Ruby Rose

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(Y/N) POV:
It had been a few weeks since I arrived to Remnant and it has been a crazy time. I became a mercenary where I track down targets that are bad and at other times I went out to stop robbers at times whenever I run into them and look for any info on White Fang activities which would help with stopping the fall of Beacon but so far I have found nothing. Another thing is that I am a bit known in the public whenever I am in the suit and I found out that they have been calling me Gwenpool like it was a code name which helps me more. Although people would call me the crazy merc, The crazy pink girl, The Pink Ghost, Ghostface, and unfortunately... No-Pants Killer, Which I do not like. But... at least I with the money that I received from my jobs had helped me, even when I do it in a insane way that people would say that I was insane, but I got ammo, a small apartment where I live as a base where I store my weapons and my "heh heh" my awesome motorcycle! But today I was roaming around the city so I can relax and explore the place.
I then stumbled upon a Dust ship called "Dust Till Dawn" "Huh... it's the place from the first episode... Awesome!" I said excitedly as I walked in to check the place out. The Shopkeep guy greeted me which I greeted back as I saw a magazine stand which I decided to look at one out of curiosity.
It had been a few minutes when I heard some say. "Alright kids, put your hands where I can see 'em." I turned to a henchman which means that episode one was starting but I was confused since I never saw anyone else come until the guy turns to my right and says "Hey, I said hands in the air! You got a death wish or something!?" Whixh I turned to see Ruby who turned around in surprise as the guy motions to the headphones. "Yes?" She asked them as I added "Did you need something... Like a better suit?" The guy growled as he says "I said, put your hands in the air, now!" He then points a gun at us. "Are you... robbing us?" Ruby asked him. "Yes!" He yelled in anger as I was quietly pulling my pistol from my kitty backpack that I made sure to have whenever there is trouble.

I was about to get to action but Ruby beat me by talking the guy to the window which I was surprised on how fast she went in person

