Burning the Candle

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"I can't believe (Y/n) is not going to the dance!" Ruby said as she and almost everyone was at auditorium setting the dance up. "Believe it because she's not." Pyrrha said. "I can't believe she's doing what Blake is doing, only she's actually out there getting hurt!" Yang said "That may be. But we don't evidence that she is going out there. Only a assumption." Ilia said. "So how are we supposed to convince them to take a break?" Emerald asked. "Let me talk to them. I'll get them to relax." Yang said. "No, I think I should handle (y/n). After all I am her partner." Ilia said. "What if they don't listen?" Weiss asks. "Oh Blake will listen. I can guarantee that." Yang said. "(Y/n) might be tougher because even though we all spent half the school year with her, I feel like she's not telling us the truth about her past. Does anyone else feel that?" Ilia asks. "Whenever I ask about her past she pauses until she says something which I notice that they somehow don't connect with the right time of place." Ruby said. "She also has this bag that she doesn't open when we're around. I think she's hiding something in it that she doesn't want us to know." May said. "I may of only met her three months ago but I have also notice how she would change tactics when she first face me after fighting someone else. It's like she knows our battle strategy before she saw them." Neo Signed. "She also knew that me and Blake were Faunus before we revealed that we were. She says that she is great of figuring things out. But she never shows this at other times. I think she may know us before we know her." Ilia said. "I think we should observe and find any info on her before we jump to conclusions about what's going on about her." Weiss said as everyone nodded in agreement.
(Y/n) POV:
"Ok let's see. Swords, pistols, sub machine, grappling hook gun, smokescreen, Gwenpool suit-" "ahem." I heard someone say which interrupted my count. I turn to see Ilia. "Ilia? What brings you here?" I asked her. "I heard someone wasn't going to the dance." She says as she walks in. "Yeah, well.... I have some big plans that I need to work on that is just too important then the dance." I told her as I zip up my bag. "What could be more important then the dance right now?" She asked me. "Uh.... that's classified." I told her. "Yeah...." she said "If your here to convince me to go to the dance like Blake then you can forget about it. This is just important." I told her. "And do you know who's going to convince her?" She asked me. "Uh.... I don't know, Yang maybe." I said "That's right.... and why would you say that?" She asked me. ".... Because she's her partner." I said "Why are you asking me these questions?" I asked her. "No reason. No reason at all." She said as she sat down. "Ok, there is a reason." I said "People are kinda getting suspicious about you." She tells me. "Uh oh!" "And.... why would they think that?" I asked her. "Well for one thing your skipping the dance for something that your not telling! .... You have also been coming in late and your friends have been noticing that you have injuries whenever you go out. And.... we feel that your past could be fake." "W-what.... that's.... ridiculous, why would I make up my own past." I said as I laugh nervously. "Look. I'm not going to pressure you into talking about what you are doing. But I do want you to tell us the truth about you. We think you are hiding something that could involve with AIM Gwenpool, and the White fang." "What are you saying?" I asked her. "I'm saying.... I want you to tell us the truth.... and when your ready to tell us.... I'll give you by the end of the dance to tell us the truth..." she said as she was fixing to walk off but I stopped her. "Wait! ....I'll tell you.... everyone.... after the dance..... my thing happens during the dance and I think I can make it in time for the dance.... just.... please don't hate me for what I'll tell everyone ok!" I told her as she just stands there. "Sigh.... alright, but I want to know one thing...." "Ok." "Are you helping the enemy?" "No." I said as she nods and leaves. I sat down on my bed and I sighed. "Yeah! They're gonna hate me.... I better get ready to stop Cinder.... at least I'll be doing one last thing for them before they learn the truth."

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