Chapter 14

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Melanie's POV

It's been about a week since the DNA test. The results should be in the mail today... A kiss is planted on my jawline,  slowly traveling down my neck. "Jonah! Stop! I'm trying to think!" I giggle.
"But I'm bored! All I have to do as of now is kiss my beautiful girlfriend." He continues kissing my neck, then he pulls me onto his lap so that I'm straddling him. 
"Jonah if you want kisses just say so. You don't have to act like a horny bitch..." I giggle as I wrap my arms around his neck, and he places his hands on my waist.
"Well, I want kisses!" Jonah whines. Our lips brush together briefly before I'm pulled off of Jonah.
"NO SEX ON THE COUCH!!" Corbyn screams, pulling me off of him. This hurts... His fingers are digging into my dang armpits. 
"THE RESULTS ARE HERE! BEAN! HONAH! GRACIEGRACIEGRACIE! REEEESSSUUULLLTSSSSSSS!" I bolt outside to the mailbox, grab the mail, and bolt back in, to see everyone on the couch. I rush to the couch and sit by Jonah and Gracie. I trace my thumb over the envelope.
"I can't open it... Jonah, you do it!" I hand it to Jonah.
"It's not really my place... Gracie, you do it."
"I ain't opening it. I ain't gonna touch it. I won't do anything until I find out the answer. Bean, you do it."
"Fine. I'll do it." Jonah hands the envelope the Corbyn, who opens it up quickly. A smile appears on his face quickly.
"I'M A DAD!" Corbyn scream, jumping up.
"Bean, you would technically be her brother."
"No! It's your pregnancy test results! It's positive!"
"Kidding. The pregnancy test already came in. I told you about it yesterday." Corbyn says calmly, looking at the paper again. "It's positive. I'm getting a new little sister. I am getting a new little sister."
"Corby Worby, She would be our little sister. When you say that it sounds bad because of your dating Gracie."
"Wait, you're being serious?"
"Yes! Now we need to go buy things at le store!! Go go go go!"

(A quick note from me! Uh, this is the layout for their house, Gracie and Melanie have bathrooms in their rooms... Also if any cofusion they don't have a Baskin Robbins in their house, Its bathroom, it wouldn't fit... I have a feeling I spelled "front" wrong. I did... Grammarly corrected me. DANG YOU PAINT 3D 😂🤣)

 We buy yellow bedspread, multiple varieties of toys, and lots of makeup

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 We buy yellow bedspread, multiple varieties of toys, and lots of makeup... You know how five-year-old girls be. I don't know her shoe size... Or clothing size... I'll take her shopping after she comes to our house. Dad is still alive and we can't legally go in while he's in jail. He owns the place so... Yeah. We also bought Jonah some pajamas, because jeans are pretty uncomfortable to sleep in, and Bean's pajama's probably won't fit Jonah because Jonah is tall as HeCk. 


We arrive at home, bring the bags into Sadies room, and split into our separate rooms. I yeet Jonah's PJs at him, and head into the bathroom to change into mine. I remove my bra and put on a baggy shirt, and shorts. I walk out of the bathroom to see Jonah relaxing on my bed and I plop down beside him, and our lips brush together briefly before I turn off the lights and snuggle up to Jonah and drift asleep.


I wake up and rush to get ready. I don't care what time it is I need to get ready and quick! I rush to get in the shower, not caring if Jonah will wake up.

I get up and wander into my closet to pick out this outfit:

I quickly make oatmeal for everyone, pour orange juice, and set the table for one extra person

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I quickly make oatmeal for everyone, pour orange juice, and set the table for one extra person. The doorbell rings and I bolt to the door. I open it to see a lady and Sadie (That rhymes! Hehe).
"MELANIE!!!" Sadie squeals and hugs my legs, I smile and pick her up.
"Shh! Everyone else is sleeping, but you can go wake them up if you'd like! Gracie's room is over there, and mine is over there." I point to Gracie's room, and then mine.
"Is someone else sleeping in your room?" Sadie asks.
"Yes, my boyfriend, and Gracie and her boyfriend are in their room. I always plop down in between them to wake them up, because they're always snuggling!"
Sadie gasps, "You have a boyfriend!? Is he smokin' hot? Does he have a six-pack!?"
"Oh my goodness. He is hot, and you don't even need to see him shirtless because it will not be necessary, and he's too old for you. After all, you're what, five? Six?"
"I'm ten. I've been neglected for a year by Mommy and Mark."
"TEN!? Jesus! We bought stuff for five-year-olds!"
"Don't worry, that's all I really play with anyways."
"Ok! Go wake them up!" I put her down and pat her back toward Gracie's room.
"Alright. I need to talk to you, Ms. Marie." The lady says to me sternly.
"Sure! What do you need?"
"She is prompted to call CPS anytime you mistreat her. As in abusing her verbally or physically, or anything like that."
"Gracie and I were abused for eighteen years, verbally and physically. We wouldn't wish that on anyone else."
"What about those boyfriends of yours?"
"Both grew up in good homes. They are two of the most amazing people I have met."
"Alright. I'll leave you be." She leaves, and I close the door behind her, just as I hear Sadie squeal. I rush into my room where Jonah has just awaken and Sadie staring at him.
"He IS hot!! Can I marry him!?" Sadie squeals, with a big smile on her face.
"Who is this strange child in your room, Melanie!?"Jonah asks, looking confusedly at Sadie. 
"She is my little sister. Get in your clothes!" I poke Jonah's cheek and grab Sadie and try to pull her out of my room, but she won't budge.
"I wanna watch!" Sadie squeals, then I throw her over my shoulder.
"I'm surrounded by pervs..." I mumble and Sadie laughs. I carry her out of the room to see Gracie's bowl empty and chatty Corbyn talking Gracie's butt off. I set Sadie down across from Corbyn and I sit beside her. Sadie devours her oatmeal almost as fast as Gracie eats her food. Jonah walks into the room and picks me up.
"Jonah!!" I squeal, he sits down in my chair and puts me down on his lap.
"Why did you put me on your lap? Your oatmeal will get cold."
"I didn't get my morning kisses." Jonah whines, kissing my jawline. I caress his cheek and our lips brush together briefly, then we pull away. 
"Yuck! Kissing!" Sadie squeals and I scrunch my nose at her. 
Gracie giggles at looks at me, then Corbyn, then Jonah. "We'll show you kissing!" Gracie screams as if she was declaring war. Corbyn engulfs Gracie in a huge kiss, clearly some tongue in there.
"EWW! YUCKY!!" Sadie screams, looking away, at Jonah and I. I look at Jonah and he smashes his lips into mine. I kiss back immediately. Our tongues explore each other's mouths. I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck. Jonah's hands travel down to my ass, giving it a small squeeze. I let out a small giggle, and we get back to kissing. 
"AHEM! You can stop kissing now. Bean and I stopped kissing about five minutes ago. And you should stop before you lose the clothes in front of a ten-year-old." we pull away as soon as Gracie says that.
"I wouldn't mind if Jonah lost his clothes!" Sadie giggles.
"Too old for you. And I'm dating your beautiful sister... And I love her." Jonah whispers the last part and kisses my jawline.


So I was kind of watching Jessie because I'm bored.
And Bertrum or however you spell the butler's name was on his laptop and someone walked in.
And he said, "I'm not writing fanfiction on Justin Beiber or anything..."

Replace JB with WDW and SAME BROO!


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