Chapter 7

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I yeet open my locker, and grab my lunchbox. I'm a bit later that usual for lunch, I was a bit late for class, so I was questioned... No, I didn't say I was randomly making out with a hot guy. I said to her, "Female problems." and he was like "OK LEAVE NOW". I close my locker, and start to walk away. Suddenly, I'm scooped up over someone's shoulder. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" I scream, almost letting go of my food. 

"Shush!" He says.

"lEt Me DoWn HoNaH."


I give up and Jonah carries me to the lunch room, passing my table. "HONAH YOU PASSED MAH TABLE!" Jonah turns around and sits me down beside Karen. 

"What happened to Douchey Dan?"

"Cheater..." I respond to Karen casually.

"Moved on already? Jonah, I thought you had higher standards than a vulnerable, tiny lady."


"Alrightie, grammar genius."

"So... Are you guys dating now?" Becca says.

"SWEET BABY JESUS!" I scream, "Becca! When did you get here?"


"Should I leave or..." Jonah says.

"No!" I accidentally yell.

"Eager, now are we?" Jonah teases./

"sHuT uR fAcE"

"SO IS U GUYS DATING OR NAH?" Rebecca yells.

"I don't know, ask Honah." We all look over to Jonah and his face turns red. 
"Uuhh... Do you want to be?"
My face gets hot... Is that his way of asking me out? Its cute, but dang... "Errrrm... Yes?"

"MY SHIP HAS SAILED!" Karen yells.

"Have you been secretly shipping us?" Jonah asks.

"Yes. I want my B-ball friend and my BFF to be dating... Like you will be the cutest couple. Becca switch with Mel. The ship needs to be by each other."

"Finnneeee!" Becca whines, she gets up, and I stand up nervously, and sit in Bec's usual spot, by Jonah.

"It's too cute. Rebecca, come with me, I can't take the cuteness." Karen takes Becca by the hand and runs. 

"Wow... I have great friends." I sarcastically say.

"They aren't here, so now I can do this..." Jonah leans in and I stop him with a smile.

"Eager now, aren't we." I mock. Jonah chuckles and continues to lean in, this time I don't stop him. Our lips have only connected for a moment when I hear someone squeal. Kaaaareeeennnnn! I break the kiss and glare at her, then I lean back in. I peck him on the lips, and stuff one of my chips in my mouth. Jonah steals my bag of chips and I whip my head around to see him.

"I'm about sick and tired of people stealing my food!"  I tease, with a giggle. Right behind Jonah is where I see Zach sitting, with a guy with noodle-hair (RIP)... And Daniel. I turn my attention back to Jonah. I try to steal my chips back, but I can't help but feel Dani's icy blue eyes staring into my soul. I hear Becca behind me say, "Daniel... Don't... You fucked up, that's on you.". I look behind me, to see Daniel standing up, with Rebecca holding onto his arm.

"Let. Go. Of. Me." Daniel sternly says.

"Move on... Be happy for Mel that she's moved on so quickly." Rebecca says calmly.

Daniel pushes Becca into a table behind her.   I shoot up. I can only assume Karen does too. I have the urge to go hit Daniel in the... Er... Testicles (I'm cracking up at how cringe that word makes this chapter sound.), but instead I grab Karen and rush to Rebecca's side, who his on the ground holding her back. "Are you ok?" I ask worriedly.

"Y-yeah... I think my back is scraped though..." I can tell she's holding back sobs.

"Karen, you take her to the nurse, because if you don't I know you will murder the douche." Karen scoops up Becca in her arms, just as she starts crying... My poor child (Irl I call my friends my children even though I'm the youngest in the group)... The noodle haired guy laughs, and I whip my head around.

"Excuse me? Don't laugh at her. She's in pain. It's not funny that someone is crying."

He continues to laugh, "It actually is."

"Don't act like you don't cry every night because you haven't even been laid once."

"DAMMMNNNN MELANIE!" Jonah and Zach yell at the same time.

I whip my head around at Daniel and poke my finger at his chest. "And you! She was trying to help you! You hurt my best friend! And you felt like you deserve me? No! And you're jealous that I'm talking to, kissing, or dating another guy? You don't get the pleasure of that! I should be the one jealous! I should be jealous of the hoes you brought into your bed while we were still dating! I can't believe I actually LOVED you! I wish I never KNEW you!" I push Daniel away, and grab my lunchbox and stuff.

"I'm going to go check up on Becca." I say to Jonah, then head to the nurse.


Becca's back is all scraped up. I cancelled on Jonah so Karen, Becca, and I can have a girls night. Basically we are gonna bake, play some video games, makeovers, Insta posts, and girl talk. Gracie is going to a hotel with Corbyn... I made them so we'd have the house to ourselves. I'm taking them home with me today... I should probably be paying attention... I'm still in school, but I can't. Why would Dani be such a douche as to push Rebecca into a table. 

I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's the noodle hair. He hands me a peice of notebook paper, and I open it.

I'm sorry. :(


I write back:

You should be. >:(

and then I draw a middle-finger emoji. I hand the note back to noodle hair and get lost in my thoughts again.


I get into the drivers seat of my car, with Becca beside me, and Karen in the back with our backpacks. I turn on the car and start to drive home.

Dani why you do dat?
Dani how do so douche?
Mia dun know.
Mia gonna stop typin like dis now.


I am thankful for the 40 reads I have on this while I am writing it... Because I am writing this the day before I'm posting it. I might have more reads when you see this. But I honestly am truly thankful. I thought I would have two. And those two would be my two friends. 


Go read my bff's wattpad: @rachelxdolanx ! Also go follow her wdw fan account on Insta: highkeycorbyn AND her main account:

Happy Thanksgiving!


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