Chapter 6

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Noice kissing scene in this chapter... Huehue... Like dang dey good kissers.


I wake up to the sound of my dumb phone alarm. I groan and roll out of my bed. I walk into the shower.


I put on the dress that we bought yesterday, and brush out my hair. I curl my hair and brush on some makeup. I put on some black flats and walk out into the kitchen. "AYO GRACIE! WHAT YOU WANT FOR BREAKFAST?"

"Chocolate chip pancakes! And shush your face! I'm tryna snuggle with my bean."


I hear him groan, "Yes, now shut up! I wanna snuggle the most beautiful lady on this earth."

I run into Gracie's bedroom and jump in between Corbyn and Gracie. "Awww, Bean, you want to cuddle with me?" I ask.

"GET OUT AND MAKE BREAKFAST! ILL BE OUT WHEN I SMELL PANCAKES!" Gracie screams. I jump up and get to making the pancake batter. I add chocolate chips and cook them. Right as I'm plating, Gracie opens her door. "Gimme five. Bean wants eight."

"Good thing I made twenty. I want seven. I ain't eatin nut'n till dinner."


"I don't want to look like a fatass in front of my potential mans today."

Bean runs out of Gracie's room. "Give me the deets, sis."

We talk about Jonah white we are eating.After about thirty minutes, I decide to head for school. I grab my laptop, phone, and lipstick and pack them with my homework (which I do in study hall). I run outside and hop into my car. 

I arrive in the school, early as always. I go to my locker to unpack, and feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around, "Hi Zachy." I say, turning back around to unpack. I look up, and see a photo of me and Dani. I rip it off and yeet it somewhere in my locker.

"Hey, how you doing?"

"Meh, I could feel better, Dani can go fuck himself... How are you?"

"Well, pretty bad. I don't like it when my friends are sad." Zach ruffles my hair, and I turn around and kick him in the shin. 


"Don't mess up my hair then."

"Damn. You got some fire in you."

"How do you think I handled Dani for five months?"

"Sass... Resistance... Great lying skills."

"Yes... Mostly."

"So, what are you doing after school?"

"Actually, I'm going out with one of my new friends."

"Who? Meee~?"

"No, I actually just met him yesterday."

"Oh, ok." The school door pops open and I look up. He walks toward me and I stare.

"You like what you see?" He asks, once he arrives at my locker where Zach and I are.

"Shut up Honah. Don't ask like you weren't checking out that photo of me in a bikini on my Insta." His face turns a medium shade of red when I say that.

"WHAT? I NEED TO SEE THIS PHOTO!" Zach almost yells.

"I'm surrounded by pervs..."

"Shut up and show me the photo, Mel." Zach snaps.

"Dayum. Fine." I take out my phone and get to the photo on my photo stream. I turn the phone around to face Zach.

"Oh. My. Gosh. How did douchey Dani get so lucky?"

"What do you mean?"

"He got to see you naked... Multiple times."

"Not proud of it. I'm leaving." I sprint into the ladies restroom and yell, "HAHA CAN'T GET ME!"

"You wanna bet?" Jonah asks, sprinting into the bathroom, picking me up bridal style, and running out.


I get put down, only to feel Jonah's elbow rest on my shoulder again. I sigh. Now more people are arriving. Shit. Shit, shit, shit fuck, shit, shit... People are gonna think Jonah and I are dating. Some random girl walked up to me, Jonah, and Zach.

"Aren't you and Daniel dating?" she asks.

"No, I dumped his ass."

"MELANIE MARIE DUMPED DANIEL SEAVEY?" she screams, and everyone walking in goes silent. Crap. Shit. Fuck. "I thought it would be the other way around..." she mumbled.

*Ahem* I look up at Jonah... No! Don't do it!

"Why? DO you think Daniel is too popular for her? Too good for her?" Jonah starts, "Listen here small child, you shut your mouth. Melanie is the most beautiful, honest, and respectful women in high school. She's definitely not worth a cheating bitch."

The girl just scatters into the crowd of people. "Thanks Jonah, but I don't pay attention to those kind of people. They aren't worth it... But those things you said... Did you mean them?"

"Of course I did..." I pull Jonah into a tight hug. When we finally pull away, I look up at him, and he looks down at me. I can feel his hot breath on my lips. Don't lean in unless he does. You'll get embarrassed. I'm too lost in my thoughts to notice Jonah is leaning in, rather quickly at that. I stand on the tips of my toes to close the distance between our lips. His lips are soft, and gentle, unlike Dani's whose where still soft, but always full of hunger, full of lust. I bring one arm up to wrap around Jonah's neck, gently pushing his head closer to mine, deepening the kiss. Jonah places a hand on my waist, and the other on my hip.


What Melanie, nor Jonah noticed, is that when they where kissing one thing happened. Daniel entered the school. (DUN DUN DUUUNNNN~)


We finally decide to pull away. My face flushes with heat, and his face turns bright red... Zach must've left while we were kissing. Wow. 

"Wow." Wait... Did I say that out loud? No... That wasn't me... I look behind me. Dani,

"You break up with me yesterday, and now you're here making out with some basketball player?"

"Don't act like you aren't with one of your hoes now. And he isn't even my boyfriend.. Uh.. That just kinda happened. AND I don't have to justify self to you, because I don't like associating with lying, cheating, pathetic, bitches."

Daniel straight up walks away. I could see the anger in those icy blue eyes. "Uh, Jonah, I should get to class. Cya later!"

"Cya Mel." He says back, smiling as I walk away.




Hope your enjoying!


P.S. Sorry for the shorter chapter... Its close enough to the amount of words I usually do. Uh.. Bye bye!

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