The First Step (Part One)

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(Y/N) POV:
I was sound asleep when I heard "Wake up, lazy butt!" Which woke me up and I heard someone sing "It's morning! It's morning! It's morning! It's morning!" I turn to see that it was Nora that yelled and she was with... a female version of Ren. "Seriously? How many other female variations are there in this world?" I thought to myself as I yawned. "I guess that's the signal to wake up." I said to myself as I got up and I saw that everyone else had gotten up. "Better get ready for breakfast." I said as I gathered my stuff and I went to get ready.
Time skip
I had just finished eating breakfast and I had just entered the locker rooms. "Alright, now I need to get my stuff from my locker." I then held up a piece of paper which tells me what number it is. "116. That'll be my number. Now I need to find it." I said as I walked around looking for my locker until I finally saw it which was in between Pyrrha and Weiss. "What.... are.... the odds..." I thought as I walked to my locker. "Excuse me ladies I'm just getting my stuff and it's nice to meet you." I said as I opened my locker. "You again?" Weiss said in irritation. "Nice to meet you..." I heard Pyrrha asked me "(Y/N) Poole and what's your name?" I asked her. "Seriously! Do you not know who she is?" Weiss said "Right! People would know because of the social media of this world! No worries... you can pull this through." "I'm gonna level with you and say that I lived in the streets so I don't really pay attention to what's going on in the world." I told her. "Nailed it." "Well she is Pyrrha Nikos who won Mistral Region Tournaments four years in a row! A new record!" "So your a good fighter." I said to Pyrrha "I wouldn't mind a little sparing sometime if your interested." I added. "I'm sure It'll be a interesting spar." She said as she got her stuff. "I'll see you later (Y/n). Weiss." She said as she left. "I can't believe it. How is it that you managed to have Pyrrha accept a sparing match with you?" Weiss asked me. "Maybe it's my charm?" I said "Charm! You certainly lack some charm when we met so I highly doubt that." She said as she closes her locker and leaves. "How is it that I can never get on Weiss's good side?" I thought as grab my hammer and pistol. "Alright, time for this bad boy to help me with this initiation." I said as I pulled out my grappling hook gun.

" I said as I pulled out my grappling hook gun

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"Hopefully those 20 lien will be worth it." I said as I put it in my side. "Would all first-year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation? Again, all first-year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately." I heard Glynda's voice from the intercom say. "Time to meet my partner and teammates." I said as I close the door of my locker.
Time skip
"Wow... the cliffs sure do look higher then in the show." I thought as I was standing on a platform which will launch me to the forest below. "This is how I die." "For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest." Ozpin said as Glynda adds "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of "teams." Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today." "What? Ohhh..." I heard Ruby groan. "I'm scared two Ruby... but not in the way that your are feeling though." "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well." "Alright, the plan is to use my grappling hook gun at a tree and gently swing myself to safety and hopefully never have to do that again... simple!" "That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years." "Whaaaat?!" Ruby yelled. "I hope who ever I meet is nice.... and that they also don't like heights." "After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... or you will die." "From Grimm or being launched into the sky?" "You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?" Ozpin asked "Yeah, um, sir?" I heard Juan try to say but Ozpin quickly said "Good! Now, take your positions." I quickly pulled out my grappling hook gun ready to save me from death. "Grappling hook gun, don't fail me now." I said as students were being launched one by one and I then felt mine launch me into the air which marks my first step of my initiation.

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