No Brakes

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(Y/n) POV:

We've been waking silently through the tunnels as we made sure that none of the Graboids were gonna pop out of nowhere. "How come we didn't wait for the morning?" Weiss asked as she yawned. "Sometimes you may never get a chance to rest when you become a huntsmen." Qrow said and he adds. "Also I kinda got caught in the moment when I asked her."

He motions to me. "I just wished we were doing this mission under different circumstances." Yang said as I could tell that they were still angry about me lying and the only person whose walking next to me was Ruby. "I'm sure it'll get better again." Ruby said trying to ease the tension between me and everyone as we then reached a ending to this tunnel and we can see two guards there.

"Man! Can you believe these weapons we got!?" One of the guards said to his partner as Yang and I were slowly sneaking up behind them. "I mean... look at these things! It make us look like we came from the future!" "Well that's technology for you." His partner said. "I know but.... These things are way beyond advance-" he was interrupted as me and Yang knocked them out with my hammer and Yang's fist.

The rest walked back to us and Ruby picked up one of the guards weapons which was a Scattershot from Halo. "It does look like it came from the future." She said. "Technically, they would be considered ancient weapons where they came from." I told as she looks at the gun in a surprised shock. "Woah!" I heard May say as she was holding a light Rifle as it assembled itself.

(Imagine that In your POV)

"That's so cool!" Ruby said in awe as May was studying the weapon. "Can... I have it?" I nervously asked her as she hands me the weapon without saying anything. "Thank you." I said as we walked through the room until we saw a whole operation of White Fang soldiers.

"Looks like we found the main part of the base." Qrow said. "So what's the plan?" Ilia asked him. "We need to do this fast, we need to take out all the soldiers, find a computer to get any info and find out why the have a base here." He said as we all pulled out our weapons.

"On three." He said as we got ready for the signal. "Wait. Whose gonna look for the computer?" I asked as everyone looks at me. "...Oh... right." I said since I relieved that I was going to do that. "One.... Two.... Three!" He yelled as we all began our attack.

"We're under attack!" A soldier yelled as I blasted him with my new light rifle. As everyone was fighting the white fang, I was looking for where Roman was it in the show which would probably be where that computer would be at. I was looking everywhere until I saw the building. "Alright!" I said as I was fighting my way to the building.

As I managed to get to the door I then realized. "Wait? Don't I already know why they have a base here? ....Then again, I still need info on AIM." I said as I entered the room to see that there was nothing in here but a tv monitor, and what appears to be like a office room. "...Well... this was a waste of time." I said as I exited the room.

I then saw the train that had four Mantis's from Halo on one of the cars.

"Seriously! They made that!?" I yelled in anger as they would be able to drive that thing instead of me

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"Seriously! They made that!?" I yelled in anger as they would be able to drive that thing instead of me. "Oh, they're not gonna leave with that." I said as I jumped off and I ran to the car.

I looked to see the team was busy fighting the White Fang when I saw a gate opening and I saw a familiar looking Grimm coming out of the gate.

"The Skullcrawler from the Monstwrverse!? Ok! How are creatures from tv and movies appearing in this world as Grimm!?" I said in frustration as I saw it heading to my friends

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"The Skullcrawler from the Monstwrverse!? Ok! How are creatures from tv and movies appearing in this world as Grimm!?" I said in frustration as I saw it heading to my friends. "Oh no." I said in worry until I then realized that there was a solution next to me. "I guess I'll blow these things up later. This would be a dream come true if the circumstances were different."

I said as I got into on of the mantis and it rose up. "Woah!" I said in surprise as I can see how the inside looks like. "Ok.... Let's see how to work this thing." I then tried to use the controls but I just moved the head to the wrong direction. "Ok... this is what moves the head. Now let's see about the legs." I then pressed the other control stick and it moved the legs forward.

"Ok... I think I got this." I said as I slowly but surely pilot the mantis to the skullcrawler which my friends were trying g to fight it but it was proving to be ineffective. "Hey! Twolegs!" I yelled which caught the Grimm's attention. "Hi!" I said as I used the right trigger and fired the machine gun.

But all that did was tick it off and it started coming at me. "Ok how about these!" I said as I pressed the other trigger and a rocket hit it on its right leg causing it to trip. It slid right at me with its head to my right side which turned the mantis to face it. "Now which one of these buttons is the stomp?" I asked myself as I then felt the pedal on the mantis and out of curiosity, I pressed it.

The mantis right leg rose up and smashed on the grimms neck which broke like a twig. "Mech! Beats! Grimm!" I yelled as everyone ran towards me. "Good job!" Qrow said as we heard the train's whistle blow. "It looks like their taking off. Get out of there and let's go!" He yelled as they ran and I tried to find the switch to get out.

"Where is iiitttt.... Ah! There it is!" I said as the canopy opens and I got out and I ran to the train. The teams managed to get on and I was trying to get on but I couldn't jump that high. "Ugh! Time for my grappling hook!" I yelled as I tried to find it quickly but the train was fixing to leave me. "Ohmanohmanohman!" I panicked as I felt something warped around me and I was flung into the train.

"Owww..." I said as I slowly got up as Blake unwrapped the ribbon of her gun off of me. "Thanks....." I said to her and I add. "It's just not my day." "Alright, I saw Roman ran to the front part of the train." Qrow said. "And that's where I'm going." Blake said as she was ready to fight him.

We then heard some whooshing sounds ahead of us and I saw Promethean's were on board and they were blocking our path. I saw that there were several Promethean soldiers, an huge army of Crawlers, three watchers who constructed a turret and more soldiers and crawlers, and three knights appeared and released three more watchers. "That's just not fair." I said as the promethean's begun firing.

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