Dance Dance Infiltration

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(Y/n) POV:
I was outside on the roof where I can see the tower where Cinder would come.... hopefully. "What if she doesn't come!! I mean, she's not even here pretending to be a student and for all I know she might not even come! Ugh!! This could all be for nothing if she shows up!" I thought as I was staring at the tower waiting for any sign of her. "What if.... what if I skipped the dance for nothing?" I quietly told myself. "Hopefully everyone is having a better time then me?"
Ruby POV:
It was the night of the dance and I wasn't happy. The reason I want happy was because (y/n) wasn't here. "Sigh...." I sighed as I was at the punch bowl by myself as everyone was at the dance floor trying to have a good time but it isn't easy when you know someone is not here and is hiding something.
(Y/n) POV:
"Ugh!! It's been hours! I'm starting to think that this was a waste of time!" I thought as I was getting frustrated on the fact that she is not here! "I skipped the dance for no-" I was then interrupted when I saw a figure out in the distance running on top of the buildings towards the tower. "Well, well, well.... looks like it wasn't a waste of time." I quietly said as I pulled up my mask and I grabbed my grappling hook gun and I was off.
Ruby POV:
I walked outside to get some fresh air when I then notice a figure winning towards the tower and another figure following at a distance. "That doesn't look good." I said as I went to investigate.
(Y/n) POV:
Cinder has taken down the guards and I saw her got on the elevator which I fired my grappling hook gun to the roof which it pulled me up fast and I made sure to scream in my head so that I wouldn't make a noise. I crash through the window and the hook retracts back to the gun as I then pulled out my swords and I waited for the door to open. I saw the door open and Cinder walks in with a scroll on her hands. "Oh! That's handy." She says. "Ooh! What's handy!" I taunted as she then sees me. "Hi! I'm Gwenpool and you must be Cimder Falls," I said which she got angry and forged a pair of blades of fire. "I don't know how you know me, but I do know that I am not gonna let you live." She said as she charged at me and I blocked her attack. "Was that your best?" I mockingly said as she growled and pushed me away and tried to get a hit on me but I kept dodging them.
Ruby POV:
I walked to the tower and I saw all the guards on the ground which I gasped. I ran to check if they were alive which I saw that they were and I called my locker for Crescent Rose. The locker landed and I grabbed her out and I was ready to deal with whoever is up there.
(Y/n) POV:
Ok, maybe taunting her repeatedly may have been a bad idea. I was dodging arrows that she was firing with her bow and I didn't want to be killed in a similar way that Pyrrha was killed which was brutal. "Someone finally lost their funny bone!" I heard her yelled as one arrow then hit the top part of my mask tearing it off of me revealing my face. "Your that girl from the Dust shop." She said as then fired down and a blast of explosion knocked me off of the ground and I landed on the ground. "Ow...!" I said as I looked up to see a arrow pointing at me. "Sorry, little girl. But tonight will be your la-" a loud metal sound was made was Cinder was tossed on the ground by the blunt end of Ruby's Scythe. "Hey Uh.... look out." I said until I then realized something. "(Y/n)?" I looked up to see Ruby looking at me in shock. "Right, I don't have my mask." I thought as I heard the elevator door ding which I took off and jumped off the roof and pulled out my grappling hook gun and fired at the roof so that I could land safely. "Welp! Looks like Ruby knows!"
Ruby POV:
I watched as (y/n) took off out of the window as I saw the elevator open to reveal general Ironwood walked out and I looked and saw the woman that I had knocked out. "What happened!?" He asked me. "I saw two figures ran here and when I got up I saw this woman was fixing to kill Gwenpool, which I knocked her out." I told him as he walked to the woman and handcuffed her. He then notice the mask that was caught on a arrow which I knew it was (y/n) Gwenpool mask. "Did you manage to see who Gwenpool was or what she looked like?" He asked me as I thought and I said. "No, I didn't get a good look of her."

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