Black Ink

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Ashley's POV
"Ashley get your fat ass off of the couch!!" My bestfriend Angel yelled. "Go suck a dick Angel." I yelled back. "Please Ashley let's go get our tattoos today." She said bouncing up and down. "What ever just because I love you." I said causing her to squeal. "Shut the fuck up." I said. I went to my room and got a black crop top, black shorts, a black hoodie to wrap around my waist, and some black shoes. I grabbed my Gucci rings and put them on same with my nose ring.

I brushed my red hair and kept it down. Once I finished I walked out and to angel who was wearing all white. I was the dark person while she was the light one. We giggled at each others looks and walked to the car. I started the engine and put on My Chemical Romance. Angel looked at me. "Who ever drives gets to pick the music." I said. I was a fan of XPLR so I will be getting their X logo on my back. Yes, like Colby Brock's.

*time skip tattoo parlor*

We walked in and went to the front counter. "Hello how may I help you today." A woman said. "I would like this on my upper back." I said showing her the logo she nodded. "I would like an Angel on my lower back." Angel said. The lady nodded and we gave her the money. "Ashley Baker I'll take you over here." A man said. I walked over their and layed down on my stomach. I took off my shirt exposing my upper back.

The man walked in. "So you want the XPLR logo on your back?" He asked. "Ya how do you know what that is?" I asked. "Because I'm Colby Brock from XPLR." He said. My heart dropped. I looked up and saw Colby. I layed back down. He started putting the needle in by back and it did hurt alot only because I'm a wus.

*time skip after tattoo*

I stood up and Colby walked me out. He gave me a piece of paper with his number on it. Angel and I walked out and into my car...

Should I make a part 2 if so comment that u want a part 2.

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