know that wasn't very smart, Arcy Girl." He says as he picks me up while the other three were watching. ""I'm gonna make sure they send you back to mommy in teeny tiny pieces."" He told me. "I don't care what you do to me..."" I told him as I then looked at him in fury and I said ""... but you are not messing with my friends." He looks at me in shock for a moment of what I just said ""What? You think talk like that makes you tough? You think you're a big strong woman now?" I said as I smiled as he tries to hit me but a bright flash happened and I didn't felt the punch but he felt it for some reason. "What was that?" I thought to myself as Sky kicks me to the ground and Cardin walking towards me with a glare. ""Let's see how much of a woman you really are..." he said as we then felt the ground shake. "What... was... that?" I heard Russel asked in confusion as the trees falls to the ground and we see the most terrifying sight of one huge Grimm.

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