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Aphmau's POV.

"Hello, lady Irean." He said.

I frowned. Thinking about all of the possibilities that could be worth Garroth contacting me.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

Raven looked at me and frowned.

"It seems there was a huge magical disturbance outside of phoenix drop. Garroth had found a woman out side of phoenix drop. And Shad has been no where to be seen. Sir Garroth has given me this note for you. He said it was best to find and give this to you." He said. "I will be going."

I nod." Thank you raven." I say.

And with that he was gone. I slowly open the letter.

"Dear Lady Aphmau,
A girl has turned up outside of our little village. She has no memories and doesn't know her name. I don't know if we can trust this outsider. I found her passed out in the clearing. There is nothing else in sight. Nothing around to identify her. I will wait for your return to receive your thoughts on the matter, but for now she will be staying with Donna." It said.

I sighed. What else could go wrong. I turn to Katelyn. As if she's reading my mind she passes me a glass of water. I accept it and smile at her as a thank you. She nods and walks back downstairs.

I sit down on the floor at the front of the boat. My legs dangling over. I thought about everything. There is so many things that could go wrong in phoenix drop without us. My boys are currently at the phoenix alliance and I have no way of telling Garroth to let this girl be for now.

But it doesn't matter for now. I need to stop worrying.

Garroth's POV.

It was mid afternoon. I have a lot to do today. I walked around town and picked up the kids. They seemed happier than normal. But that maybe because they had a good time.

I thought about my dear old Scarlett. She may be gone but she was my love. But everything is getting hazey.

Once i get home with the kids I looked around the room. My eyes were fuzzy and I couldn't see properly...

Third person pov.

Garroth had passed out on the floor. Slight memories invading his mind. He couldn't tell what they were at first until they brightened up. They were showing him the truth. Not by much. The girl, Scarlett faded and in place was Kristina. The girl who didn't know anything.


Kristina had been awake all night the just couldn't sleep. Her mind was buzzing with thoughts.

Where did I come from?
Who am I?
Why am I here?
Who are my parents?
What happened to them?

More and more questions emerged and she couldn't push them down. It had gotten to the point she was questioning her existence. But she had enough. She took a deep breath and stood up walking into the main part of the house.

Donna saw her and walked over.

"How'd you sleep?" She asked.

Kristina sighed. "I didn't. This is all to strange. I can't remember anything. I can't think straight." She replied.

Donna nodded. "It's understandable." She said.

She went into an explanation but Kristina had zoned out... A certain memory invading her mind.

Garroth and Kristina's memory.

"Hello love." Garroth said smiling.

Kristina was making their bed as she paused feeling arms wrap around her stomach.

"Hey, darling." She replied dropping the sheet to kiss him.

"I have something important to tell you." He said.

She smiled and kissed him gently. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

"What a coincidence, I have something I need to tell you. But you go first." Kristina replied.

Garroth picked her up and twirled her around.

"We're going on a trip!" He said.

Krista froze. "Really?" She asked.

He nodded. "What was your news sweetheart?" He asked.

"Um... Ha," she said scratching the back of her head no longer knowing how to bring it up. "Garroth... I'm pregnant..." She said.


Slowly Kristina blinked her deep purple hair had fallen into her face. Donna was knelt in front of her, trying to get her attention.

"I'm sorry." Kristina said.

"Hey, it's okay, are you alright lass?" She asked.

Kristina shook her head and sighed grabbing her hair.

"I had a strange flashback thing. I think I need some fresh air. I'll be back later." She said standing up.

Donna nodded as Kristina left the small house. Once outside she took a deep breath and started to walk. She wasn't really thinking about where she was going until she was at the docks. She sat down on the beach and looked out into the vast ocean. Nothing but ocean for miles. And she sighs. She brings her knees up to her chest and cries.

Welcome to the real end of the story. This book has been in the works for sometime and it's harder and harder to write. Mainly because I have fallen out of the Aphmau Fandom and I feel bad but yeah, sorry for this. So this book is really finished this time. It is also going through a major rewrite that will come in later. There will be no second book as it's just done. There's so many things wrong with the book as it is.

But I hope you all have enjoyed the experience and stuck with me to the end. I'll be seeing you. Bye.

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