Players and Pieces

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(Y/n) POV:
"Do you think we lost it?" I asked Ilia as we continued running through the forest. "Well I don't hear any stomping or roaring so I'm gonna guess that we did." She said "So why are we still running?" I asked "Because we're nearly at the location to where the relics are at." She answered as I soon saw a light at the end of the forest and I couldn't be any happier to be out of that forest. We ran out of the forest to see everyone at the abandoned temple which we must be at the part where Weiss will yell that she is still on the nevermore... glad that I'm not up there and I'm on the safety of this nice safe ground. "Hey guys!" I said as me and Ilia joined with Ruby, Yang, Juan, Pyrrha, Blake, Female Ren, and Nora. "Hey (Y/n)! I see you met your partner." Ruby said "I-" Yang said but was interrupted when we heard a "Whoohoo!!!" I turned to see Neon!? Skating out of the forest while carrying May?! Who was sniping some Beowolves that were following them. "Told you that this was faster." Neon said as she stops with us and places May down. "I would've liked it if we didn't run into a pack of Beowolves." May said "Did that girl skate through the forest while another girl snipes?" Blake said as Yang then erupts in flames yelling. "I can't take it anymore! Can everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?!" After two seconds of cooling down Ruby then says "Umm... Yang?" I then looked up to Weiss hanging for dear life to a nevermore talon. "How could you leave me?!" Weiss yelled you Ruby. "I said "jump"!" Ruby yelled to her. "I wouldn't jump even if my life depended on it." I said "She's gonna fall." Blake said "She'll be fine." "She's falling." Female Ren said "This looks like a job for my trusty Grappling hook gun!" I yelled as I pulled out my gun and I fired it but the hook blasted one inch off the gun and lands on the ground. "Screw it! I'm going with plan B!" I yelled as I tossed the gun away and I ran to a tree which I pulled my hammer out and I jumped up to the tree man slammed my hammer at it which launched me to the sky. I put the hammer back on my back and and I managed to catch Weiss and I turned where my back is facing the ground. "I always knew heights would kill me someday. But at least I saved someone else from this fate." I thought as I hit the ground and slid across the ground until I finally stopped. "Owwww..." I said as I let go of Weiss who gets up. "You saved me." She said as I slowly got up. "And I would do it again if I have to." I said "Thank you." She said as we walked up to the rest. "Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!" Yang said as I picked up my grappling hook gun and put the hook back. "Not if I can help it!" Ruby yelled "ooohhh nooo..." I said in despair because I knew that Ruby was going to charge at the deathstalker like a adorable fool. "Ruby, wait!" Me and Yang yelled as we watch Ruby ran to the Grimm and she is knocked away. I then saw the is heading after her. "Ruby!" Me and Yang yelled as we tried to save her. "What am I doing!? Weiss is going to save her and why am I trying to save her! ....It's probably because I can't resist help-" I didn't finish my thought as I then hit some ice. "Ow!" I said as I feel down. "Who... put that there?" I said in a daze until I snapped out of it. "(Y/N)! Are you ok?" I heard Ilia day as I looked to see her running this was as Ruby was given a hug by Yang. "Yeah! I just... hit the ice." I said as I got up. "I saw, although why did you?" She asked me. "Uhhh... I... wanted to make sure the ice was strong. That's it! We nothing else to talk about let's forget about this moment and get the relic." I said as I quickly walked to the others. I heard her sigh as I reached everyone. "What did I miss?" I asked them. "We're grabbing the artifacts and heading to the cliffs." Blake answered me as I heard the familiar roar from the spinosaurus Grimm which I turned to see it bust through some trees and roared. "Grab the bishop and run!!" I yelled to Ilia, Neon, and May as I grabbed the Bishop artifact we ran off to the cliffs.
Time skip
We were running to another abandoned temple trying to outrun a nevermore and the Spinosaurus. I heard some rock crushing from behind us which means the deathstalker is here. "Ugh!!! That spinosaurus is really after me." I thought as the nevermore used its wing to destroy the bridge leaving half of us on one side of the bridge. "Ahhhh!!! Mannn...." I said as I turned to face the spinosaurus which I pulled out Terrors Heart. "Alright you prehistoric knock off! You don't scare me!" I said as the Grimm tried to squash me with it's claws which I jumped away. I saw shots hitting the Grimm face which I turn to see that it was May. "That thing is really ticked off for some reason." Neon said as she skated by and slammed her nunchucks on the Grimm right leg which froze it for a while until it broke free. "We need to plan to beat that Grimm!" Ilia said as she ran up to me. "Right! Any ideas?" I asked her. "We could lure it to a part of the temple where it can either collapse on it or have it fall of the bridge." Ilia suggested. "That could work..." I said "But?" She asked "It's just a suggestion but what if we tie up its legs and have it trip and then we go for the kill." I suggested. "That could work." She said "Alright! May! (Y/n)! I want you to distract it while me and Neon will tie it's legs so that it will trip and once that is done we will strike!" Ilia yelled to us. I immediately pulled out my pistol and I started to fire it as I moved to the left and May starts firing and moves to the right. "This worlds Ilia seem like the perfect fit to be leader and if that's the case... then being Gwenpool and trying to stop the fall of Beacon will be easy... hopefully." I thought as I saw Ilia  used her Katana whip to tie up its right leg and Neon zooms by and grabs Lightning Lash and starts doing what the Snowspeeders did in "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back." Me and May kept moving so that the Grimm will stay put as Neon continues tying its legs which she soon stops and she tugs so that the Grimm will fall but it was moving. "Looks like I better get its attention." I thought as I fired at it and I yelled "Hey! Fish for breath! Why don't you "sail" off to with your huge spine!" I yelled which it turned to face me and I swear that it looked at me with a death glare as it tries to run towards me but it taken the bait and it trips. I then charged at its head which was still up and I used my hammer to slam it to the ground and I saw May ran up and had her Sniper rifle transform into a axe and slammed it into its neck which cuts it off and it turned it into dust along with the rest of the body. "We did it!" I yelled in happiness. "We certainly showed that Grimm who's boss!" Neon said "Great Work, on cutting the Grimm head off." I told May. "Thanks." She said "And let us thank (Y/n) for the idea." Ilia said as she walked up to us and Neon hands Ilia back her weapon. "It was nothing. I just remembered something similar and I thought that it would work." I said "Don't sell yourself short, it was a great plan." Neon said as I smiled "Thanks." I said "Looks like Ruby has just killed a nevermore." Ilia said which I turn to see Ruby on top of the cliff. "She is gonna be a great leader."
Time skip
Ilia Amitola. (Y/N) Poole. Neon Katt. May Zedong. He four of you have retrieved the white Bishop. From this day forward you will be known as team (Team name). Lead by.... Ilia Amitola! "Congratulations!" I told Ilia who was bit shock of being called to be leader. "Th-thank you. And I promise to be the best leader to all of you." She told us. "I can't wait to see what happens next... and I'm also glad that Ozpin didn't show and mention me trust I angered the spinosaurus Grimm." I thought as we left so Ozpin will call out the next teams.

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