Chapter 1:Amy's Appointment with Rose

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it's been a few days after Amy and Ellie's wedding and their honeymoon as Amy gets up from bed as she texted her uncle Gibbs that she won't be coming in for a visit to NCIS headquarters as Ellie walked in as she gets her NCIS badge and gun as she looked at her wife.

"today is the appointment?" Ellie wondered as Amy looked at her.

"yeah, and I'm scared of it to tell the truth." Amy answered.

"what time is the appointment?" Ellie asked.

"at noon, and Ziva will go with me and taking Mia along." Amy reply.

"did you ask Ziva to go with you?" Ellie asked.

"yes and she will be with me for support and at the same time babysit Mia in the waiting room." Amy said.

"call me or texted me with results." Ellie told her and kissed Amy.

"and by the way Amy, relax." Ellie also said.

Amy get dressed as Mia is in her room trying to tie her shoes for the first time as Amy smiled.

"need help Mia?" Amy asked the five year old.

"yes Mommy Amy." Mia answered.

Amy tied Mia's shoes as looked at her.

"get a winter coat on and Ziva is meeting us downstairs in the living room." Amy told Mia as she head downstairs and sees Ziva waiting.

"Mia is coming." Amy told Ziva.

"Amy we have time abd your appointment not until noon." Ziva said.

"I know." Amy also said.

Ziva smiled at Amy as Amy looked at Ziva.

"what Ziva?" Amy asked.

"your nervous?" Ziva wondered.

"yeah, and how did you know that I'm nervous?" Amy asked her.

"I had the same nervous look when I was pregnant with Tali." Ziva told her.

"you did?" Amy wondered.

"yes, but I had a couple of midwifes with me and one of the midwifes helped delivered Tali." Ziva said.

"I guessed that Mom told you that my daughter will looked like you and I have a favor to ask you?" Amy asked.

"what is it Amy?" Ziva wondered.

"me and Ellie were wondering that if or will be an honor that you can be our baby's godmother?" Amy asked as Ziva gets a shocked look on her face.

"Amy, your serious?" Ziva wondered with still shocked look on her face.

"yes." Amy answere.

"it would be an honor that I will be a godmother to your baby." Ziva said.

Amy smiled as Mia coming downstairs.

"ready Mia?" Amy asked.

Mia shook her head yes as Ziva grabbed her car keys and heads out the door.

an couple of minutes later Amy, Ziva and Mia arrived in Rose's doctor office as the receptionist looked at Amy.

"hi Amy, your a couple of minutes early." the receptionist said.

"yeah and is my Mom working?" Amy wondered.

"she have a few patients, but I will let her know that you are here." the receptionist told Amy.

"thanks." Amy said as she sat down on the chair next to Ziva.

"I forgot to ask, how is the wedding and the honeymoon?" the receptionist wondered.

"it was great, me and my wife went to Cleveland and we went to the A Christmas Story house." Amy answered.

"what kind of house?" the receptionist asked.

"you know the movie A Christmas Story?" Amy asked the receptionist.

the receptionist gets a now remember look and nodded her head as Ziva looked at her.

"A Christmas Story, never heard of that movie?" Ziva asked Amy.

"you never heard or seen A Christmas Story movie?" Amy asked back as Ziva shook her head no.

"it is a cult classic christmas movie and it is so funny, just the other day that me and Jenny saw that movie and I telling you Ziva you will love this movie trust me." Amy said.

"what's it about?" Ziva wondered.

"it is about this kid named Ralphie and he wrote a letter to Santa that he wants for christmas is a Red Ryder BB gun and his mother and father told him he will shoot his eyes out, and there is side stories along the way and one of the stories is, I will not tell but you will have to watch it Ziva." Amy reply.

"I thought you still watch it's a wonderful life in MTAC over at NCIS?' Ziva wondered.

"we still do Ziva." Amy said as the receptionist open the door and looked at Amy.

"ready Amy?" the receptionist asked her.

"yes." Amy said as she gets up from the chair.

"stay with Ziva Mia." Amy told her five year old as Amy enter the exam room one as she sits on the patient's table.

"your mother will be with you Amy." the receptionist told Amy.

"ok." Amy said as she looked at her hands nervous as she took a deepest breath that she can as she looked at her wedding ring as she heard a knock on the door as she looked up and sees a medical student.

"are you Amy Todd?" he asked her.

"yes." she answered.

"my name is Max Simon and I'm shadowing Dr.Todd and I have to wait for her." he said.

"let me guess, your a probie?' Amy asked him.

"a probie?" he wondered.

"it's a work saying over where I work." Amy reply as Rose walked in the exam room.

"hi Amy." Rose said to her.

"hi Mom." Amy also said.

"any questions before the pregnancy test?" Rose asked.

"no, and scared still." Amy answered.

"it be all right Amy." Rose assured her as she gives a pregnancy test kit and gives it to Amy.

as Amy takes her pregnancy test as she sighed as Rose looked at her.

"I'm here Amy." Rose said as Amy took her test and hands it Rose as in turn gives the test to the medical student.

"it be just a few minutes Amy." Rose said.

"Mom, can you just stay with me?" Amy asked as Rose smiled.

"sure Amy." Rose answered as she sits on the chair.

"were you scared when you had your pregnancy test Mom?" Amy asked.

"when I was pregnant with Jenny, yes." Rose answered.

"I don't know if I can be a great mother to the baby." Amy said.

"Amy, you are a great mother to Mia and I just know that you will be a great mother to either he or she." Rose said.

the medical student walked in with the test results as Rose looked at it.

"Amy, your pregnant." Rose told her as Amy smiled.

"so it's official, I'm going to be a Mom?" Amy asked.

"yes, and we know from your dream Amy that you going to have a girl and you pick out a name?" Rose asked.

Amy thought about it and know her soo to be daughter's name.

"Jenna." Amy said.

"why that name?" Rose wondered.

"just thought of it, out of the blue." Amy answered.

Chapter 2 soon.

Amy's pregnancyWhere stories live. Discover now