Painting the town...

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Shopping district
Velvet POV:
Me and Coco were at the shopping district while Fox and Yatsuhashi were at the docks. "Do you think anyone is gonna figure out that (Y/n) is Gwenpool?" I silently asked Coco. "I doubt it. The most anyone knows about Gwenpool is that she's around." She told me. "Do you think we should tell them? I mean, we both know that she isn't seeing a friend and that she's obviously being Gwenpool right now." I said as we stopped at a coffee shop. "I think it's better that she tells them the truth versus us telling them. It's better to hear from the person herself then from someone else." She said as we entered the building. I hope it's soon rather then them finding out themselves." I said "Me too."
Yang POV:
Me and Neon were on our way to Junior's bar to get some answers. "This is a awesome motorcycle!" Neon said as she was holding on so she wouldn't fall off. "Thanks! Bumblebee is my favorite motorcycle of all time." I said as saw our stop and I slowed down. "Here we are!" I said as we got off and I put my helmet on top of Bumblebee. "This is gonna be fun!" She said as we started walking and I saw one of his goons which he sees me and he starts running away. I walked to the door and I politely blew the door off and we walked in. "Guess who's back!" I yelled as all of the goons pointed their weapons at me. "Looks like they don't like you?" Neon said "Stop, stop! Nobody shoot." I saw Junior pass through the goons telling them to stop. "Blondie, you're here! ...Why?" He asked me. "You still owe me a drink."
Blake POV:
"This is it." I said as me and Ilia saw a scratch mark on a wall and two Faunus being ushered by a bearded man. "Yep. Hoped May found a good position." Ilia said as we walked to mask pickup. "Never thought I wear a White fang mask again." She said. "Does it feel weird wearing it again?" I asked her. "Kinda, I actually still have my old one back at the dorms." "Why?" "Sentimental value. I still have some friends in the White fang and I carved their names in the mask so I wouldn't forget them." She told me as we walked to a auditorium we're dozen of recruits were at one side while a bigger group of soldiers were on the other side. We saw a White fang Lieutenant on the stage walked up and says. "Thank you all for coming. For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours! I can assure you, he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for for so long!" A figure walks out revealing to be Roman who mockingly waved saying. "Thank you, thank you! Please, hold your applause!" "What's a human doing here?!" A Faunus girl demanded as she points at Roman. "I'm glad you asked, "Deerie"! Now, I'll be the first to admit, humans... are the worst. Case in point. So, I understand why you would like to see us all locked away, or, better yet, killed!" He said as he continues. "But, before the claws come out, I'd like to mention the fact that you and I all have a common enemy: the ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty, rotten humans that run our kingdoms!" The crowd starts to change their tunes on him and started agreeing with him. "Government, military, even the schools: they're all to blame for your lot in life!" He says as the crowd starts cheering. "And they're all pests that need to be dealt with! Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around... No offense to any rodents in the room." He said as a monitor lowers down. "I bet your wandering on how? How is Roman gonna help you. Well I happen to know a group who also shares your views and they are more then willing to help you by supplying you with advanced weaponry that Atlas couldn't be able to build." He said as me and Ilia had a worried look. "First, you must know that Atlas has their robots. Simple but just not good enough." He said as the screen turns on and a image four advanced looking robots appear on screen.

" He said as the screen turns on and a image four advanced looking robots appear on screen

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Remnant's Gwenpool: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now