Chapter 31:a trip to Paris and London part II

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Jenna rechecks her luggage anf close from a few months in Gallifrey as Padme tugged Jenna's pant leg as Jenna looked down to see Padme as she smiled at her 1 year old cousin as she picked up Padme up and kissed her cheek.

"I thought you went to sleep before we head to our trip?" Jenna asked her.

"I can't sleep." Padme said.

"why?" Jenna wondered.

"scared." Padme told Jenna.

"why you scared?" Jenna asked Padme as she knows her answer.

"let me guess, your scared your first trip inside the airplane?" Jenna wondered as Padme nodded her head yes.

"well, there is a little shake on the airplane and it's a little shake but it be fine on the rest of the airplane trip." Jenna said.

"that's it?" Padme asked her.

"that's it Padme the airplane shake is just a temporary thing." Jenna answered.

Jenna have an idea as she sees a rocking chair behind her.

"why you go get your fox and get ready to go ok?" Jenna asked Padme.

Padme nodded her head yes again as she head upstairs as Jenny walked in Jenna and Mia's room as Jenna sees her.

"hi Aunt Jenny." Jenna said to her.

"hi, are you ready to go to the airport?" Jenny wondered.

"yeah, I am double checking my items in my suitcase." Jenna answered.

"how long is the flight?" Jenny asked Jenna.

"well early today Mary asked the same question to me and I told Mary that it is a late night flight and we be out the door around 10 :00 at night." Jenna told Jenny.

"Paris and London is two great cities to visit in Europe." Jenny points out to Jenna.

"I know, me and Mia seen Paris in the daytime and I promised Mia to see Paris at night and we never got to see the Eiffel Tower lit up at night." Jenna said.

"one of my friends told me that it is awesome to see the Eiffel Tower lit up at night and saw other sites during the daytime." Jenny said.

"anything I should know about seeing London?" Jenna asked.

"well, the apartment where Mom and Dad or should I say your grandparents met during Christmas 2005 and I think Apple studios is in Liverpool." Jenny answered.

"what's Apple studios?" Jenna wondered.

"it is a very historical site for rock fans and that's where the Beatles founded the studios." Jenny explained.

"have you ever seen the studios Aunt Jenny?" Jenna asked.

"no, but I heard it is awesome inside there." Jenny reply.

Jenna sees Padme again with her stuffed fox that Donna gave her for Christmas as Padme hands her stuffed fox to Jenna.

"I put it in my tote bag ok Padme?" Jenna said to her.

Padme nodded her head and smiled at her.

"you ready to go to the airport Pads?" Jenny asked her.

"yes." Padme answered Jenny's question.

"your first trip on the airplane for you." Jenny said.

"where's Aunt Wanda?" Mia wondered.

"in the living room looking for Padme." Jenny answered.

"tell she is with us in our room." Jenna told Jenny.

"I will tell her." Jenny said.

Mia smiled as Jenna notices Mia's and sigh.

"I know your excited for trip Mia." Jenna said.

"that, but like everyone said Jenna, and I know you don't mind but I'm so glad your home Jenna." Mia said and kissed Jenna's cheek.

"me too Mia and so happy that I finally be with my big sister and best friend also be with Padme." Jenna also said as Padme get a wondered look on her face.

"Jenna?" Padme asked as Jenna turned her head.

"yes angel?" Jenna asked.

"what's a best friend means?" Padme asked her.

"a best friend means is that your very close to someone, take me and Mia for example." Jenna answered.

"oh." Padme said.

Jenna hugged her 1 year old cousin as Padme kissed Jenna's forehead.

"thanks Padme." Jenna said.

Wanda walked in as Padme runs to her favorite aunt as Wanda smiled.

"I was looking for you." Wanda said to Padme.

"want to spending some time with Aunt Wanda?" Jenna asked her as Padme nodded her head.

"you heading to Paris right?" Wanda asked.

"yeah, why Aunt Wanda?' Mia wondered.

"I was thinking thinking I can go with you two along with Amy as you three do ever you want so I can be with Padme so we can spending time with my little witch." Wanda said.

"sure Aunt Wanda." Mia said.

"Aunt Wanda, I was meaning to asked but why you call Padme little witch?" Jenna asked her.

"it's a way for and me to be together and her and me be go way back before her birth and when she was born, plus I had a vision that she will grow up and be a witch just like me and my apprentice." Wanda explained it to Jenna.

"when does she grow up?" Mia wondered.

"at 5 years old, it was in my vision also Mia." Wanda said.

Padme kissed Wanda as Wanda smiled back at Padme.

"I was reading and I saw your picture and I didn't know your Scarlett Witch." Jenna said as Wanda smiled.

"yes, I'm the Scarlett Witch." Wanda said.

"me and Jenna were wondering Aunt Wanda, but how your and Aunt Sam meet?" Mia asked her.

"me and your Aunt Sam met when after your grandfather took me and your Aunt Daisy from London to your grandparents house, I saw Sam and we immediately connected and fell in love and coming up soon is our wedding anniversary and still we love each other and a beautiful love affair just like your grandparents have Mia and Jenna." Wanda said.

"wow." Jenna said.

"so your pack then Aunt Wanda?" Mia asked.

"I already did, thanks to my magic witch powers." Wanda reply.

"ok." Jenna also said.

"where's your stuffed fox Padme?" Wanda asked her.

"it's in my tote bag Aunt Wanda." Jenna said.

"what about her clothing?" Wanda asked.

"Grandma Rose already did that, and her suitcase is in the living room." Jenna answered.

"and her stuffed fox is in the tote bag correct?" Wanda wondered.

"again yes." Jenna said.

"me and Padme are heading downstairs and be sitting on the living room couch." Wanda told Mia and Jenna.

"ok Aunt Wanda." both of them said.

A/N:  congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs on winning Super Bowl LIV last night and it's been 50 years since their last super bowl win (won super bowl IV)

the next story will be the next Torchwood case.

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