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Donna lead the girl to her house and made up a bath. She really needed it.

"Lass hop in the bath and then we'll talk." Donna said leaving the room.

The girl got out of her ripped up dirty clothes and climbed into the bath. As soon as she was in Donna returned.

"So how do you feel?" Donna asked her.

"Lost and confused. I don't remember anything." She said quietly.

Donna nodded. "That's understandable. But it doesn't matter who you were. What matters is who you are now. What do you want to be called? You can choose any name you want"

The girl thought for a second before deciding on the name...

"Kristina." She said. Thinking about the flashback she had earlier.

Donna nodded.

"It's nice to meet you kristina, I'm Donna." Donna said holding her hand out.

took the hand and shook it.

After the bath, Donna and Kristina sat downstairs the house was quiet apart from quiet foot steps every now and then.

"So, Kristina, what are you thinking of doing now?" Donna asked.

Kristina shrugged and thought about it.

"I don't know. Find somewhere to stay and then I guess help out in any way I can." She replied.

Donna nodded understanding that after everything Kristina had been through she wouldn't have the best plan. After all she can't remember anything.

"You can stay here for a while if you would like to, untill you get back on your feet?" Donna said.

Kristina nodded. "That would be nice, thank you."

Donna nodded standing up to show her around.

It was decided that Kristina would stay in the basement. It was warm and nice. No leaks. No cracks. Almost perfect. Almost being there wasn't an actual bed down there. But Kristina didn't mind. She liked the cold floor. She liked how it warmed up after so long because of her body heat. It was comforting and nice.

Garroth's POV.

I slowly walked around the village on my nightly patrol. The village is so beautiful at night. There's all sorts of things you would never see in the day. Like the birds getting ready to fall asleep. The mice running home to their families. The owls who awaken and hoot.

I've honestly missed this. I wouldn't usually patrol at night as my children need me. But tonight they're sleeping over at their friends house. Katie and Courtney at Nekoetts house and Tyler at his friend Jay's house.

I walk by Donna's house hearing giggles and light voices. I heard the girl was going to stay there for a while. At least she made some friends. That's better than nothing for an outsider.

What I don't understand is why she was out there? Why she was in the forest? Why she was alone? What happened to her? Why can't she remember? Why is she all alone? Was she abandoned?

I don't know but I'm going to find out. I decide to go home and sleep.

Donna's pov.

I put the children to bed and sat downstairs talking to Kristina. She seemed like a sweet girl. She also reminded me of Aphmau. She has no memories of before coming to phoenix drop. And maybe that's a coincidence but I'm sure there's something about them that isn't. Thinking about that I remember Aphmau talking about a sister a while ago. But I doubt this is her.

After a while we go to bed. I don't know why but Kristina seemed happy to sleep on the floor in the basement. I don't really know why though. But that doesn't matter. And I go to bed.

Aphmau's POV.

We had been traveling for a while only a day and a half but I could tell my girls were getting restless. It's hard to keep them entertained but I know we will be there soon. But the sky was a beautiful blue colour, the sea was rich with life and I was hiding out under the deck. Why? Because my two darling daughters are getting more and more restless. I needed a break from the top for a while. Katelyn comes down and smiles as she walks over to me.

"How are you holding up?" She asks me.

I sigh sinking into the chair I was sat on.

"I think I'm about to go crazy." I tell her with a forced smile.

Her smile widens as she laughs. I shake my head looking down. She can tell. I know she can. So I pull a strange 'can you not' face.

"Aph, your the only person I know who has been so resilient and got to this point. You know you can do this." She tells me.

I smile greatfuly. I can always count on her to make me smile. I look to the door as Alina bursts through the door her face was pink and she looked slightly startled.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" I ask her.

"Something happened in phoenix drop!" She said.

I freeze slightly. Once I regain my senses stand up and walk over to her instinctively.

"How do you know?" I asked.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me outside onto the deck where a wyvern was sat.

"Raven?" I ask.

"Hello, Lady Irean." He said...

A Aphmau and Krista fanficWhere stories live. Discover now