Good News

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After a few days, the teacher announces a good news again.

"We are having a Halloween party!!" she shouts.

"Yay!!" many shouted.

I turn to look at Jaeun but she is showing a worried or scared face.

What does it mean?

Jaeun's thoughts

OMG. I hate Halloween parties. I still remembered the "ghost" that followed me all the way back home. And he flashes in front of me. And the haunted house, a child called me to follow her somewhere and it turns out to be the hell place. What should I dress as?

"What are you dressing as?" many of them starts to asks their table mate.

"What will you wear?" Bryan asks me.

"I don't know."

I wonder what Jaeun will dress as. Catwoman? Hahahah. I will laugh like hell.

"Keep quiet!" the teacher shouts again.

Everybody shut their mouths and listen attentively to the teacher.

"The party will be in school and I hope everyone will try your best to dress up. You know, it's party and all for you are graduates. And it will be 2 days from now. This Saturday." she says.

Everyone starts to chit chat again. I turn to look at Jaeun again. She seems to be worried about something. How I wish I can just ask her without feeling bothered. It's okay. I can find out on that day.

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