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I was about to get to action but Ruby beat me by talking the guy to the window which I was surprised on how fast she went in person. The henchmen look out as Ruby twirls her scythe open in a epic pose and all the while turning off her headphones. "Okayyy... Get her!" I heard Roman say as the goons were running out to attack Ruby. I then ran out the window and I blasted a goon on the back knocking him back. "Mind if I join this action?" I asked Ruby. "Sure! The More the merrier!" She said as we were fighting the goons together which is just awesome and a dream come true. "It's just like a fan fiction! But more awesome in person!" I thought as I was blasting some goons while Ruby was slashing them away. After we saw that all the goons were out for the count we saw Roman Standing there "You two were worth every cent. Truly, you were." He said as he drops his cigar and crushes it with his cane. Well, Red, Pink, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around..." he then lifts his cane up pointed at us. "...I'm afraid this is where we part ways." He said as he fires and I felt Ruby grabbed me and zoom back. "Thanks!" I told her as we saw that he was gone and I knew were he would be. "Hey!" I said which got Ruby's attention. I pointed to the ladder which he was climbing. Ruby then turns to the Shopkeeper. "You okay if we go after him?" She asked him which he says "Uh Huh" and I then felt Ruby grabbed me tight as she fired up and we were sent flying to the sky,While I was screaming, and we landed on the roof. "Don't! Do that!" I said as yelled "Sorry! But I want gonna leave you in the dust." She said as she turns to Roman and yells "Hey!" He stops as we readied are weapons until a Bullhead rises up but for some reason it is the color yellow instead of its usual color. The door opens as Roman gets on "End of the line, Red and Pink." He says as he throws a red dust to our feet and he fires at the dust. I quickly tackled Ruby out of the way as the explosion was made but for some reason it never came until I realized that this was the time Glynda appears. "Uhh...." Ruby said as I remembered that I was still on her "Sorry!" I said as I got off of her "It's fine." She said as we turn to see Glynda with a purple glyph protecting us. She then attacks the bullhead as me and Ruby watch as this goes on for a while until a shadowy figure ,Cinder, walks to the door and Starts firing flames at her as I then gave covering fire and Ruby then joins me this goes on until I felt something push me away as another explosion was made which let the aircraft escaped. Once the craft was gone I heard Ruby say "You're a Huntress! Can I have your autograph?!" Which meant that the next scene would start and I silently trying to walk away hoping that Glynda doesn't see me.
Time skip
"I hope that you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, young ladies. You put yourself and others in great danger." Glynda said as me and Ruby were sitting next to the table in a dark room with one light. "Still can't believe that she noticed." I thought as Ruby then says "They started it!" "Yeah! Can't fault us in defending ourselves!" I added. "If it were up to me, you'd be sent home... With a pat on the back..." she said as Ruby smiles " ...And a slap on the wrist."" Which she slaps her riding crop on the table where Ruby's hands were at as she gave a eek. "But... there is someone here who would like to meet you two." She said as Ozpin comes in with a cane and a plate of cookies. "Ruby Rose... You... have silver eyes.... and..." "(Y/N) Poole. And that's Poole with an E at the end." I told him "I see... You don't have any information on you." He said which I got nervous about that. "Oh... well..." I try to think of something but Ozpin then said "So! Where did you two learn to do this?" He motions with his head at the tablet which shows me and Ruby fighting. "S-Signal Academy." She said "They taught you to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?" He asked "Well, one teacher in particular." She says "I see... and you?" He motions to me. "The.... streets." I said not sure if it was a good answer. "Well that must've been a hard life if you lived in the streets." He said "Oh! Yeah... it was rough. I didn't have a family but the people on the streets were kind enough to raise me to be tough... and read." I said as he sits down. He then places the plate down and Ruby tentatively picks up a cookie and eats it which she then starts to eat more. I then made sure to grab some before she eats all of them and I took a bite. "Wow! This is amazing!" I said as I started to gobble it up. "I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before. A dusty, old crow..." he told Ruby who mumbly said "Oh! That's my uncle!" She then swallows and wipes her mouth. "Sorry. That's my Uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing. And now, I'm all like- Hooowaaah! Witchaaaa!" She said as she imitates karate moves which I giggled and said "Cute." She then gets embarrassed and laughs sheepishly. "So I've noticed." He said as he turns to me. "So tell me... what else did you learn from the streets?" He asked me "Well... I learn how to use a sword, Sort of, and tips on how to survive in the world." I told him. And what are two adorable girl such as yourselves doing at a school designed to train warriors and living in the streets where people would teach those stuff?" He asked us. "Well... I want to be a Huntress." "And i happen to take some small time jobs which I managed to afford a small apartment." We told him. "You want to slay monsters?" He said "Yeah! I only have two more years of training left at Signal! And then I'm going to apply to Beacon! You see, my sister's starting there this year, and she's trying to become a Huntress, and I'm trying to become a Huntress 'cause I wanna help people. My parents always taught us to help others, so I thought, Hey, I might as well make a career out of it!" She then giggles and adds "I mean the police are alright, but Huntsmen and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and cool and really, gosh, you know!" She said "That is a good reason." I said "Thanks. Do you want to help others?" She asked me "Yeah! I like helping and I always feel terrible if I couldn't do anything." I said as grabbed a cookie. "Do you know who I am?" He then asked us. "Ooh... a guessing game, I choose answer B. Professor Ozpin!" I said "You're the headmaster at Beacon." Ruby added "Hello." He said "Nice to meet you." "Ditto!" We said "You want to come to my school?" He asked us. "More than anything." "And you miss Poole?" "Sure! Uh... I-I mean.... Why not." I said trying to not sound to excited about going. "Well, okay." He said as Ruby gets exited about going. "Beacon Academy... Looks like my job of making sure events won't turn dark will be a bit more easier." I thought.
Ruby POV:
"Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!" My sister said as she gave me a crushing hug. "Please stop." I gasp as she let go off me. "But I'm so proud of you!" She said "Really Sis, it was nothing." I told her "What do you mean? It was incredible! Everyone at Beacon is going to think you're the bee's knees." She said "I don't want to be the "bee's knees", okay? I don't want to be any kind of knees! I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees." I told her "What's with you? Aren't you excited?" She asked me "Of course I'm excited... I just..." I sighed and said " "I got moved ahead two years. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything." Yang then gives me a one arm hug and said "But you are special." She told me which I smiled until I saw the girl that was with me from before sitting away from the windows. "What you looking at?" Yang asked me as she looks at the direction of where I was looking. "Checking out the girls ehhh... we'll I do have to say that she looks cute and you can be the big spoon." She said which got me flustered "Yang!!! It's not like that! She's the one that helped me at the Dust shop!" I told her "Ohhh... well, what do you know about her?" She asked me "Not much. Just that she lived in the streets." I said "Well she looks kinda nervous? She must be nervous about being in a unfamiliar place with tons of unfamiliar faces. Maybe you should help her feel fine since she knows you already." She suggested "I guess, that's a good idea..." I said "Come on I like to meet this girl that helped you." She said as she was dragging me to the girl.
(Y/N) POV:
I was not doing well... I was sitting on the airship's chairs trying to not look out the window and think about... flying.... Oh man! I said flying! This is the most awful time of my life! "Hellllloooo..." "Ahhh!!!" I said as I jumped to a rail holding for dear life. "Uhhh... are you ok?" I then notice that the airship was not falling and that it was someone trying to take to me. I turn to see that it was Ruby and her older sister Yang. "Uhhh... what's up?" I made them as I let go of the railing. "Are you ok?" Ruby asked me "Yes! Nothing to worry about! Nothings going down and falling! Why you ask!?" I asked them trying to keep my cool. "You are certainly acting a little different then what Ruby told me." Yang said "Oh! I'm just... Nervous! About... going to a big school!" I said "Oookaaayyy... anyway... I know you met my sister from the night of the Dust shop." She said as she gestured to Ruby. "Yep! And you must be?" I asked so that I make it look like that I don't know her. "Yang Xiao Long. And you are?" She asked me. "(Y/N) Poole." I said as I then add "So what are guys thinking about the school!" "It's exciting!" "Yeah! Especially when my little sister is coming!" Yang said as she gave Ruby a small hug. "That's great and I hope that we can be friends." I said "That sounds nice!" Ruby said "Look at that your first friend at Beacon!" Yang said as we heard that we were fixing to land at Beacon. Ruby then walked to the window dragging me with her as Yang follows. "Oh, wow! Look, you can see Signal from up here!" "Yeah... it looks.... very high..." "Uhh... (Y/N)? Your squeezing my hand very tightly?" She said as I noticed that I was holding onto her hand for dear life which I let go. "Sorry!" I said "It's ok." She said as she looks out the window. "I guess home isn't too far after all!" "Beacon's our home, now." Yang said as Jaune... no? A girl that resembles Jaune ran past us. "Ok... am I in a universe where Jaune is female?" I asked myself as Yang then says. "Well... I guess the view isn't for everyone." We then heard puking noise. "Things are certainly going to be different here and I will make sure that things don't go bad!" I promised to myself as I then heard Ruby say. "Oh, Yang, (Y/N), gross! You have puke on your shoes!" "Of Course there is...."


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Remnant's Gwenpool: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now