Chapter 9

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I wake up to Rebecca snoring beside me. We all fell asleep in the middle of the third movie... I mean I think. All I remember is that I was the last one to fall asleep. I get up and start brewing some coffee and tea. Gracie and I love coffee, while Becca and Karen like tea. I start to make some apple cinnamon oatmeal. Karen and Becca get up, I'm guessing to the smell of the tea brewing. Karen looks over to Gracie and is about to wake her up, but I whisper-yell, "Don't!"

"Why not?" Karen asks.
"She will end you. She only wakes up when the food is ready."
"Dang... Is the food almost ready?"
"No, I just started making it."
"Dang, can we have tea?"
"Make it yourself. I did most of the work."
"Aight meanie."

I start cooking the oatmeal and pour the coffee into two mugs. I put caramel macchiato creamer in both cups. "Oh, so you wait on your sister, but not us?" Karen whines.
"Shush, and enjoy the fact that I'm giving you free food and tea."
"And she is your friend without you paying her!" Becca butts in playfully.
"Heeeeey! I don't pay any of my friends to be my friends! I'm a very likable person."
"Mmhm, yeah whatever helps you sleep at night." I tease.

I finish the oatmeal and wake Gracie. "Food best be ready..." she grumbles. "It is, I made us basic-bitch oatmeal."
"BASIC BITCH OATMEAL!?!" Gracie yells, obviously excited.
"Yes! And coffee! Now up, up!" Gracie shoots up and runs to the island. I give her a bowl of oatmeal and her cup of coffee. Gracie devours it instantly. Karen giggles at how fast she ate her oatmeal, "Fat ass!" Karen says jokingly. Gracie just looks up and Karen shuts her pie hole. Gracie is scary...


I drove Karen and Becca home, and when I get home, Corbyn's car is here. He must've come home while I was gone. I walk into the house to see Bean looking furious. "Bean, what's wrong?" I ask worriedly.
"Give me Daniel's address."
"I'm going to kick his ass and make his pretty face not so pretty anymore."
"Corbyn... It's ok... I took care of it last ni-"
Corbyn cut me off, "No! It's not ok Melanie! He tried to rape you! That's against the law and I'm going to do the thing above calling the police! Melanie, you're like family to me, so is Gracie... I'm not going to let my little sister almost get raped and just shrug it off."
"Well, I want to shrug it off! I don't want to get wrapped up in charges and stuff! My parents might go to jail because they might be dragged into this! I don't want my parents to go to jail! They deserve it for years old abuse, but I still sorta love them! So shrug it off! This is my problem, not yours..."
"You don't get it, Mel! It is my problem! You are my little sister! My family! My family's problems are mine too!"
"Find it yourself! I'm not going to be the reason my ex gets beaten to a pulp! Or worse, you get beaten by him! I know their parents, they won't hesitate to press charges! Corbyn, you can't afford that!" I storm off into my room and take out my phone. I'm scrolling through Instagram when I get a DM. I open it, and it's Jonah. 


J: Morning beautiful
M: I know I am. You just now got up?
J: Yeah... You wanna hang out today?
M: Sure! When, where?
J: Is 2 good w/  you?
M: Yeah, where at?
J: Beck's Arcade in the mall. A couple of BB friends are gonna meet us there.
M: Ugh, better not be filled with sports talk I can't understand.
J: But I love sports talk!
M: Question... Can I bring my sister and her boyfriend?
J: Sure.
M: Warning, her bf is in a bad mood today.
J: Why?
Shit! I can't tell him or he'll beat Daniel.
M: Idk, must just be one of those days... I'll get ready. Cya later!
J: Cya cutie.
I sigh and get up to go ask Corbyn and Gracie to come to the arcade. "Hey, Corby Worby and Gracie Wacy? Do you wanna go to an arcade with Jonah and a couple of friends today?"
"Sure." They say in unison, "What time?"
"Two, so you best get ready!"
"Oh shit! Only two hours? That's not enough time to do makeup!" Gracie jokes.
"Shut it. Bean has to shower too."
"Shit! DIBS ON SHOWER BEAN!!!" Gracie jumps up and runs into her room. I go back to my room and pick out some clothes. An off-the-shoulder navy blue and white striped crop top, some ripped jean capris, and some navy blue vans. I walk into my bathroom and take a shower.


I dry off and get out of the shower. I brush out my long hair and put it into space buns. I put on my clothing and walk to my vanity. Time for makeup... I put on my makeup, which consists of navy blue, black, and white eyeshadow, and plum matte lip cream. I slide on my vans and walk outside my room, greeted by Gracie, who was wearing a black crop top, and short shorts, with her hair down and a black beanie. 
"Dayyyummmm!" We say in unison as we see each other.
"You lookin' fine as hell." we continue, getting surprised now.
We look at each other and at the same time do a dramatic hair flip and sing, "I do my hair toss, check my nails, baby how ya feelin'... Feelin' good as hell~!"
I giggle and head into the kitchen, where I grab a smoothie out of the fridge. Corbyn soon comes out of Gracie's room wearing a white shirt, black jacket, and black ripped jeans. I finish my smoothie quickly, grab my purse, get in the back of Corbyn's car, and we drive off to the mall.


What gonna happen on the hangout?

I don't know, why don't you ask Jesus? Or the author...

Wait I'm the author.

I ain't tellin' tho.

As of now I almost have 100 reads. I'm so appreciative... I cannot express it.

Also, I made my bestie read my whole book so far and she texted me after she was done this:
I want more!
Write more now!

Yeah... So Nat! Here is your chapter. You don't get a new one 'til next week.

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