42. over five years.

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Aphmau's POV.

The last five years have been okay only for me they were very difficult.


I sat on the floor with Alina and Lilith. They were smiling and playing with the blocks sat in front of them.

I was making a castle for them but my mind drifted off and I couldn't concentrate on my daughter's until I heard Lilith scream. I bolted up and saw that the girls were playing pirates on the bed. I laughed at them and they looked at me.

"Are you okay mommy?" Alina asked.

I nod while catching my breath. They run over and hug me. I smiled gently at them then hugged them tightly. I heard them giggle as Garroth came into the room.

He had Katie, Tyler and Courtney.

"You dropping them off?" I asked him. He nodded and I smiled. "Well then you can go to work and I will look after them."

He smiled and left the bedroom.

"What do you say about playing pirates?" I ask them.

They yay in response and thats how that day went.


We were sleeping sound in a dog pile. I woke up to the sound of knocking. I heard Zoey answer the door.

"Oh Garroth, their asleep... Yeah I know... But lady Aphmau is sleeping to... Come look their in a dog pile, it's so cute." I could hear.

I realised I was stuck under Alina and Lilith, I had Katie on one arm, Courtney on the other and Tyler was snuggled into Katie. I smiled lightly and fell back to sleep.


I walked around the clearing. It had been exactly a year since she left here. I had hugged her before she left and now all that's left of her are her daughter's and son who don't know who she is. She was a loving person but her final death must of sent her over the edge. I walked around the clearing noticing the flowers that were in bloom. I picked one and smelt it. Home? I thought.

I looked over to the portal. Oh sister why? I ask myself. Her name hurts I love her so much but she isn't here to hold me up. To not let me fall.

Light sparks out of my hand. Have my powers came back? I look at it. There was a small mark appearing. It looked like a square on its point. I look closer and see inside that shape was a small heart. My heart needs some healing. No one remembers her.

I walked back to Phoenix drop shortly after that.


It had been two years now. I looked around the clearing. Coming here everyday was hurting a lot. I shouldn't do this to myself. And from there I stopped going everyday, I stopped hoping. I picked flowers and left them in front of the portal. I have lost her.

I left that day and never returned.


I finally found it. Kristina's sapling. I walked over to Zoey's room.

I knocked on the door as I got there. She answered almost immediately.

I looked at her and sighed. I handed her the sapling which had a note attached to it.

"Would you like me to read this?" She asks. I nod. "Dear Aphmau. In a time of need please plant this sapling. I'll come back then. I hope you've waited long enough though. Five years at the least. I really love you. Please look after Garroth and the kids. Please look after your self and your kids. And give Zoey a break! I love you. I'll see you soon."

I looked at Zoey. She smiles at me. I can not say this is the time I need her though. I don't have a valid reason to bring her home... I sigh and frown at Zoey.

"Isn't this what you've waited these three years for?" She asks.

"I don't have a valid reason to bring her home yet. She wrote in a time of need. We're fine..." I reply.

"Yeah but your heart isn't." She replied.

"Besides it's only been three years. She wants me to wait at least five." I say.

"Then that's what you do. I'll look after this, okay, when you want to bring her back you ask Garroth to go out and plant it." She explains.

I nod and leave the room. I've wanted a chance to bring her home for years but she needs me to wait so I will.


It had been five years since Kristina left and I was running....

I ran to the gate after the guards got me. There stood my worst nightmare... Kristina's dad. ((They are half sisters!)) I watch him in Aaron's body. My heart burned... Aaron...

"Aphhhh- Irean! I see your still as beautiful-- I lo-- Stop fighting me!-- ve you--- I here to destroy you now that my stupid daughter isn't here to protect you!" He shouted.

"Leave! Or I will destroy you and your home!" I shout back.

This is the time I need Kristina. Maybe this is what she wanted me to wait for.

I had ran from the gates. I need a huge barrier... Zoey I'm sorry...

I run home to Zoey. I grab her hand and look into her eyes. She knows, she can feel it, the shift.

"What's wrong?" She asks hurriedly.

"Shad's dark side is at the gates. We need a huge barrier to protect the village." I reply.

She nodded grabbing Kristina's sapling. We ran to the gate and stopped. I walked outside after Zoey put the barrier up.

My Irean form took over.

"Why must thy be here!?" Irean shouts.

She looks at shad and shoots her power at him. Finally banishing him back to the nether.

Ireans form falls and I fall to the ground in fatigue. When I woke up I was in my room I saw Zoey in the corner of my eye. She saw that I was awake and ran over to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

I looked up at her and nodded. She hugged me tightly as the girls ran into the room. They hugged me. I hugged them back. I in that moment was so happy... I had never felt like I belonged so much. I hugged my daughters tightly and kissed both their heads. They smiled at me their love showed on their faces. I don't want them to grow up anymore their eight now... My world seemed to glow brightly. I no longer thought about the white black and grey I thought about the colour, the love, everything I had. I'm so lucky. I fell asleep with my daughters snuggled into my sides. I wouldn't have it any other way. I smiled.

Not as long as the last chapter but I hoped you enjoyed. :)

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