Chapter 10

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I walk into the arcade and scan the room for Jonah. Hmm... I see multiple tall guys screaming their heads off... That must be them. I walk up to them with Gracie and Corbyn close behind. "What's up, guys?" I ask. I look up at Jonah who was smiling, and then the rest of the group was looking at me.
"Who is this sexy girl?" one of them says, then I give them the death stare.
"I happen to be Jonah's girlfriend." I walk over to Jonah and hold his hand.
"Damn Jonah. How'd you get that lucky?" He asks Jonah, still looking at me.
Jonah just looks down, I assume he is blushing, "He didn't get lucky. I'm the one lucky for finding a guy that actually appreciates my interests and my personality instead of looking at my body only."
"Dang, she got some fire, too... I like that."
"Boy if you don't back the fuck up Imma pop you in the fucking head." someone behind me says angrily. I look behind me and its Bean.
"Beeaaann! I got this. I don't need help defending myself." Corbyn just gave me a "Really, you sure needed Karen's help defending yourself from Daniel last night." look. Jonah looked down at me confused, and I just whisper "Its Mr. Grumples that is dating my sister." in his ear. 
"Oooooh! Makes sense... I'm interested in how this is going to play out though."
"If there are any throwing punches I'll probably need help to stop it..." Jonah just laughed after that, and I steer my attention back at Bean and a basketball friend.
"Who are you 'Bean'?" the basketball dude asks with a hint of sass.
"I am Melanie's sisters' boyfriend. Melanie is like my little sister. Respect her and the fact that she has a boyfriend. Stop flirting with someone who wouldn't go near as low as even kissing you." Bean... I've gone lower than whoever the fuck this is. I've gone lower than most people...
"Daaaaammmnnn!" Gracie gasps, "Get roasted."
"Can we just like, play games now?" one of Jonah's friends ask.
"That's a good idea. C'mon Honah." I grab him by the hand and pull him to one of my favorite games, Mortal Kombat. 
"To be honest, I expected you to pull me to a girly game. I like your choice of games."

I snort and start the game. I select Mileena, and Jonah gets Reptile. Right away I start winning. Uppercut, kick, special attack, special attack, special attack... And he's done for. "HOW!?" Jonah yells, and I just laugh. "Wanna play a shooting game now?" I ask, and without waiting for an answer I pull him in Jurassic Park.  He starts the game and right away raptors start chasing our characters. Jonah really sucks at this game. I keep killing them easily while he is almost dead already. We finally finish after Jonah dying like five times. I start cracking up when we finish. "Jonah! You died five times!"
"So? I never said I was good at this game."
"I didn't think you sucked!" I tease.
"Meanie!" Jonah pouts.
"I Sowwy, Jonah." I peck him on the cheek.
"I want it on the lips..." Jonah whines. I smile and caress Jonah's cheek. (Some cringe is coming so beware... Lol) I lean in and peck him on the lips. 
"Noo! I want more!!" Jonah continues to whine, acting like a baby.
"Oh fine..." I pretend to be annoyed and lean in again. Our lips connect briefly before he licks my bottom lip, telling me to open my mouth. I grant him entrance and almost immediately his tongue starts exploring my mouth. He places his hands on my hips, and I wrap my arms around his neck. We finally pull away and I rest my forehead on his. I look up, smiling. 
"Awww... My little sister is growing up so fast..." I hear someone say behind us. I turn around and it's Gracie. "Bean! C'mere and look at these little lovebirds. They're so cute together!" Corbyn comes into view, and he frowns at me.
"What's happening here?" he asks.
"Uh... We were playing the game." I reply.
"Why does it look like you're about to fuck then?"
I look up at Jonah and he's blushing awkwardly, "We aren't..."
Corbyn stares at me, then throws me over his shoulder, "Let me down Bean!!!!!"
"No, first you try to defend your ex for trying to rape you, and now you're about to fuck your new boyfriend... And in public?"
"I'm not about to have sex with Jooonaaahhhh! Let me down!"
"Melanie... Daniel tried to rape you?" Jonah asks worriedly.
"I-I can explain Jonah... He was drunk, he didn't know what he was doing..."
"Oh, just like he didn't know what he was doing when he pushed Becca? Why are you defending him?"
"I don't know! I care about the well-being of everyone! Even horrible people! Like Daniel, and my parents! Corbyn Matthew Besson put me down this instant or I will rip your eyebrows off, right here, right now... Without hesitation."
Corbyn put me down almost immediately, and I rush over to Jonah who embraces me in a warm hug. "I'm so sorry Melanie... I could've-"
I interrupt, "You couldn't have done anything, Jonah. I'm ok..." I peck him on the lips and snuggle to his chest. "Can we go to my house and watch Harry Potter now?"
Jonah shoots up and yells, "YES!" I grab him by the hand and rush him out to the parking lot. 
"Shit, I rode here with Bean."
"We could take my car."
"Great idea Honah." He leads me to his car and we get in, and I give him directions to Gracie and I's house.

We get to my house, and I grab a blanket, a couple solo cups, a big bottle of cherry coke, my Harry Potter movie stash, and I pop some popcorn. We plop down on the couch. Jonah wraps his arm around me and I snuggle up to his chest, munching on our popcorn. "You are the best boyfriend I could ask for..." I whisper to him.


Ok... I have a feeling I shouldn't make Jonah act up in the next chapter
such as standing up for Melanie... But if he didn't we would be a douche...
I don't know. Somethings probably going to happen within these next few chapters

I know 100 isn't 1k or 1M, but honestly, this means a lot. I totally thought I would have 10 
reads by the time I'm posting this... Chapter 10. That basically means I have one person reading this. But I have ten chapters and 100 reads... So you ten people who are reading this as of now...

You are awesome, may you marry someone in WDW... My Zachybear is off limits though.


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