Chapter 12

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I pull the muffins out of the oven and put them on a plate, along with a tropical fruit smoothie. I pour the orange-ish liquid into four cups and give each person one muffin. I set the table... Also known as the island/bar (Whatever you want to call it). "HEY GRACIE! HEY BEAN! HEY MR. SWAMP (Marais means swamp)! GET IN HERE!" I call, my stomach already grumbling. I sit ion my seat as they all come rushing in. Jonah sits beside me, Bean across from me, and Gracie beside Bean. I start eating my food, and when Jonah takes a bite, he looks astonished. "What's wrong Jojo Siwa?" Gracie asks.
"Nothing... This is just so good... HOW!?"
"Well, when Mom wasn't drunk, Mom taught me how to bake, and cook... And when they were drunk, I was in charge of cooking."
"And I had to clean." Gracie raises her hand briefly before we both get sad looks on our faces. Jonah immediately hugs me and kisses my cheek, then I start to cheer up, Bean does the same... Well instead of the cheek he kisses Gracie on the lips... Multiple times... I cover Jonah and I's eyes.
"Our virgin eyes can't see this!" I exclaim jokingly.
"Shut up, with that waddle you have this morning, I know your legs are sore, which only means you guys had-"
Jonah interrupts with a yell, "Our virgin eyes aren't allowed to see this!"
"So, Jonah..." Corbyn teases, "How was she?"
"So Uhm... It was-" Jonah stops. "Dude... WHY?"
"You tryna have sexy time with Melanie!?" Gracie screams.
"Ok Beanieweenie." Gracie kisses him on the nose and smiles.
"Ew. Hate that."  I say, disgusted.
"Shut up," Bean responds.
"I hate having an older brother. I was perfectly content with one sibling."
"AYE! I AM THE MAN OF THIS HOUSEHOLD AND I WON'T HESITATE TO THROW YOU OUT!" Corbyn jokes, but with a convincing tone.
"BITCH I BOUGHT THIS WITH GRACIE! YOU HAVE NO LEGAL OWNERSHIP!" I yell back, still joking. We both sit back down and laugh. I look over at Jonah who looks worried.
"You good bro?"  I ask.
"What just happened?"
"Bean and I were joking around," I reply nonchalantly.
"Oh, I thought you just randomly started fighting..."
"No!" Bean and I scream at the same time. We both explode in giggles/chuckles. I take Jonah's hand, grab my purse and keys, and rush out to the car. I Yeet Jonah into the passenger seat and run to get into the driver's seat.
"Where are we going?" Jonah asks.
"I forgot I bought two tickets for Universal a month ago for today... It was for Dani and me, but you like Harry Potter, AND me so you wanna go?"
"YEAH! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" Jonah screams, as I start the car, and hand him my phone.
"Blast some music!!! Turn on whatever you want! I don't care I'm so happy!!!"


We rode a whole bunch of Harry Potter rides, ate a whole bunch of food, and took a lot of selfies for Instagram. I dropped Jonah off at his house, kissed him bye, and drove home. I am now driving home, jamming to some music. 
(Imma starts switching POVs more often.)

Jonah's POV

I walk into my house to see my mother pacing around nervously. "Mom, are you alright?" I ask worriedly.
"Jonah!" she rushes over to me and embraces me tightly. "Where were you last night? You didn't come home from the arcade, and you were gone all day today! I thought something happened!"
"Mom, it's ok. I was over at my girlfriend's house last night."
"Girlfriend? Did you use protection?" mom freaks out.
"Ye-... Wait, what?"
Mom gasps, "You had sex? Was it forced? Oh my gosh! I don't want you hanging out with this girl!"
"Oh my gosh, Mom. It was kinda my fault, and she made sure I was fine with it, first... And I really like her... She took me to Freaking Universal today!"
"Okie Doke! She's a keeper! What are my grandbabies' names going to be?"
"OH MY GOSH! STOP!" I scream as I'm laughing.
"Ok! Tell me what she looks like!"
I pull up the photos of us at Universal on my phone and show them to her. She immediately gasps and screams, "IM GOING TO HAVE CUTE GRANDCHILDREN!"
"Mom you said you'd stop!" I chuckle.
"Mom! Stop!!!" I playfully punch her in the arm. She starts running around flailing her arms in the air.
"JONAH MARAIS ROTH FRANTZICH! DID YOU GET A GIRL PREGNANT?" Dad screams, running down the stairs.
"NO!" I yell, laughing.

Melanie's POV

I pull down my road, driving slower because even though it's dark, some random child might decide to cross the road... Or worse, an animal. Yes, I like animals more than humans. FiGhT mE hO. I pull into my driveway and open the door. I walk in and head to my room. I put my hair in a bun and get into my pajamas. I apply an overnight facemask and a lip scrub. I plop down on my bed and after five minutes, I hear the door open. I rush out of my room to see Gracie and Corbyn walk through the door. Gracie looks extremely exhausted, and she looks like she's been crying.

"Melanie... We need to talk," she says, her voice cracking while saying it.
"Sure... Are you alright?" I ask, sitting down on the couch, Gracie follows suit. 
"Yes... Kinda..." her voice cracks again.
"So, what's up?" I ask, now extremely worried.
"Uhm, you have to promise to stay calm, Melanie. Promise me that."
"Gracie, are you sure everything is ok?"
"J-just promise, Mel..."
"Ok, ok... I promise. I promise that I will stay calm."
"Alright... Corbyn and I... We were uh..." I can tell she is hesitant... Something bad must have happened... Like really bad. 
"Spit it out, I'm starting to get worried." I have been worried this whole time. 
"Corbyn and I were just at a crime scene! Mom is dead and Dad got arrested!"
"You promised you would stay calm..." Gracie mumbles.


Say what now!?


Hope you are enjoying so far! 

125 reads! This is insane! Like seriously! I thought I would have like 5! Thank you so much!!!!!.


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