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Ozpin's office
"So this is what she sent?" Ozpin said as he was watching the video. "Yep, turns out the white fang are being supplied by this AIM group from the docks." Qrow says as he was sitting at the opposite end of the desk. "These robots look way to advance for Atlas to build yet and that mech looks like it could leave trouble for Atlas and huntsmen." He said "We do know that they have a operation at the southeast." Qrow said "Indeed." "So what's your plan?" "I think we need to be discreet about this before we alert the army because of word spread that something is going on the White fang could leave before anyone gets there." "We sure wouldn't want them to leave. But we can't just do nothing." "Correct. Which is why in three months after the dance the first year teams will be going on their first mission quests and maybe there is a mission to clear some Grimm at Mountain Glenn and a team just happens to find this operation?" Ozpin suggested. "I don't think one team will do it." "Which is why you and two teams will be there on this mission." "Alright, got any teams that you think could do it?" "I think I know the teams that will be perfect for this mission."
Three months later
(Y/n) POV:
It had been three months since the Goblin fight with the other teams and quite a bit has happened. All the teams had filled me in on what they gathered around Vale. I pretended to be surprised by what they faced Torchwick who was driving a mech and that they were close to Gwenpool when fighting Torchwick. I also learned that they were trying to find out who Gwenpool is which their not going to because I am basically a shadow with no records. So far they have no clue on anything about AIM which is unfortunate because I am also puzzled about them. Besides being Gwenpool my regular life at Beacon is filled with learning at school, spending time with my friend's, and spending time fighting crime as Gwenpool like Batman would do at night. I heard the dance was coming up which is when Cinder would go to the CCT tower to hack in so she would have control without anyone knowing, which is why I will be waiting at night for her to appear and hopefully I could beat her which will be a bigger part of stopping the Fall. But first I better go to Team CFVY who are fixing to leave for their mission which is supposed to be tough moment for them.
Two days later
Blake POV:
I was in my teams dorm room and I wasn't happy. "You what?" "We want you to go to the dance." Ruby told me. "That's ridiculous." I said "Blake, we're worried about you. This investigation is starting to mess with your head." Yang said as Weiss adds "You can't sleep, you hardly eat, and to be honest, your grades have been suffering." "You think I care about grades?" I asked as I point out the window. "People's lives are at stake!" I told her as Yang lowers my arm. "We know, and we're all still trying to figure out what Torchwick, Gwenpool, and this AIM group is up to." She said "Thanks to you and Ilia, we know they're operating somewhere outside of southeast Vale." Ruby said "And, the Schnee company records singled out Vale as the primary target for Dust robberies over the last few months." "Don't forget that the White Fang are being supplied by highly advanced weaponry." Yang said. "But there's still unanswered questions! We still don't have any clues on Gwenpool! We don't know anything about AIM or any thing about their operations! And to top it off! AIM also had a unknown Grimm with them back at the docks and we can't find a similar one anywhere!" I told them. "Blake, we understand but, you won't be able to find anything if you can't even keep your eyes open!" Ruby told me. "All we're asking is that you take it easy for one day." "It will be fun! Yang and I will make sure of it." "Yeah! We're planning the whole event!" Yang said as she did a fist pump. "Excuse me?" I asked "Team CFVY's away mission lasted longer than expected." Weiss told me. " So, Weiss and I were asked to pick up where they left off. And now we can make sure you have the perfect night." "And once it's all over, we'll return for our search, rested and ready." "So what do ya think?" Ruby asked me. "I'll be in the library.' I told them as I left the dorm room.
"Great." Yang said "She can't keep going on like this." Weiss said "So now what?" Ruby asked. "For now we should focus on the dance." Weiss tells her and adds. "I'm sure Blake will come around soon." "Right...?" Ruby said unsure. "So.... any ideas for a date?" Yang asked Weiss "Excuse me?" "Any boy catches your eye yet?" Yang said teasingly. "For your information I do have someone in mind, but it is a girl." Weiss tells her. "Ooohhh, is it someone we know?" Yang said "Actually yes, you do!" Weiss tells her. "Who?" Ruby asks. "(Y/n) (l/n)." She tells them. "Really?!" Yang said in surprise. "I wouldn't think she would catch your eye." Yang said. "Immediately, I wouldn't at first, but over the past few months of getting to know her. She isn't being with me because of my name and she has showed to care about me and she even beaten up some people who were being mean to me when he took me to a arcade." She tells them. "Well I think you should know that there might be others who are interested in her." Yang tells her. "Like who?" "Well me, Ruby, her team, JNPR, velvet and coco, EMPN (Penny's team) and I think Blake might also like her, but I'm not sure yet." She tells her. "Seriously! Why do you two like her?" She asked them. "She was my first friend at Beacon and I have fun when hanging out with her." Ruby said "She enjoys my puns, she certainly knows how to party, and I also have fun when I'm hanging out with her and I'm sure the reason the others might like her because of how much she hangs out with everyone, the way she is willing to help people just because and not expecting any thing for return." Yang says "That is true, she does like to help even when someone doesn't need help." "She does not like being unable to help anyone." Ruby said "So what should we do? I don't want this to end in bad blood." Weiss asks. "I think we should all ask her to the dance and if we make a agreement of who ever she chooses we accept the results." Yang suggested. "That sounds fair." Weiss said. "Cool, I'll find the others and let them know." Yang said as she was about to leave but Ruby stopped her. "Wait! Coco and Velvet won't be there." "Oh right... ok how about we each have a dance with her and that all of us go on one date when Coco and Velvet come back. That way they can have a chance for (y/n) to choose?" Yang suggested "I'll take it." Weiss said "ok if there aren't anything else.... then I'll let the others know." Yang said as she left.
(Y/n) POV:
"Well done! Your swordplay's improved immensely." Pyrrha said as she helped up Juan who was on the ground. "Indeed, soon you'll be able to fight people bigger then you." I said "Well, I couldn't have done it without you two." She said "It's no big deal, really. I'm always happy to help." I told her. "Your always happy to help." Pyrrha said. "True, but.... yeah, I'm always happy to help." I said "Hehe... so! Are you guys excited for the dance?" Juan asked us. "I'm certainly am." "I'm not going." I told them. "What!?" They yelled "Why aren't you going?" Juan asked me. "I have... plans that night and I really need to be there when it starts." I told them. "It can't be more important then a dance. Almost Everyone is going there and we do need to take a break from trying to find anything about what's going on with Torchwick and this AIM group." Pyrrha said "oh pyrrha, if only I can tell you why." "Look it's just important, and if I didn't had this plan I would go o the dance." I told them. "What if you do this plan before the dance?" Juan suggested. "Sorry, but I can't reschedule it any time soon." I told them as I started to walk away.
"Man, I wonder what this plan is that she couldn't go to the dance?" Juan asked. "I don't know?" Pyrrha told her. "You don't think she's doing what Blake is doing, right?" Juan asked. "She has been tired after Friday's and Saturday's and at rare times after a school night. She would always say she was out training but now I think she might be doing what Blake is doing only she is actually going out there and getting hurt, because I could've sworn at times she would have these injuries but she said it was from training to hard." Pyrrha said "I think we should let the others know before she gets herself killed out there." Juan says "Agreed! Looks like it's our turn to help her out." Pyrrha said as she picks up her scroll to call the others.

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