43. returning... finally

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Aphmau's POV

The day was calm as I walked over to the dock. Alina and Lilith were waiting patiently for me by the boat. It's sad that we have to go to the Phoenix alliance Village so soon. The girls looked up at me and smiled.

"Are you ready to go? " Alina asked.

I nodded and we boarded the boat ready for our week of traveling.

Third person POV.

There was a huge flash of light. It was blue in colour. A girl fell into the clearing. Her hair a deep purple and long. Her eyes, left was green and the right was brown tinted with an orange. She wasn't that tall. Her clothes were ripped as if something had attacked her but nothing had. She had just fell out of the portal. Her dress was a pale blue. Torn but wearable for the time being.

Slowly she stood up noticing she was in a sort of hole. After painfully climbing out she placed her hand on the rim of the hole, a bright light shot out and she had healed it. Her limbs burned. It was as if she hadn't used them for years. She got to the edge of the clearing when she fell. A stabbing headache had distorted her vision and after a few seconds her eyes closed and she had passed out.

It wasn't that long before a guard had found her. He was tall and had a helm over his face. His armor was iron plated with a cross on the front. He wasn't even out there to find her. He had left Phoenix Drop to investigate a strange blue cloud of smoke that hung in the air after some sort of explosion. He had slowly entered the clearing and saw her lead on the floor.

Something about her felt familiar to him but he didn't know. He grabbed her and walked to the gates. He watched the gravel go by under his feet as he got to the gates.

"Alexis, open the gates!" He said.

A second later and the gates were opened. The guard walked in and thanked Alexis. He started to walk through the busy town trying to get to the guard tower.

As he passed through the plaza he was stopped. Another guard. This one was just smaller and had blue eyes and hair. He was wearing iron plated armor with small crosses on the side of the left chainmail sleeve.

" Dante what's going on?" The guard who held the girl asked.

"Not much apparently. Who's she?" Dante asked pointing to the girl.

In his arms she looked so young and peaceful. But also tired and pained.

"I don't know. I found her in the forest while looking at the smoke over there. That's a point. Dante I need you to investigate that clearing. Find anything you can and then report back to me." The guard told Dante.

They then parted ways. The guard now heading to the guard tower. When he had finally got there he placed the girl over his shoulder and climbed the ladder. He was carful not to drop her.

When he had finally gotten to the top of the ladder into the recruits room he placed her down on his bed. After doing so he left and got a guard to watch her. If she woke up they had to come get him immediately.

The next day

It had been a sleepless night for the guard. He just couldn't fall asleep. He tried and tried but he felt something off about the girl he found in the woods.

He got to the guard tower and walked into the sleeping quarters. He watched over the girl as she started to move. Her eyes slowly opened. And that's when he saw her eyes were two different colours. She sat up and looked around.

"Who are you?" The guard asks.

She looks at him. Fear and worry mix and contort showing on her face. She looked so young and innocent. She was so different than the girls in the Village.

"I don't know..." She replied.

Her left eye flashed from green to blue then back. The guard watched as she backed up slightly.

"Look it's okay." He said. "I'm sir Garroth."

He watched her carefully. She still looked frightened but not as much.

"Where am I?" She asked.

"You're in Phoenix Drop. The home of lady Aphmau." Garroth said.

She was now confused he gathered from her face.

"Who is Aphmeow?" She asked.

"Aphmau, she's the Lord of Phoenix Drops mother. And also known as Lady Irean." He stated.

Still she was confused. She couldn't remember anything. Who were her family. Who was she.

"Come with me. We'll get you some clothes and a place to stay." He said.

He took her hand. As soon as their hands touched they felt a spark. Some sort of power. She flinched away. Scared and worried. Confused and slightly dazed.


Slowly she ran to him. The blond hair man and the purple haired girl. They kissed under the moonlight on the docks.

She hugged him.

"I love you Garroth." She said standing on her tipytoes.

She pecked his cheek. He smiled down at her warmly then span her around. She giggled and held him tighter. And he stopped. Slowly he leaned down and kissed her. It was a warm powerful kiss. Loving. Passionate. Heartfelt. Warm. Hopeful. It was and amazing kiss that envoked Sparks. A warm sensation throughout their body's.

"I love you Kristina." The man said.


She couldn't help but feel there was something about that flash in the past. Was that girl actually her?

She shook her head and looked to sir Garroth. He still had his hand out to her. She slowly placed her hand in his and they walked out of the guard tower and down to Donna's house.

Donna was sat outside with her kids running around her happily.

"Morning Garroth." She said.

"Good morning Donna." Garroth replied.

Donna looked over to the girl by Garroth's side. She watched as the girl got closer to Garroth. She could see the fear in the girls eyes. She could feel the worry coming off the girl.

"Who's your lady friend?" Donna asked.

"She doesn't seem to have a name." Garroth replied.

Donna frowned.

"That's a shame. Oh well. What can I do you for." She said.

Garroth gave Donna a knowing look. Thinking to himself he remembers how put it.

"She needs clothes." Garroth said plainly.

Donna looked at him and sighed.

"Follow me lass." She said taking the girls hand.

She followed her quietly...

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